Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl


2 changed files:


    --- a/BUILDING
    +++ b/BUILDING
    @@ -334,6 +334,18 @@ including CLX, CMUCL/Motif, the Motif debugger, inspector, and control
     panel, and the Hemlock editor.  It will use the lisp executable and
     core of the given target.
    +Note: To build with Motif (clm), you need to have the Motif libraries
    +available and headers available to build motifd, the clm Motif server.
    +OpenMotif is known to work.
    +You may need to adjust the include paths and library paths in
    +src/motif/server/Config.* to match where Motif is installed if the
    +paths therein are incorrect.
    +Unless you intend to use clm and motifd, you can safely ignore the
    +build failure.  Everything else will have been compiled correctly; you
    +just can't use clm.
     * bin/make-dist.sh [-bg] [-G group] [-O owner] target-directory version arch os
     This script creates both main and extra distribution tarballs from the

  • src/general-info/release-21b.txt
    --- a/src/general-info/release-21b.txt
    +++ b/src/general-info/release-21b.txt
    @@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ New in this release:
           integer value of power.
         * Starting cmucl with "-dyanmic-space-size 0" means using the
           maximum possible heap size for the platform.
    +    * More descriptive docstring for
    +      * *environment-list*
    +      * :env option for run-program
       * ANSI compliance fixes:
         * PATHNAME-MATCH-P did not accept search-lists.
    @@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ New in this release:
         * Generate inxact exceptions more carefully.
         * Fix FP issue when building with Xcode 7.2 (and newer versions of
           clang).  (See ticket #12.)
    +    * Cleanups in handling floating-point exceptions.  See Tickets #15
    +      and #16.
       * Trac Tickets:
    @@ -70,6 +75,13 @@ New in this release:
           worked around by explicitly setting inexact instead of using FP
           instructions to generate inexact.
         * Ticket #16 fixed: search-lists are handled correctly.
    +    * Ticket #14 fixed: WITH-FLOAT-TRAPS-ENABLED doesn't incorrectly
    +      set accrued exceptions anymore.
    +    * Ticket #15 fixed: FLOATING-POINT-INEXACT exception prints out
    +      values correctly now.
    +    * Ticket #17 fixed: better docstring for *ENVIRONMENT-LIST*
    +    * Ticket #18 fixed: better description of :ENV option for
    +      RUN-PROGRAM.
       * Other changes: