The domain registration for common-lisp.net expires in a couple of days. I'm willing to cover the cost of 5+ year renewal. If the Donate button on the site will get funds to the right person, we can handle it that way. Alternatively, I can call the registrar and simply give them my credit card info directly. Please confirm or suggest how to do the donation/payment, and tell me the amount. (For domain only services with the same registrar, I believe it's US$70 for one year US$135 for five and US$235 for nine, which is the maximum duration that they'll allow.) Is the plan to remain with the existing registrar? Why five or more years: For search engine optimization (SEO) reasons, it's better to have a far future expiration. That is, certain search engines factor this into their ranking. It's based upon belief that domains of official organizations intend to keep the domain and therefore renew for several years at a time. An examples, Wikipedia and Lisp.org have expirations of 2015 and 2016, respectively. Also, there have been issues in past of this particular domain expiring and someone (Xach, perhaps?) doing an emergency payment to keep it going. Let's just take care of it. Thanks, -Daniel -- first name at last name dot com