Apologies, for I mis-stated something when I said "this is typically how cloud hosting works" -- it's actually how hosting multiple servers on the same host works (which existed prior to large cloud providers).  As long as you provide an X.509 cert for the domain that is expected, things will work out fine.

I also forgot to add, regardless of whether it's a CNAME or straight up A/AAAA records, I think Clint will need an X.509 certificate (the public key portion) for presenting to clients and the associated private key and password to setup TLS sessions for that particular hostname within that domain.

— jb
On Nov 21, 2022 at 10:21 -0500, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com>, wrote:

On Nov 14, 2022, at 22:07, Clint Moore <clint@ivy.io> wrote:

What do you need from the CLF for such a service?

An A or CNAME record.

What sort of CNAME would you want?

I'd probably let the community decide the name, though
mastodon|fediverse|etc.common-lisp.net come to mind. I can be pretty
bad at naming things though, so I'm all ears for suggestions.

An example of what I'd run is at cons.ivy.io - I set it up this past
weekend thinking that there was no interest from the CLF collectively.
I still haven't changed much of the design and am absolutely open to
suggestions about the design, graphics, etc.


We’d be happy to give ya use of any name you want in *.common-lisp.net <http://common-lisp.net/>. Probably best to do with A/AAAA records as I don’t think one can actually CNAME “across domains”.

I’ve been a bit under the weather the past week, but should be better now.


"A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing
to compare to it now."