Dir friends, I am a novice in AI area,and now I'm learning Machine Learning by myself.When reference some book,I have got some lisp code to carry out so as to check the algrithm,but I don't know where I could get such develop soft. In our lab the students seldom use such language,and I just found some free environments for Linux via net search,but we all use MS windows here..... So,when I see this site in google directories,I think maybe it could help,but I didn't see any information useful on it except this mail list. So....Who will be so kind to give me some hint,"A free common lisp develop environment for MS windows".You just need to tell me the name or link. And I am a student in P.R.China, here we just know lisp and prolog from AI textbook,and I never heard anyone develop things with it now. Who can tell me what I can use if I want to develop a little Expert System? And what is the current most-used AI language and develop environment? Thanks for you all who see this mail whatever if you could help. ^L^ Best Regards! Tao in 2003-08-29 15:36:24