Quoting Zach Beane (xach@xach.com): [...]
What's the :type :unspecific for? It seems to work on CLISP (and all other implementations I tried) without it; is it a precaution against a *default-pathname-defaults* that apparently has a value for :type?
I don't know. Here's the snippet from the patch submitter, can you make sense of it? Perhaps only very old asdf2 has this problem? * Slava Gorbunov wrote on 20 Sep 2010: | And, finally, here is patch which makes possible to load closure-html | with asdf2 (included in recent versions of SBCL, for example): | | --- a/src/parse/html-parser.lisp | +++ b/src/parse/html-parser.lisp | @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ | (defparameter sgml::*simple-catalog* | (let ((base | (merge-pathnames | - "resources/" | + (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "resources") :type :unspecific) | (asdf:component-relative-pathname | (asdf:find-system :closure-html))))) | (loop | | asdf:component-relative-pathname in ASDF2 returns pathname with .asd | extension appended, so open-public-resource tries to open files with | .asd extension appended, too, and, obviously, fails. d.