Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl


1 changed file:


  • tests/run-tests.lisp
    --- a/tests/run-tests.lisp
    +++ b/tests/run-tests.lisp
    @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
     ;;;;   lisp -noinit -load tests/run-tests.lisp -eval '(progn (cmucl-test-runner:load-test-files) (cmucl-test-runner:run-test <list>))'
    +;;;; where <list> is a list of the test names such as "ISSUES-TESTS",
    +;;;; "IRRAT-TESTS", etc.  The test names are basically the file name
    +;;;; with a suffix of "-TESTS".
     ;;;; Note that you cannot run these tests from a binary created during
     ;;;; a build process. You must run