On Jan 16, 2008 11:18 AM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1/15/08, Rudolf <omouse@gmail.com> wrote:

> Heya, I just stumbled upon CLPython today. What's the status of it? Is there
> *any* sort of development going on?

Hi Rudolf, I'm just an occasional user of CL-Python, I don't have anything
to do with the project. But no-on else has answered so here I am.
CL-Python seems to work as advertised -- I had no trouble getting it to run
and I didn't encounter any bugs (although I didn't look carefully).
So it seems like a suitable basis for continuing development (even if
you end up working by yourself).

Does it absolutely require Allegro CL? I don't have that installed yet but I think it'd be neat if it would run on SBCL or CLISP with the most minimal of changes. That's actually what I'd like to do first before adding functionality.

Do you know if benchmarks have been done comparing the speed of CLPython to CPython?
