Hi all, To follow up on my earlier mail from last weekend:
* set up Apache virtual hosts for common-lisp.net, lists.common-lisp.net, trac.common-lisp.net (others?)
I've set up two virtual hosts in the web server: lists.cl-net and trac.cl-net (the latter has an alias for trac.new.common-lisp.net for as long as it's not the main trac server yet). The Trac webserver configuration has been ported from Apache1.3 to Apache2.2, which should take us another 15 years to require updating again :-)
* re-instate the ssh traffic route to new-cl-net
When we reinstate ssh traffic routing, we'll also need to migrate Trac: some projects will depend on being able to call the trac-post-commit handler for subversion integration. Maybe other version control tools have similar integration. [Nice to have to be around the same time; but it does like a good next step after ]
* set up the webserver in order to be able to migrate trac.c-l.net
This has happened now, including authentication setup. If people could test the new setup is stable again, I'd like to switch trac.cl-net to this new service. Raymond, this is where you could do some testing: I've converted the 'oct' trac.ini to support git. There were other projects you wanted to use with git support. It'd be great if you could test those on the new machine.
So, all in all, this was a productive weekend and we're ready to take the next steps.
Before we can switch over the MX dns entry, Hans said we need to copy the /var/lib/mailman/lists directory, meaning that the switch-over steps will be: * Turn off the MTA on old-* * Turn off mailman on old-* * Turn off mailman on new-* * Sync mailman lists directory to new-* * Update the URL in the existing projects using the command "/usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url -- -v" * (re)start mailman on new-* * introduce redirect rules for common-lisp.net/pipermail, common-lisp.net/mailman/ and common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman to lists.common-lisp.net/* * move the /var/www-new-lists directory over the /var/www directory, updating links to lists.common-lisp.net.
I'm planning to execute the steps above (migrating the MTA) on friday night, if feedback on Trac is good enough (or none). If there's any reason not to proceed, please let me know before Friday 18:00 CEST. Bye, Erik