On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 3:54 AM, Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu> wrote:

On Jul 3, 2013, at 04:11 , Raymond Toy <toy.raymond@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu> writes:
>    Marco> Dear all,
>    Marco> I want to register a new project on common-lisp.net.  Alas,it appears that the address <admin [to] common-lisp.net> is non functional.
>    Marco> Incidentally, how is git support working at this point?
> Git seems to be working fine for me.  I haven't had any issues with
> cmucl or my other repos.

Yes. My old repositories work fine.  However, I do not quite understand how to set up push/pull locations.

For MKCL I have my main Git repository on github.com and I run a clone of it on common-lisp.net as a mirror.
The MKCL page on common-lisp.net mentions that mirror repository and has a link to browse it through gitweb
(I like the look of gitweb better than the github equivalent, that is probably the only advantage of having
a repository on common-lisp.net beside some level of redundancy.)

There used to be a cron job on common-lisp.net that would synchronize automatically the local mirror
repository against its "origin" every 4 hours if setup right but that has been broken since April 23, 2013
(I presume this is a consequence the power outage crash the common-lisp.net machine experienced
around that time.)

I sent an email to this list on that very subject last May 23 (I copied it here below) but it has been
ignored to this day. In the meantime I worked/hacked out a private version of the cron script and
I get my local repository synchronized with it every now and then, triggering it manually.


Jean-Claude Beaudoin


Updating of GIT repositories mirrored on common-lisp.net is broken

Jean-Claude Beaudoin <jean.claude.beaudoin@gmail.com>
     May 23, 2013

to clo-devel
For projects that mirror their GIT repositories on
common-lisp.net it looks very much like the automatic
(cron based) updating has been broken since last April, 23.

I think the problem comes from a stale lock file named
cron.root.update-git-mirrors.run in directory /custom/run.
Could someone with root access remove that stale lock
and assure that the updating script can then run properly?


Jean-Claude Beaudoin