[Clo-devel] bugzilla, smugzilla

Bcc: Subject: Re: [Clo-devel] Re: Buzilla or similar? Reply-To: In-Reply-To: <87isohhq5p.fsf@nittin.net> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:23:30AM -0400, Erik Enge wrote:
I can see how preferences about source repository software can cause emotional responses but I don't believe the same happens for bug tracking. If I get to choose, I'd say we stick with one of them. I'll try to evaluate them all this weekend.
Since savannah and sf seem to get away with mandating a single bug-tracking software, we probably can as well -- absent demonstratable need for multiple solutions. I'd say you get to choose since you're the one who has to keep it running. Mario? Btw, how's allegroserve coming along? Cheers, -- Nikodemus

Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> writes:
Since savannah and sf seem to get away with mandating a single bug-tracking software, we probably can as well -- absent demonstratable need for multiple solutions.
Hm. I'm not sure about this anymore. A bugzilla installation for each project sounds very heavy weight. I'll have to check out the other bugtrackers to see if they are more lightweight.
Btw, how's allegroserve coming along?
Having some problems; think I need to apply a patch somewhere. Erik.

Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> writes:
Btw, how's allegroserve coming along?
At the moment I'm getting errors from paserve CVS: ;; Loading #p"/custom/sys/portableaserve/portableaserve-cvs-20030908/acl-compat/cmucl/acl-mp.x86f". Error in function COMMON-LISP::FOP-EVAL-FOR-EFFECT: Attempt to load a file having a compile-time read error. Which probably comes from: File: /custom/sys/portableaserve/portableaserve-cvs-20030908/acl-compat/cmucl/acl-mp.lisp In: DEFUN MAKE-PROCESS (MULTIPROCESSING:MAKE-PROCESS NIL :NAME NAME :RUN-REASONS ...) Warning: :RUN-REASONS is not a known argument keyword. Warning: :ARREST-REASONS is not a known argument keyword. Warning: :INITIAL-BINDINGS is not a known argument keyword. Converted MAKE-PROCESS. Compiling DEFUN MAKE-PROCESS: Converted PROCESS-KILL. Compiling DEFUN PROCESS-KILL: Converted MAKE-PROCESS-LOCK. Compiling DEFUN MAKE-PROCESS-LOCK: Converted WITH-PROCESS-LOCK. Compiling DEFMACRO WITH-PROCESS-LOCK: Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: /custom/sys/portableaserve/portableaserve-cvs-20030908/acl-compat/cmucl/acl-mp.x86f written. I don't know... they're talking about a release soon. Erik.
participants (3)
Erik Enge
Mario Mommer
Nikodemus Siivola