On Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 5:24 PM Jon Boone <ipmonger@delamancha.org> wrote:
Here's the problem for people who have already created clones - their remote url is leveraging git@common-lisp.net instead of git@gitlab.common-lisp.net.  I used this in my cmucl/cmucl repo and problem is resolved for that repo.  How to fix it more generally, though?

git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.common-lisp.net:cmucl/cmucl.git

Aargh.  I did this.  git pull complains that the connection to ssh on port 22 failed.  git push just hangs for at least 30 sec.  No message before I killed it.

Also, for cmucl/cmucl, the runners that existed before no longer seem to be defined, so my recent push to a branch has the check jobs stalled due to no eligible runners.
Hmm.  I'd look into this, but I still can't access gitlab from my browser.  I even tried  Still unreachable.

And curiously, I can't ssh to gitlab.common-lisp.net anymore.

I'm going to be away for a few days so I won't be able to do any more testing.  But from what I can tell, this is mostly an issue on my end.  Lucky me!
