Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-323-cl-string-casing at cmucl / cmucl
3557fc31 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T16:20:11-07:00
CL-compliant string-capitalize
Previously, when we capitalized a word, we used the titlecase.
However it should be upper case. Make it so, but move the original
implementation to unicode.lisp.
Add a test that we do use uppercase instead of titlecase.
- - - - -
163cafa4 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T16:23:13-07:00
Rename string-capitalize to string-capitalize-simple.
Forgot to rename the old version so it's clear it's not CL
string-capitalize. Also call it in unicode:string-capitalize when the
casing is simple.
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- src/code/string.lisp
- src/code/unicode.lisp
- src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
- tests/string.lisp
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
(setq newword t))
;;char is first case-modifiable after non-case-modifiable
- (setq char (char-titlecase char))
+ (setq char (char-upcase char))
(setq newword ()))
;;char is case-modifiable, but not first
(t (setq char (char-downcase char))))
@@ -525,6 +525,48 @@
:end next)))
(write-string string result :start end :end offset-slen))))))
+(defun string-capitalize-simple (string &key (start 0) end)
+ _N"Given a string, returns a copy of the string with the first
+ character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
+ chars in the word converted to lower case. A ``word'' is defined
+ to be a string of case-modifiable characters delimited by
+ non-case-modifiable chars."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let* ((string (if (stringp string) string (string string)))
+ (slen (length string)))
+ (declare (fixnum slen))
+ (with-one-string string start end offset
+ (let ((offset-slen (+ slen offset))
+ (newstring (make-string slen)))
+ (declare (fixnum offset-slen))
+ (do ((index offset (1+ index))
+ (new-index 0 (1+ new-index)))
+ ((= index start))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+ (do ((index start (1+ index))
+ (new-index (- start offset) (1+ new-index))
+ (newword t)
+ (char ()))
+ ((= index (the fixnum end)))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setq char (schar string index))
+ (cond ((not (alphanumericp char))
+ (setq newword t))
+ (newword
+ ;;char is first case-modifiable after non-case-modifiable
+ (setq char (char-titlecase char))
+ (setq newword ()))
+ ;;char is case-modifiable, but not first
+ (t (setq char (char-downcase char))))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) char))
+ (do ((index end (1+ index))
+ (new-index (- (the fixnum end) offset) (1+ new-index)))
+ ((= index offset-slen))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+ newstring))))
(defun string-capitalize-full (string &key (start 0) end (casing :full))
"Capitalize String using the Common Lisp word-break algorithm to find
the words in String. The beginning is capitalized depending on the
@@ -599,7 +641,7 @@
(if unicode-word-break
(string-capitalize-unicode string :start start :end end :casing casing)
(if (eq casing :simple)
- (cl:string-capitalize string :start start :end end)
+ (cl:string-capitalize-simple string :start start :end end)
(string-capitalize-full string :start start :end end :casing casing))))
@@ -3892,7 +3892,7 @@ msgid ""
" upper case alphabetic characters converted to lowercase."
msgstr ""
-#: src/code/string.lisp
+#: src/code/unicode.lisp src/code/string.lisp
msgid ""
"Given a string, returns a copy of the string with the first\n"
" character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining\n"
@@ -58,3 +58,36 @@
when (char/= actual (char-downcase expected))
collect (list (char-downcase expected)
(char-code actual))))))
+(define-test string-capitalize
+ (:tag :issues)
+ (let* ((s (string-capitalize
+ ;; #\Latin_Small_Letter_Dz and #\Latin_Small_Letter_Lj
+ ;; #have Unicode titlecase characters that differ from
+ ;; CHAR-UPCASE. This tests that STRING-CAPITALIZE use
+ ;; CHAR-UPCASE to produce the capitalization.
+ (coerce
+ '(#\Latin_Small_Letter_Dz
+ #\a #\b
+ #\space
+ #\Latin_Small_Letter_Lj
+ #\A #\B)
+ 'string)))
+ (expected
+ ;; Manually convert the test string by calling CHAR-UPCASE
+ ;; or CHAR-DOWNCASE (or IDENTITY) to get the desired
+ ;; capitalized string.
+ (map 'list
+ #'(lambda (c f)
+ (funcall f c))
+ s
+ (list #'char-upcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'identity
+ #'char-upcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'char-downcase))))
+ (assert-equal
+ (map 'list #'char-name expected)
+ (map 'list #'char-name s))))
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Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-323-cl-string-casing at cmucl / cmucl
483dfe39 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T11:18:35-07:00
Remove old versions of {n}string-{upcase,downcase}
Don't need these anymore.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- src/code/string.lisp
@@ -618,49 +618,6 @@
(setf (schar string i) fill-char))
(make-string count)))
-(defun string-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
- _N"Given a string, returns a new string that is a copy of it with all
- lower case alphabetic characters converted to uppercase."
- (declare (fixnum start))
- (let* ((string (if (stringp string) string (string string)))
- (slen (length string)))
- (declare (fixnum slen))
- (with-one-string string start end offset
- (let ((offset-slen (+ slen offset))
- (newstring (make-string slen)))
- (declare (fixnum offset-slen))
- (do ((index offset (1+ index))
- (new-index 0 (1+ new-index)))
- ((= index start))
- (declare (fixnum index new-index))
- (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
- (do ((index start (1+ index))
- (new-index (- start offset) (1+ new-index)))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)))
- (declare (fixnum index new-index))
- (multiple-value-bind (code wide) (codepoint string index)
- (when wide (incf index))
- ;; Use char-upcase if it's not a surrogate pair so that
- ;; we're always consist.
- (if wide
- (setq code (unicode-upper code))
- (setf code (char-code (char-upcase (code-char code)))))
- ;;@@ WARNING: this may, in theory, need to extend newstring
- ;; but that never actually occurs as of Unicode 5.1.0,
- ;; so I'm just going to ignore it for now...
- (multiple-value-bind (hi lo) (surrogates code)
- (setf (schar newstring new-index) hi)
- (when lo
- (setf (schar newstring (incf new-index)) lo)))))
- ;;@@ WARNING: see above
- (do ((index end (1+ index))
- (new-index (- (the fixnum end) offset) (1+ new-index)))
- ((= index offset-slen))
- (declare (fixnum index new-index))
- (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
- newstring))))
(defun string-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
_N"Given a string, returns a new string that is a copy of it with all
lower case alphabetic characters converted to uppercase."
@@ -690,49 +647,6 @@
(setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
-(defun string-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
- _N"Given a string, returns a new string that is a copy of it with all
- upper case alphabetic characters converted to lowercase."
- (declare (fixnum start))
- (let* ((string (if (stringp string) string (string string)))
- (slen (length string)))
- (declare (fixnum slen))
- (with-one-string string start end offset
- (let ((offset-slen (+ slen offset))
- (newstring (make-string slen)))
- (declare (fixnum offset-slen))
- (do ((index offset (1+ index))
- (new-index 0 (1+ new-index)))
- ((= index start))
- (declare (fixnum index new-index))
- (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
- (do ((index start (1+ index))
- (new-index (- start offset) (1+ new-index)))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)))
- (declare (fixnum index new-index))
- (multiple-value-bind (code wide) (codepoint string index)
- (when wide (incf index))
- ;; Use char-downcase if it's not a surrogate pair so that
- ;; we're always consist.
- (if wide
- (setq code (unicode-lower code))
- (setq code (char-code (char-downcase (code-char code)))))
- ;;@@ WARNING: this may, in theory, need to extend newstring
- ;; but that never actually occurs as of Unicode 5.1.0,
- ;; so I'm just going to ignore it for now...
- (multiple-value-bind (hi lo) (surrogates code)
- (setf (schar newstring new-index) hi)
- (when lo
- (setf (schar newstring (incf new-index)) lo)))))
- ;;@@ WARNING: see above
- (do ((index end (1+ index))
- (new-index (- (the fixnum end) offset) (1+ new-index)))
- ((= index offset-slen))
- (declare (fixnum index new-index))
- (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
- newstring))))
(defun string-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
_N"Given a string, returns a new string that is a copy of it with all
upper case alphabetic characters converted to lowercase."
@@ -804,31 +718,6 @@
(setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
-(defun nstring-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
- "Given a string, returns that string with all lower case alphabetic
- characters converted to uppercase."
- (declare (fixnum start))
- (let ((save-header string))
- (with-one-string string start end offset
- (do ((index start (1+ index)))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)))
- (declare (fixnum index))
- (multiple-value-bind (code wide) (codepoint string index)
- (if wide
- (setq code (unicode-upper code))
- (setf code (char-code (char-upcase (code-char code)))))
- ;;@@ WARNING: this may, in theory, need to extend string
- ;; (which, obviously, we can't do here. Unless
- ;; STRING is adjustable, maybe)
- ;; but that never actually occurs as of Unicode 5.1.0,
- ;; so I'm just going to ignore it for now...
- (multiple-value-bind (hi lo) (surrogates code)
- (setf (schar string index) hi)
- (when lo
- (setf (schar string (incf index)) lo))))))
- save-header))
(defun nstring-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
"Given a string, returns that string with all lower case alphabetic
characters converted to uppercase."
@@ -842,31 +731,6 @@
(char-upcase (schar string index))))
-(defun nstring-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
- "Given a string, returns that string with all upper case alphabetic
- characters converted to lowercase."
- (declare (fixnum start))
- (let ((save-header string))
- (with-one-string string start end offset
- (do ((index start (1+ index)))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)))
- (declare (fixnum index))
- (multiple-value-bind (code wide) (codepoint string index)
- (if wide
- (setq code (unicode-lower code))
- (setf code (char-code (char-downcase (code-char code)))))
- ;;@@ WARNING: this may, in theory, need to extend string
- ;; (which, obviously, we can't do here. Unless
- ;; STRING is adjustable, maybe)
- ;; but that never actually occurs as of Unicode 5.1.0,
- ;; so I'm just going to ignore it for now...
- (multiple-value-bind (hi lo) (surrogates code)
- (setf (schar string index) hi)
- (when lo
- (setf (schar string (incf index)) lo))))))
- save-header))
(defun nstring-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
"Given a string, returns that string with all upper case alphabetic
characters converted to lowercase."
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Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl
5a037b19 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T08:56:12-07:00
String-capitalize should use char-upcase, not lisp:char-titlecase
We were using lisp:;char-titlecase to capitalize the string, but we
really should use char-upcase. However, to preserve this
functionality, we moved the functions to the `unicode` package.
Added a test for this.
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- src/code/string.lisp
- src/code/unicode.lisp
- src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
- tests/string.lisp
@@ -702,6 +702,7 @@
(setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
(defun string-capitalize (string &key (start 0) end)
_N"Given a string, returns a copy of the string with the first
character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
@@ -744,8 +745,50 @@
(setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+(defun string-capitalize (string &key (start 0) end)
+ _N"Given a string, returns a copy of the string with the first
+ character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
+ chars in the word converted to lower case. A ``word'' is defined
+ to be a string of case-modifiable characters delimited by
+ non-case-modifiable chars."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let* ((string (if (stringp string) string (string string)))
+ (slen (length string)))
+ (declare (fixnum slen))
+ (with-one-string string start end offset
+ (let ((offset-slen (+ slen offset))
+ (newstring (make-string slen)))
+ (declare (fixnum offset-slen))
+ (do ((index offset (1+ index))
+ (new-index 0 (1+ new-index)))
+ ((= index start))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+ (do ((index start (1+ index))
+ (new-index (- start offset) (1+ new-index))
+ (newword t)
+ (char ()))
+ ((= index (the fixnum end)))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setq char (schar string index))
+ (cond ((not (alphanumericp char))
+ (setq newword t))
+ (newword
+ ;;char is first case-modifiable after non-case-modifiable
+ (setq char (char-upcase char))
+ (setq newword ()))
+ ;;char is case-modifiable, but not first
+ (t (setq char (char-downcase char))))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) char))
+ (do ((index end (1+ index))
+ (new-index (- (the fixnum end) offset) (1+ new-index)))
+ ((= index offset-slen))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+ newstring))))
(defun nstring-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
- "Given a string, returns that string with all lower case alphabetic
+ _N"Given a string, returns that string with all lower case alphabetic
characters converted to uppercase."
(declare (fixnum start))
(let ((save-header string))
@@ -769,7 +812,7 @@
(defun nstring-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
- "Given a string, returns that string with all upper case alphabetic
+ _N"Given a string, returns that string with all upper case alphabetic
characters converted to lowercase."
(declare (fixnum start))
(let ((save-header string))
@@ -792,6 +835,7 @@
(setf (schar string (incf index)) lo))))))
(defun nstring-capitalize (string &key (start 0) end)
"Given a string, returns that string with the first
character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
@@ -817,6 +861,31 @@
(setf (schar string index) (char-downcase char))))))
+(defun nstring-capitalize (string &key (start 0) end)
+ _N"Given a string, returns that string with the first
+ character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
+ chars in the word converted to lower case. A ``word'' is defined
+ to be a string of case-modifiable characters delimited by
+ non-case-modifiable chars."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let ((save-header string))
+ (with-one-string string start end offset
+ (do ((index start (1+ index))
+ (newword t)
+ (char ()))
+ ((= index (the fixnum end)))
+ (declare (fixnum index))
+ (setq char (schar string index))
+ (cond ((not (alphanumericp char))
+ (setq newword t))
+ (newword
+ ;;char is first case-modifiable after non-case-modifiable
+ (setf (schar string index) (char-upcase char))
+ (setq newword ()))
+ (t
+ (setf (schar string index) (char-downcase char))))))
+ save-header))
@@ -441,6 +441,48 @@
:end next)))
(write-string string result :start end :end offset-slen))))))
+(defun string-capitalize-simple (string &key (start 0) end)
+ _N"Given a string, returns a copy of the string with the first
+ character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
+ chars in the word converted to lower case. A ``word'' is defined
+ to be a string of case-modifiable characters delimited by
+ non-case-modifiable chars."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let* ((string (if (stringp string) string (string string)))
+ (slen (length string)))
+ (declare (fixnum slen))
+ (with-one-string string start end offset
+ (let ((offset-slen (+ slen offset))
+ (newstring (make-string slen)))
+ (declare (fixnum offset-slen))
+ (do ((index offset (1+ index))
+ (new-index 0 (1+ new-index)))
+ ((= index start))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+ (do ((index start (1+ index))
+ (new-index (- start offset) (1+ new-index))
+ (newword t)
+ (char ()))
+ ((= index (the fixnum end)))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setq char (schar string index))
+ (cond ((not (alphanumericp char))
+ (setq newword t))
+ (newword
+ ;;char is first case-modifiable after non-case-modifiable
+ (setq char (char-titlecase char))
+ (setq newword ()))
+ ;;char is case-modifiable, but not first
+ (t (setq char (char-downcase char))))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) char))
+ (do ((index end (1+ index))
+ (new-index (- (the fixnum end) offset) (1+ new-index)))
+ ((= index offset-slen))
+ (declare (fixnum index new-index))
+ (setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
+ newstring))))
(defun string-capitalize-full (string &key (start 0) end (casing :full))
"Capitalize String using the Common Lisp word-break algorithm to find
the words in String. The beginning is capitalized depending on the
@@ -515,7 +557,7 @@
(if unicode-word-break
(string-capitalize-unicode string :start start :end end :casing casing)
(if (eq casing :simple)
- (cl:string-capitalize string :start start :end end)
+ (string-capitalize-simple string :start start :end end)
(string-capitalize-full string :start start :end end :casing casing))))
@@ -3892,7 +3892,7 @@ msgid ""
" upper case alphabetic characters converted to lowercase."
msgstr ""
-#: src/code/string.lisp
+#: src/code/unicode.lisp src/code/string.lisp
msgid ""
"Given a string, returns a copy of the string with the first\n"
" character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining\n"
@@ -59,3 +59,35 @@
when (char/= actual (char-downcase expected))
collect (list (char-downcase expected)
(char-code actual))))))
+(define-test string-capitalize
+ (:tag :issues)
+ (let* ((s
+ ;; This string contains a couple of characters where
+ ;; Unicode has a titlecase version of the character. We
+ ;; want to make sure we use char-upcase to capitalize the
+ ;; string instead of lisp::char-titlecse
+ (coerce
+ '(#\Latin_Small_Letter_Dz
+ #\a #\b
+ #\space
+ #\Latin_Small_Letter_Lj
+ #\A #\B)
+ 'string))
+ (expected
+ ;; Manually convert S to a capitalized string using
+ ;; char-upcase/downcase.
+ (map 'string
+ #'(lambda (ch f)
+ (funcall f ch))
+ s
+ (list #'char-upcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'char-upcase
+ #'char-downcase
+ #'char-downcase))))
+ (assert-equal
+ (map 'list #'char-name expected)
+ (map 'list #'char-name (string-capitalize s)))))
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Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl
50395287 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T08:28:43-07:00
Update release notes for newly closed issues
Forgot to add these in the MRs that closed the issues.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- src/general-info/release-21f.md
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ public domain.
* ~~#298~~ Add `with-float-rounding-mode` macro
* ~~#299~~ Enable xoroshiro assembly routine
* ~~#314~~ tanh incorrect for large args
+ * ~~#316~~ Support roundtrip character casing
+ * ~~#320~~ Motif variant not defaulted for `x86_linux_clang` config
+ * ~~#321~~ Rename Motif Config.x86 to Config.linux
* Other changes:
* Improvements to the PCL implementation of CLOS:
* Changes to building procedure:
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Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-323-cl-string-casing at cmucl / cmucl
db08decf by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T07:50:47-07:00
Make test string contain all possible characters.
Previously, we skipped over surrogates.
- - - - -
0da20df4 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-31T08:05:47-07:00
Update nstring casing functions.
Since we're not dealing with surrogate pairs, we can simplify the
functions quite a bit.
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- src/code/string.lisp
- tests/string.lisp
@@ -804,6 +804,7 @@
(setf (schar newstring new-index) (schar string index)))
(defun nstring-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
"Given a string, returns that string with all lower case alphabetic
characters converted to uppercase."
@@ -828,6 +829,20 @@
(setf (schar string (incf index)) lo))))))
+(defun nstring-upcase (string &key (start 0) end)
+ "Given a string, returns that string with all lower case alphabetic
+ characters converted to uppercase."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let ((save-header string))
+ (with-one-string string start end offset
+ (do ((index start (1+ index)))
+ ((= index (the fixnum end)))
+ (declare (fixnum index))
+ (setf (schar string index)
+ (char-upcase (schar string index))))
+ save-header)))
(defun nstring-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
"Given a string, returns that string with all upper case alphabetic
characters converted to lowercase."
@@ -852,6 +867,19 @@
(setf (schar string (incf index)) lo))))))
+(defun nstring-downcase (string &key (start 0) end)
+ "Given a string, returns that string with all upper case alphabetic
+ characters converted to lowercase."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let ((save-header string))
+ (with-one-string string start end offset
+ (do ((index start (1+ index)))
+ ((= index (the fixnum end)))
+ (declare (fixnum index))
+ (setf (schar string index)
+ (char-downcase (schar string index)))))
+ save-header))
(defun nstring-capitalize (string &key (start 0) end)
"Given a string, returns that string with the first
character of each ``word'' converted to upper-case, and remaining
@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
(defun make-test-string ()
;; Create a string consisting of all the code units EXCEPT for the
;; surrogates because string casing handles that differently.
- (coerce
- (loop for code from 0 to #xffff
- unless (lisp::surrogatep code)
- collect (code-char code))
- 'string))
+ (let ((s (make-string char-code-limit)))
+ (dotimes (k char-code-limit)
+ (setf (aref s k) (code-char k)))
+ s))
(define-test string-upcase
(:tag :issues)
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/compare/ed36bab589e90fc2a222a6…
This project does not include diff previews in email notifications.
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You're receiving this email because of your account on gitlab.common-lisp.net.
Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-322-optimize-case-mapping-size at cmucl / cmucl
cf069780 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T18:36:12-07:00
Remove unneeded old file
Oops. This was the old version that was modified to reduce space
usage. Merged these changes to create-case-mapping.lisp.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- − src/tools/create-case-table.lisp
src/tools/create-case-table.lisp deleted
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-;; Creates a table of tables that maps a lower case letter to an upper
-;; case letter or an upper case letter to a lower case letter. This
-;; mapping only works if the roundtrip casing returns the original
-;; character, as required by the standard.
-;; STAGE2-SIZE is the number of bits to used for the index of the
-;; second stage table.
-;; Let C be a 16-bit character code. C is decomposed into two parts.
-;; The high bits are used as the index into the first table, and the
-;; low bits are used as the index into the second table. The number
-;; of low bits is STAGE2-SIZE.
-;; If the second stage table is all zeroes, the table is replaced by
-;; NIL since it contains no valid mapping of lower or upper case
-;; letters.
-;; Each element of this table is 32-bits long. The low 16 bits
-;; contains the mapping of C to the corresponding upper case letter.
-;; The high 16 bits maps C to the corresponding lower case letter.
-(defun compute-case-table (stage2-size)
- (let ((table (make-array (ash 1 (- 16 stage2-size)))))
- (dotimes (i (length table))
- (setf (aref table i) (make-array (ash 1 stage2-size)
- :initial-element 0
- :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
- (dotimes (i char-code-limit)
- (let ((stage1 (ldb (byte (- 16 stage2-size) stage2-size) i))
- (stage2 (ldb (byte stage2-size 0) i)))
- (let ((upper (lisp::unicode-upper i))
- (lower (lisp::unicode-lower i))
- (entry 0))
- (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) entry))
- (assert (< upper char-code-limit))
- (assert (< lower char-code-limit))
- ;; Compute mapping from lower case to upper case which is
- ;; stored in the low 16 bits of the stage2 table.
- ;;
- ;; Only consider characters that have an upper case letter and
- ;; whose lowercase version returns the original letter.
- (when (and (/= i upper)
- (= i (lisp::unicode-lower upper)))
- (setf entry (ldb (byte 16 0) (- i upper))))
- ;; Compute mapping from upper case to lower case which is
- ;; stored in the high 16 bits ofthe stage2 table.
- ;;
- ;; Only consider characters that have a lower case letter and
- ;; whose upper case version returns the original letter.
- (when (and (/= i lower)
- (= i (lisp::unicode-upper lower)))
- (setf entry (ash (ldb (byte 16 0) (- i lower))
- 16)))
- ;; Note: the entry can only contain a lower case code or an
- ;; upper case code, not both because we a character is
- ;; either lower case or upper case and not both at the same
- ;; time.
- (setf (aref (aref table stage1) stage2)
- entry))))
- ;; Find each stage2 table that is all zeroes and replace it with
- ;; NIL.
- (dotimes (k (length table))
- (let ((empty (count-if-not #'zerop (aref table k))))
- (when (zerop empty)
- (setf (aref table k) nil))))
- table))
-;; Given a case-mapping table TABLE, print some information about the
-;; size of the tables. This includes the number of empty and
-;; non-empty stage2 tables. Also print out how many total non-NIL
-;; entries are needed. This is proportional to the total amount of
-;; memory needed to store all the tables.
-(defun print-table-stats (table stage2-size)
- (let ((stage1-size (length table))
- (stage2 (loop for v across table
- when v
- sum (length v)))
- (empty (count-if #'null table)))
- (format t "stage2-size ~D~%" stage2-size)
- (format t " stage1 entries: ~D: " stage1-size)
- (format t " ~D non-empty ~D empty~%" (- stage1-size empty) empty)
- (format t " stage2 entries: ~D (length ~D)~%"
- stage2 (ash 1 stage2-size))
- (format t " total : ~D~%" (+ (length table) stage2))
- (+ (length table) stage2)))
-(defun find-optimum-size ()
- (let ((results
- (first
- (sort (loop for stage2-size from 1 to 15
- collect (list stage2-size
- (print-table-stats
- (compute-case-table stage2-size)
- stage2-size)))
- #'<
- :key #'second))))
- (format t "Optimum table size: stage2-size ~D, space ~D~%"
- (first results)
- (second results))))
-;; Print the case table TABLE to a file named by PATHNAME.
-(defun dump-case-table (pathname table stage2-size)
- ;; The first entry in the table MUST be NIL because we use that as
- ;; the all-zeroes array because of the sparse entries in the table.
- (assert (null (aref table 0)))
- (with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
- (format stream
- "~
- *
- * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE ~D) in
- * src/tools/create-case-table.c.
- */~2%"
- stage2-size)
- (format stream "#include <stdint.h>~%")
- (format stream "#include <stddef.h>~%")
- (format stream "~2%const uint32_t stage2[] = {~%")
- (flet ((print-table (header table stream)
- ;; Neatly print the table TABLE to STREAM. Each table is
- ;; preceded by a C comment in HEADER. The entries are
- ;; printed in hex, and neatly wrapped.
- (format stream "/* ~A */" header)
- (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
- (dotimes (n (length table))
- (unless (zerop n)
- (write-char #\, stream)
- (write-char #\space stream)
- (pprint-newline :fill stream))
- ;;(pprint-pop)
- (format stream "0x~8,'0x" (aref table n)))
- (princ #\, stream)
- (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)))
- (let ((index 0)
- offsets)
- (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix " ")
- (print-table "zeroes"
- (make-array (ash 1 stage2-size)
- :initial-element 0)
- stream)
- (loop for k from 0
- for s2 across table
- when s2
- do (progn
- (incf index (ash 1 stage2-size))
- (push index offsets)
- (print-table (format nil "stage2_~D (offset ~D)" k index)
- s2
- stream))))
- (format stream "};~%")
- ;; Now dump the stage1 table
- (format stream "~2%const uint16_t case_mapping[~D] = {~%"
- (length table))
- (setf offsets (nreverse offsets))
- (loop for s2 across table
- for k from 0
- if s2
- do (format stream " 0x~4,'0x, /* stage2_~D */~%"
- (pop offsets)
- k)
- else
- do (format stream " 0x~4,'0x,~%"
- 0))
- (format stream "};~%")
- (format t "Wrote ~S~%" (namestring stream))))))
-(defun build-case-table (&key (stage2-size 6) (pathname "./src/lisp/case-mapping.c"))
- (let ((table (compute-case-table stage2-size)))
- (dump-case-table pathname table stage2-size)))
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/cf0697808bab7742a0b4f2a…
This project does not include diff previews in email notifications.
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/cf0697808bab7742a0b4f2a…
You're receiving this email because of your account on gitlab.common-lisp.net.
Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-322-optimize-case-mapping-size at cmucl / cmucl
a3a3fbd9 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T14:38:30+00:00
Fix #312: Use correct type for message_write_float
- - - - -
7e7f3f0f by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T14:38:41+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-312-motif-server' into 'master'
Fix #312: Use correct type for message_write_float
Closes #312
See merge request cmucl/cmucl!218
- - - - -
c6c3c9ce by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T22:54:14+00:00
Fix #316: Support roundtrip character casing
- - - - -
98afa3c8 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T22:54:20+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-316-support-roundtrip-char-casing' into 'master'
Fix #316: Support roundtrip character casing
Closes #316
See merge request cmucl/cmucl!220
- - - - -
caf68d75 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T16:01:11-07:00
Merge branch 'master' into issue-322-optimize-case-mapping-size
- - - - -
4bd8ca89 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T18:27:42-07:00
Fix up merge mistakes
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- src/code/char.lisp
- src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
- src/lisp/case-mapping.c
- src/motif/server/datatrans.c
- src/motif/server/datatrans.h
- src/motif/server/tables.h
- + src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
(alien:def-alien-variable "stage2"
(alien:array c-call:unsigned-int nil))
-;; Each entry in the case table consists of the code for either an
-;; upper case or lower case character code.
+;; Each entry in the case mapping table consists of the code for
+;; either an upper case or lower case character code.
(defconstant +upper-case-entry+ (byte 16 0))
(defconstant +lower-case-entry+ (byte 16 16))
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
(declaim (inline case-mapping-entry))
(defun case-mapping-entry (code)
- "For the character code, CODE, return 0 or the 32-bit value from the
- case table. A value of 0 means there was no case mapping (neither
- upper nor lower case)."
+ "For the character code, CODE, the 32-bit value from the
+ case mapping table that indicates the delta between CODE and the
+ corresponding upper or lower case character for CODE."
(declare (type (integer 0 (#.char-code-limit)) code)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(let* ((index1 (ldb (byte (- 16 +stage2-size+) +stage2-size+)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
(index2 (ldb (byte +stage2-size+ 0)
(stage2-offset (alien:deref case-mapping index1)))
- (alien:deref stage2 (+ (* stage2-offset index2)))))
+ (alien:deref stage2 (+ stage2-offset index2))))
(declaim (inline case-mapping-lower-case))
(defun case-mapping-lower-case (code)
@@ -5457,9 +5457,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/code/char.lisp
msgid ""
-"For the character code, CODE, return 0 or the 32-bit value from the\n"
-" case table. A value of 0 means there was no case mapping (neither\n"
-" upper nor lower case)."
+"For the character code, CODE, the 32-bit value from the\n"
+" case mapping table that indicates the delta between CODE and the\n"
+" corresponding upper or lower case character for CODE."
msgstr ""
#: src/code/char.lisp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE 6) in
- * src/tools/create-case-table.c.
+ * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-MAPPING-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE 6) in
+ * src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp.
#include <stdint.h>
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ void message_write_color(message_t m,XColor *color,int tag)
-void message_write_float(message_t m,float f,int tag)
+void message_write_float(message_t m,void *f,int tag)
- message_put_dblword(m,f);
+ message_put_dblword(m,*(long *) f);
@@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ void message_read_color(message_t m,XColor *color,int tag, int red)
void message_read_float(message_t m,float *f,int tag,int data)
- fprintf(stderr,">>>>> Warning:message_read_float: Not implemented.\n");
- fflush(stderr);
+ long d = message_get_dblword(m);
+ memcpy(f, &d, sizeof(*f));
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ extern void message_write_int_list();
extern void message_write_event();
extern void message_write_color();
/* GCC complains without the full prototype */
-extern void message_write_float(message_t,float,int);
+extern void message_write_float(message_t,void *,int);
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
#ifndef TABLES_H
#define TABLES_H
-typedef void (*type_writer)(message_t out,caddr_t src,int type_tag);
-typedef void (*type_reader)(message_t in,caddr_t dest,int type_tag,int data);
+typedef void (*type_writer)(message_t out,void *src,int type_tag);
+typedef void (*type_reader)(message_t in,void *dest,int type_tag,int data);
typedef struct {
String type;
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+;; Creates a table of tables that maps a lower case letter to an upper
+;; case letter or an upper case letter to a lower case letter. This
+;; mapping only works if the roundtrip casing returns the original
+;; character, as required by the standard.
+;; STAGE2-SIZE is the number of bits to used for the index of the
+;; second stage table.
+;; Let C be a 16-bit character code. C is decomposed into two parts.
+;; The high bits are used as the index into the first table, and the
+;; low bits are used as the index into the second table. The number
+;; of low bits is STAGE2-SIZE.
+;; If the second stage table is all zeroes, the table is replaced by
+;; NIL since it contains no valid mapping of lower or upper case
+;; letters.
+;; Each element of this table is 32-bits long. The low 16 bits
+;; contains the mapping of C to the corresponding upper case letter.
+;; The high 16 bits maps C to the corresponding lower case letter.
+(defun compute-case-mapping-table (stage2-size)
+ (let ((table (make-array (ash 1 (- 16 stage2-size)))))
+ (dotimes (i (length table))
+ (setf (aref table i) (make-array (ash 1 stage2-size)
+ :initial-element 0
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
+ (dotimes (i char-code-limit)
+ (let ((stage1 (ldb (byte (- 16 stage2-size) stage2-size) i))
+ (stage2 (ldb (byte stage2-size 0) i)))
+ (let ((upper (lisp::unicode-upper i))
+ (lower (lisp::unicode-lower i))
+ (entry 0))
+ (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) entry))
+ (assert (< upper char-code-limit))
+ (assert (< lower char-code-limit))
+ ;; Compute mapping from lower case to upper case which is
+ ;; stored in the low 16 bits of the stage2 table.
+ ;;
+ ;; Only consider characters that have an upper case letter and
+ ;; whose lowercase version returns the original letter.
+ (when (and (/= i upper)
+ (= i (lisp::unicode-lower upper)))
+ (setf entry (ldb (byte 16 0) (- i upper))))
+ ;; Compute mapping from upper case to lower case which is
+ ;; stored in the high 16 bits ofthe stage2 table.
+ ;;
+ ;; Only consider characters that have a lower case letter and
+ ;; whose upper case version returns the original letter.
+ (when (and (/= i lower)
+ (= i (lisp::unicode-upper lower)))
+ (setf entry (ash (ldb (byte 16 0) (- i lower))
+ 16)))
+ ;; Note: the entry can only contain a lower case code or an
+ ;; upper case code, not both because we a character is
+ ;; either lower case or upper case and not both at the same
+ ;; time.
+ (setf (aref (aref table stage1) stage2)
+ entry))))
+ ;; Find each stage2 table that is all zeroes and replace it with
+ ;; NIL.
+ (dotimes (k (length table))
+ (let ((empty (count-if-not #'zerop (aref table k))))
+ (when (zerop empty)
+ (setf (aref table k) nil))))
+ table))
+;; Given a case-mapping table TABLE, print some information about the
+;; size of the tables. This includes the number of empty and
+;; non-empty stage2 tables. Also print out how many total non-NIL
+;; entries are needed. This is proportional to the total amount of
+;; memory needed to store all the tables.
+(defun print-table-stats (table stage2-size)
+ (let ((stage1-size (length table))
+ (stage2 (loop for v across table
+ when v
+ sum (length v)))
+ (empty (count-if #'null table)))
+ (format t "stage2-size ~D~%" stage2-size)
+ (format t " stage1 entries: ~D: " stage1-size)
+ (format t " ~D non-empty ~D empty~%" (- stage1-size empty) empty)
+ (format t " stage2 entries: ~D (length ~D)~%"
+ stage2 (ash 1 stage2-size))
+ (format t " total : ~D~%" (+ (length table) stage2))
+ (+ (length table) stage2)))
+(defun find-optimum-size ()
+ (let ((results
+ (first
+ (sort (loop for stage2-size from 1 to 15
+ collect (list stage2-size
+ (print-table-stats
+ (compute-case-mapping-table stage2-size)
+ stage2-size)))
+ #'<
+ :key #'second))))
+ (format t "Optimum table size: stage2-size ~D, space ~D~%"
+ (first results)
+ (second results))))
+;; Print the case table TABLE to a file named by PATHNAME.
+(defun dump-case-mapping-table (pathname table stage2-size)
+ ;; The first entry in the table MUST be NIL because we use that as
+ ;; the all-zeroes array because of the sparse entries in the table.
+ (assert (null (aref table 0)))
+ (with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (format stream
+ "~
+ *
+ * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-MAPPING-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE ~D) in
+ * src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp.
+ */~2%"
+ stage2-size)
+ (format stream "#include <stdint.h>~%")
+ (format stream "#include <stddef.h>~%")
+ (format stream "~2%const uint32_t stage2[] = {~%")
+ (flet ((print-table (header table stream)
+ ;; Neatly print the table TABLE to STREAM. Each table is
+ ;; preceded by a C comment in HEADER. The entries are
+ ;; printed in hex, and neatly wrapped.
+ (format stream "/* ~A */" header)
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+ (dotimes (n (length table))
+ (unless (zerop n)
+ (write-char #\, stream)
+ (write-char #\space stream)
+ (pprint-newline :fill stream))
+ ;;(pprint-pop)
+ (format stream "0x~8,'0x" (aref table n)))
+ (princ #\, stream)
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)))
+ (let ((index 0)
+ offsets)
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix " ")
+ (print-table "zeroes"
+ (make-array (ash 1 stage2-size)
+ :initial-element 0)
+ stream)
+ (loop for k from 0
+ for s2 across table
+ when s2
+ do (progn
+ (incf index (ash 1 stage2-size))
+ (push index offsets)
+ (print-table (format nil "stage2_~D (offset ~D)" k index)
+ s2
+ stream))))
+ (format stream "};~%")
+ ;; Now dump the stage1 table
+ (format stream "~2%const uint16_t case_mapping[~D] = {~%"
+ (length table))
+ (setf offsets (nreverse offsets))
+ (loop for s2 across table
+ for k from 0
+ if s2
+ do (format stream " 0x~4,'0x, /* stage2_~D */~%"
+ (pop offsets)
+ k)
+ else
+ do (format stream " 0x~4,'0x,~%"
+ 0))
+ (format stream "};~%")
+ (format t "Wrote ~S~%" (namestring stream))))))
+(defun build-case-mapping-table (&key (stage2-size 6) (pathname "./src/lisp/case-mapping.c"))
+ (let ((table (compute-case-mapping-table stage2-size)))
+ (dump-case-mapping-table pathname table stage2-size)))
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/compare/0ff3a9659d487a93fffb7d…
This project does not include diff previews in email notifications.
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/compare/0ff3a9659d487a93fffb7d…
You're receiving this email because of your account on gitlab.common-lisp.net.
Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-316-support-roundtrip-char-casing at cmucl / cmucl
6c1f62ca by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T07:45:58-07:00
Fix comments/docstrings and replace "case table" with "case mapping".
- - - - -
2b8d6de1 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T07:47:22-07:00
Rename create-case-table.lisp to create-case-mapping.lisp.
- - - - -
38549cf2 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T14:42:43-07:00
Rename case-table to case-mapping for consistency
- - - - -
2f2f5ccb by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T14:43:07-07:00
Regenerated from latest create-case-mapping.lisp.
- - - - -
1b47d323 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-30T14:43:26-07:00
Update due to changed docstrings.
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- src/code/char.lisp
- src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
- src/lisp/case-mapping.c
- src/tools/create-case-table.lisp → src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
(defconstant +ascii-limit+
"A character code strictly larger than this is handled using Unicode
- rules.")
+c rules.")
;; Table of mappings for upper case and lower case letters. See
;; src/lisp/case-mapping.c.
(alien:def-alien-variable "case_mapping"
(alien:array (alien:* (alien:array c-call:unsigned-int 64)) 1024))
-;; Each entry in the case table consists of the code for either an
-;; upper case or lower case character code.
+;; Each entry in the case mapping table consists of the code for
+;; either an upper case or lower case character code.
(defconstant +upper-case-entry+ (byte 16 0))
(defconstant +lower-case-entry+ (byte 16 16))
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
(declaim (inline case-mapping-entry))
(defun case-mapping-entry (code)
- "For the character code, CODE, return 0 or the 32-bit value from the
- case table. A value of 0 means there was no case mapping (neither
- upper nor lower case)."
+ "For the character code, CODE, the 32-bit value from the
+ case mapping table that indicates the delta between CODE and the
+ corresponding upper or lower case character for CODE."
(declare (type (integer 0 (#.char-code-limit)) code)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(let* ((index1 (ldb (byte (- 16 +stage2-size+) +stage2-size+)
@@ -5446,7 +5446,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/code/char.lisp
msgid ""
"A character code strictly larger than this is handled using Unicode\n"
-" rules."
+"c rules."
msgstr ""
#: src/code/char.lisp
@@ -5457,9 +5457,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/code/char.lisp
msgid ""
-"For the character code, CODE, return 0 or the 32-bit value from the\n"
-" case table. A value of 0 means there was no case mapping (neither\n"
-" upper nor lower case)."
+"For the character code, CODE, the 32-bit value from the\n"
+" case mapping table that indicates the delta between CODE and the\n"
+" corresponding upper or lower case character for CODE."
msgstr ""
#: src/code/char.lisp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-TABLE :stage2-size 6) in
- * src/tools/create-case-table.c.
+ * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-MAPPING-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE 6) in
+ * src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp.
#include <stdint.h>
src/tools/create-case-table.lisp → src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
;; Each element of this table is 32-bits long. The low 16 bits
;; contains the mapping of C to the corresponding upper case letter.
;; The high 16 bits maps C to the corresponding lower case letter.
-(defun compute-case-table (stage2-size)
+(defun compute-case-mapping-table (stage2-size)
(let ((table (make-array (ash 1 (- 16 stage2-size)))))
(dotimes (i (length table))
(setf (aref table i) (make-array (ash 1 stage2-size)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
(sort (loop for stage2-size from 1 to 15
collect (list stage2-size
- (compute-case-table stage2-size)
+ (compute-case-mapping-table stage2-size)
:key #'second))))
@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@
(format stream "~%};~%"))
;; Print the case table TABLE to a file named by PATHNAME.
-(defun dump-case-table (pathname table stage2-size)
+(defun dump-case-mapping-table (pathname table stage2-size)
(with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(format stream
- * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE ~D) in
- * src/tools/create-case-table.c.
+ * This was generated by (BUILD-CASE-MAPPING-TABLE :STAGE2-SIZE ~D) in
+ * src/tools/create-case-mapping.lisp.
(format stream "#include <stdint.h>~%")
@@ -156,6 +156,6 @@
(format stream "};~%")
(format t "Wrote ~S~%" (namestring stream))))
-(defun build-case-table (&key (stage2-size 6) (pathname "./src/lisp/case-mapping.c"))
- (let ((table (compute-case-table stage2-size)))
- (dump-case-table pathname table stage2-size)))
+(defun build-case-mapping-table (&key (stage2-size 6) (pathname "./src/lisp/case-mapping.c"))
+ (let ((table (compute-case-mapping-table stage2-size)))
+ (dump-case-mapping-table pathname table stage2-size)))
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