On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 14:12, Anthony Ventimiglia wrote:
Miles, I can understand your point, but I think this is kind of a special case. The proposal kind of came out of a thread I had with Nikodemus about spam filtering for clo, so I don't really feel like he was overstepping any bounds by making the suggestion. And really that's all it was, a suggestion, no more no less.
In this case (as I have posted in the reply to his suggestion) I really didn't have much of an attatchment to the name, and in fact I welcome any input if someone has ideas for a more applicable name.
Ok. Glad to hear it. I think I'm particularly sensitive to these kinds of issues because of the authority the clo domain will confer in the minds of a lot of Lispers, but it sounds like you're all working things out. :) -- Miles Egan <miles@caddr.com>