Hi all,

I was wondering the same thing about CLPython.  I am an avid python user and am just starting to learn CL through a variety of books.  By far the best book to get started is Practical Common Lisp by Peter Siebel - http://gigamonkeys.com/book/ .


Please Reply to My Permanent Address: julius@younglucks.com

On Jan 16, 2008, at 8:18 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:

On 1/15/08, Rudolf <omouse@gmail.com> wrote:

Heya, I just stumbled upon CLPython today. What's the status of it? Is there
*any* sort of development going on?

Hi Rudolf, I'm just an occasional user of CL-Python, I don't have anything
to do with the project. But no-on else has answered so here I am.
CL-Python seems to work as advertised -- I had no trouble getting it to run
and I didn't encounter any bugs (although I didn't look carefully).
So it seems like a suitable basis for continuing development (even if
you end up working by yourself).

What would be a good place, for a CL newbie, to start adding functionality
from this list: http://common-lisp.net/project/clpython/status.html

If you're new to CL, try searching comp.lang.lisp for recommendations
for tutorials. I think someone created a software package named
"Lisp in a Box" to help people get started with CL.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier
clpython-devel mailing list