On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 1:35 PM Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu> wrote:
Fair enough.
If we wanted to re-open one of them, should we make a whole new project?
The net effect would be the same as restoring, since the projects didn't contain more than the initial/initialization content. So, yes, you'd request a new one. By the way, let me be clear that you should feel completely free to request projects at any time! It's just that in the past projects have been requested which haven't materialized and we're now cleaning those up. It's probably good to note that during the cleanup process I've been going through over the past weeks/months, I've noticed that I have no means to know when a project was requested. Same for users. And thus, I have no means to establish if a project was established maybe only a few months back (and that it should be given more time to mature) or that it is a very old project which should have matured. I'll be working to store metadata like it about our projects to help the system admins make informed decisions with more data available. Regards, Erik.