
On common-lisp.net, we have 46 projects which use Subversion as their version control system. Of those, there are 24 projects which have no OS-level users to commit to these projects.

I'm planning to move these projects (listed below) to Gitlab. That way, hopefully, they become more easily accessible for "outside" contribution again.

* advanced-readtable
* asdf-addons
* caleb
* cffi-objects
* clarity
* cl-cairo2
* cl-colors
* cl-darcs
* cl-heap
* cl-libtai
* cl-monad-macros
* cl-ncurses
* cl-table
* fomus
* funds
* graphic-forms
* ht-ajax
* lisplab
* nio
* nxtlisp
* plain-odbc
* python-on-lisp
* rdnzl
* the-feebs-war

