4) You'll need to specify the user id. The user id can not change (it is infact encoded in the key) and should represent who (and in what role) uses this key. As an example I have two keys, one is for me personally and has my name and my regular email address, another was created for the purpose of being a common-lisp.net developer, and has my name but uses the mbaringer@common-lisp.net email address.
That's not right, You can associate multiple ID's with a single key, there is no need to generate separate keys for different email addresses. ant@afghan cl-bayes $ gpg --list-keys /home/ant/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ---------------------------- pub 1024R/F302CA08 2003-05-28 Anthony Ventimglia <aventimiglia@common-lisp.net> uid Anthony Ventimiglia (Secondary Address) <aventi@optonline.net> uid Anthony Ventimiglia (New GPG Key) <anthony@ventimilgia.org> Once you create a key, you can edit that key and add as many UID's as you like. -- (incf *yankees-world-series-losses*)