Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> writes:
On 2015/9/1 10:10, Philippe Brochard wrote:
Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> writes:
Is this a project that's currently stored in Git already? If not, do you need help converting from Subversion/Darcs/Bazaar/...?
Yes, the project is CLFSWM and it uses git for quite some time. The use of gitlab for the project is working fine. I just need to update the project page with updated information about how to clone the code from gitlab.
I'd like to use the gitlab wiki instead of trac. I have found some way to convert pages from trac.db to gitlab markdown. But if you have already done this for other projects you can also do it for CLFSWM. On the other way, I'll can share the procedure to convert a trac wiki to a gitlab wiki (if I can do it).
Yes, please share such a procedure if possible no matter how rudimentary. There are other projects who could benefit from such a migration. We'd be especially interested in HTTP rewrites that would bounce old links to new locations.
Ok, I've converted the CLFSWM trac wiki to Gitlab wiki. Here is the procedure I have used: Copy trac.db in a directory In the same directory, fetch trac2down.py (or one of its fork) from: https://gist.github.com/sgk/1286682#file-trac2down-py I have modified it a little to fit the CLFSWM trac (the script is attached with this email). And then in this directory: $ git clone git@common-lisp.net:clfswm/clfswm.wiki.git $ cd clfswm.wiki/ $ ls --- empty directory --- $ ../trac2down.py $ ls BindingHook.md CLFSWM.md DescribeHook.md GIT.md InFrench.md MenuCustomization.md Patches.md Setup.md UserAPI.md Bugs.md Contribute.md English.md Home.md InitHook.md NewIdeas.md SVN.md Start.md UserConfiguration.md BuildClisp.md Customize.md FAQ.md Hooks.md KeybindingCustomization.md NewWindowHook.md Sandbox.md TipsAndTricks.md start-french.md $ git add * $ git commit -a -m "Convert Trac to Gitlab" [ Check if all is ok with gollum ] $ git push origin HEAD Here is the result: From: https://trac.common-lisp.net/clfswm/wiki/WikiStart To: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clfswm/clfswm/wikis/home The page Outline is not (maybe yet) converted to a table of content. Hope this helps. Best regards, Philippe PS: Feel free to ask if you have any remarks.