Raymond Toy pushed to branch rtoy-mmap-anon-control-and-binding-stacks at cmucl / cmucl


3 changed files:


  • src/bootfiles/20f/boot-21a.lisp
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/src/bootfiles/20f/boot-21a.lisp
    @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
    +;;;; Boot file for changing the fasl file version numbers to 21a.
    +(in-package :c)
    +(setf lisp::*enable-package-locked-errors* nil)
    +;;; Note that BYTE-FASL-FILE-VERSION is a constant.
    +;;; (Be sure to change BYTE-FASL-FILE-VERSION in
    +;;; compiler/byte-comp.lisp to the correct value too!)
    +(setf (symbol-value 'byte-fasl-file-version)       #x21a)
    +(setf (backend-fasl-file-version *target-backend*) #x21a)
    +;;; Don't check fasl versions in the compiling Lisp because we'll
    +;;; load files compiled with the new version numbers.
    +(setq lisp::*skip-fasl-file-version-check* t)
    +;;; This is here because BYTE-FASL-FILE-VERSION is constant-folded in
    +;;; OPEN-FASL-FILE.  To make the new version number take effect, we
    +;;; have to redefine the function.
    +(defun open-fasl-file (name where &optional byte-p)
    +  (declare (type pathname name))
    +  (let* ((stream (open name :direction :output
    +			    :if-exists :new-version
    +			    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
    +			    :class 'binary-text-stream))
    +	 (res (make-fasl-file :stream stream)))
    +    (multiple-value-bind
    +	(version f-vers f-imp)
    +	(if byte-p
    +	    (values "Byte code"
    +		    byte-fasl-file-version
    +		    (backend-byte-fasl-file-implementation *backend*))
    +	    (values (backend-version *backend*)
    +		    (backend-fasl-file-version *backend*)
    +		    (backend-fasl-file-implementation *backend*)))
    +      (format stream
    +	      "FASL FILE output from ~A.~@
    +	       Compiled ~A on ~A~@
    +	       Compiler ~A, Lisp ~A~@
    +	       Targeted for ~A, FASL version ~X~%"
    +	      where
    +	      (ext:format-universal-time nil (get-universal-time))
    +	      (machine-instance) compiler-version
    +	      (lisp-implementation-version)
    +	      version f-vers)
    +      ;;
    +      ;; Terminate header.
    +      (dump-byte 255 res)
    +      ;;
    +      ;; Specify code format.
    +      (dump-fop 'lisp::fop-long-code-format res)
    +      (dump-byte f-imp res)
    +      (dump-unsigned-32 f-vers res))
    +    res))

  • src/compiler/byte-comp.lisp
    --- a/src/compiler/byte-comp.lisp
    +++ b/src/compiler/byte-comp.lisp
    @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     ;; 0-9 followed by a single hex digit in the range a-f.  Then the
     ;; version looks like a decimal number followed by a minor release
     ;; letter of a to f.
    -(defconstant byte-fasl-file-version #x20f)
    +(defconstant byte-fasl-file-version #x21a)
     (let* ((version-string (format nil "~X" byte-fasl-file-version)))
       ;; Add :cmu<n> to *features*

  • src/general-info/release-21a.txt
    --- a/src/general-info/release-21a.txt
    +++ b/src/general-info/release-21a.txt
    @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
     ========================== C M U C L  21 a =============================
    -[In Progress]
     The CMUCL project is pleased to announce the release of CMUCL 21a.
     This is a major release which contains numerous enhancements and
     bug fixes from the 20f release.
    @@ -45,6 +43,10 @@ New in this release:
         * Added clx-inspector module.
         * ASDF documentation included in html, info, and pdf formats in
    +    * If -quiet is given, don't print out the herald, even if the user
    +      init files add things to the herald. (Previously, these would
    +      get printed out.)  Also, -quiet no longer removes the herald
    +      items; you can sill print out the entire herald using 
       * ANSI compliance fixes: