Quoting David Lichteblau (david@lichteblau.com):
I worked on the closure-html release based on the patches in cl-html-parser, and I don't think I forgot any features. So closure-html would be able to do everything that cl-html-parser could do (and slightly more perhaps, due to the cxml integration).
Sorry, I was wrong about this. When I read "cl-html-parser", I assumed that it was the Closure repackaging work by Ignas Mikalaj#nas. Turns out that his work was called "trivial-html-parser", and you probably meant "cl-html-parse", which is just yet another repackaging of the parser written by Franz, this time packaged by Gary King. So these are actually two entirely different parsers. If you like the API of the Franz parser better, I suggest that you use this for parsing, and use closure-html for serialization. d.