Quoting Zach Beane (xach@xach.com):
David Lichteblau <david@lichteblau.com> writes:
Quoting Zach Beane (xach@xach.com): [...]
What's the :type :unspecific for? It seems to work on CLISP (and all other implementations I tried) without it; is it a precaution against a *default-pathname-defaults* that apparently has a value for :type?
I don't know. Here's the snippet from the patch submitter, can you make sense of it? Perhaps only very old asdf2 has this problem?
Yes, that looks like it's the case to me. ASDF2 no longer behaves like he describes.
Does this change work for you on clisp? --- a/src/parse/html-parser.lisp +++ b/src/parse/html-parser.lisp @@ -33,10 +33,13 @@ (defparameter sgml::*simple-catalog* (let ((base - (merge-pathnames - (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "resources") :type :unspecific) - (asdf:component-relative-pathname - (asdf:find-system :closure-html))))) + (make-pathname + :name nil + :type nil + :defaults (merge-pathnames + "resources/" + (asdf:component-relative-pathname + (asdf:find-system :closure-html)))))) (loop :for (name . filename) :in '(("-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 3.0//EN" . "dtd/HTML-3.0")