On 6/18/17 15:38, Erik Huelsmann wrote: […]
I've removed quite a few packages indeed (from the current production system, that is): all packages related to the X11 (server) have been removed. So have most LaTeX and LuaTeX packages. The idea behind this step is that the access provided by Common-Lisp.net is merely provided to support uploading and maintaining the static html pages -- my assumption is that that has little relationship to being able to start a desktop environment or graphics environment.
If you miss packages that you depend on, don't hesitate to speak up. Please explain what you need them for and I'll make them available again.
[…] I appreciate the effort to get to Debian Stretch, but common-lisp.net also functions as a shell host and therefore needs more than uploading and maintaining the static html pages. To that end, I have reinstalled system-wide screen and gcc to continue with my use of the host. In the future, we should probably have a explicit whitelist of who is using what package. Is there somewhere that I can record the list of Debian packages on common-lisp.net that I am "actively" depending upon to prevent their removal in the future? A question: do you intend to retain 'file://common-lisp.net/srv/' hierarchy, or will that be absorbed into the redoing of the 'https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clo/server-config/' hierarchy. It would be nice to update documentation on what systems we are using, and how. We have started to document things in the Trac wiki <https://trac.common-lisp.net/clo/wiki/TitleIndex>. Are we going to maintain this or migrate it to something else? -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."