In function read-pcdata: *(t * * (setf (aref scratch sp) ch) ;recode character read* * (setf sp (the fixnum (+ sp 1)))* * <http://repo.or.cz/w/closure-html.git/blob/HEAD:/src/parse/sgml-parse.lisp#l371> (cond ((= sp se) ;end of scratch pad reached?* * (enlarge-scratch-pad input)* * (setf scratch (a-stream-scratch input)* * se (length scratch))))))))* Should first enlarge the input buffer, or will cause out of index error. *(t** (cond ((= sp se) ;end of scratch pad reached?* * (enlarge-scratch-pad input)* * (setf scratch (a-stream-scratch input)* * se (length scratch))))* * (setf (aref scratch sp) ch) ;recode character read* * (setf sp (the fixnum (+ sp 1)))**))))*