What's the preferred way to update the website?
I think there are many files sitting in /var/www which don't have an equivalent in /project/clo/public_html. Should we start using rsync with the --delete flag to sync the two to make sure they are exactly the same?
I think most of the time the only correct way to edit the clo website would be to edit the files in /project/clo/public_html, isn't it?
Why not just set directory /project/clo/public_html as DocumentRoot in Apache config?
在 2011-6-5,05:44, Erik Huelsmann 写道:
What's the preferred way to update the website?
I think there are many files sitting in /var/www which don't have an equivalent in /project/clo/public_html. Should we start using rsync with the --delete flag to sync the two to make sure they are exactly the same?
I think most of the time the only correct way to edit the clo website would be to edit the files in /project/clo/public_html, isn't it?
clo-devel mailing list clo-devel@common-lisp.net http://lists.common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clo-devel
Hi Chun,
2011/6/5 Chun Tian (binghe) binghe.lisp@gmail.com:
Why not just set directory /project/clo/public_html as DocumentRoot in Apache config?
One of the reasons could be that we want to view changes before committing them to the repository. However, in that case, it's probably best to 'cvs up' every 15 minutes instead of resyncing every 15 minutes.
For the armedbear and usocket websites, I use a method roughly equivalent to regularly running 'cvs up'. That way, you'll be sure all edits are in the repository too.