Hi Dave, no, UFW stopped me from testing Postfix - both from inside and of course from outside too. And the configuration looked grandiose enough that I didn't dare just turning it off.
By the way, SAL9000 and I are in a new room on libera.chat - ##clnet-futurehost and aiming to switch over the gitlab during an upcoming weekend.
Sorry about dropping out; I'll try to look at the machine again. If you know a specific date, please tell me - perhaps I can participate, too! Regards, Ph. Am 14. November 2024 15:24:01 MEZ schrieb David Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com>:
Hi Philipp,
Do I recall correctly that UFW was getting in your way of installing btrfs?
Well, we've uninstalled ufw and installed nftables now (with iptables compatibility layer). Assuming ufw was the main problem, would you be able to look at the btrfs conversion process again?
Dave Cooper