Oh well. I have a ssh-agent running. I am using Git Bash on a W11 machine.
$ ssh-add
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
BTW. I am also trying to get SourceTree to work. I have Pageant running with my keys loaded.
I noticed that I do not have my most recent public key loaded on Gitlab (but it has two old ones that *shoould* still work). But the site does not understand (and I do not fuc*ing understand) the format in which the key should be pasted in there.
I generated the key with Pageant and the file contains what you see in the screenshots.
I apologize for the tone, but I really really believe that both Github and Gitlab have gone way off on a tangent with all of this. Especially because they have not gone back to git to improve the messaging.
All the best