there are now two new projects:
- Closure HTML:
Closure's HTML parser and some of its dependencies; previously a part of Closure.
- Closure Common
Everything needed by both Closure HTML and Closure XML; basically the packages runes and runes-encodings. Previously a part of cxml, now a separate module in cxml CVS.
Picture of the dependencies:
Closure / \ v v Closure HTML Closure XML (cxml) \ / v v
Closure Common
Ultimately, both Closure Common and Closure HTML will be released as asdf-installable tarballs, but at this point Closure HTML is not quite in a form that I would like to release officially.
Before a release is done I would like to see: - documentation - test cases, in particular to make sure that character runes work - good serialization support (like cxml has, only for HTML instead) - an add-on library allowing Closure HTML to be used with XML's in-memory representations for XHTML
Some of you might already have seen `trivial-html-parser' by Ignas Mikalaj#nas, also a stand-alone version of Closure's HTML parser.
My new Closure HTML project is based on Ignas' work (thanks to him for getting that started), but differs from it in some respects:
- the new archive includes all history
- so far, I have preserved closure's original directory structure
- trivial-html-parser still had all of glisp, which I have reduced to only those functions necessary (still including gstreams though). The remaining package is called HTML-GLISP to avoid conflicts with the real GLISP package in Closure. The latter imports gstream-related symbols from the former for re-export.
- Mime support is in a separate package, so that closure's netlib, from which is was taken, can now :use that package instead.
- last but not least, a different name. (The "trivial" in trivial-html-parser would not do this code base justice at all.)