This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing the project "CMU Common Lisp". The branch, master has been updated via f8b368ffa9fbcf75cac9a7ed1d5551e1d57ae76b (commit) from 0653c4136d09939153698e149b55f493a42b349a (commit) Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those revisions in full, below. - Log ----------------------------------------------------------------- commit f8b368ffa9fbcf75cac9a7ed1d5551e1d57ae76b Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond@gmail.com> Date: Tue May 29 19:57:28 2012 -0700 Revert :file-attribute changes. diff --git a/src/code/debug-int.lisp b/src/code/debug-int.lisp index 014382e..0941ffe 100644 --- a/src/code/debug-int.lisp +++ b/src/code/debug-int.lisp @@ -4943,10 +4943,8 @@ The result is a symbol or nil if the routine cannot be found." (aref (or (debug-source-start-positions d-source) (error (intl:gettext "Cannot set breakpoints for editor when ~ there is no start positions map."))) - local-tlf-offset)) - (external-format (or (c::debug-source-info d-source) - ext:*default-source-external-format*))) - (with-open-file (f name :external-format external-format) + local-tlf-offset))) + (with-open-file (f name :external-format (c::debug-source-info d-source)) (cond ((= (debug-source-created d-source) (file-write-date name)) (file-position f char-offset)) diff --git a/src/code/debug.lisp b/src/code/debug.lisp index 62bf986..113ddf0 100644 --- a/src/code/debug.lisp +++ b/src/code/debug.lisp @@ -1486,8 +1486,7 @@ See the CMU Common Lisp User's Manual for more information. (when *cached-source-stream* (close *cached-source-stream*)) (setq *cached-source-stream* (open name :if-does-not-exist nil - :external-format (or (c::debug-source-info d-source) - ext:*default-source-external-format*))) + :external-format (c::debug-source-info d-source))) (unless *cached-source-stream* (error (intl:gettext "Source file no longer exists:~% ~A.") (namestring name))) (format t (intl:gettext "~%; File: ~A~%") (namestring name))) diff --git a/src/code/exports.lisp b/src/code/exports.lisp index d0cfe58..a46d5bb 100644 --- a/src/code/exports.lisp +++ b/src/code/exports.lisp @@ -1511,7 +1511,6 @@ "DESCRIBE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT") ;; Unicode (:export "STRING-TO-OCTETS" "OCTETS-TO-STRING" "*DEFAULT-EXTERNAL-FORMAT*" - "*DEFAULT-SOURCE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT*" "DESCRIBE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT" "LIST-ALL-EXTERNAL-FORMATS" "STRING-ENCODE" "STRING-DECODE" diff --git a/src/code/fd-stream.lisp b/src/code/fd-stream.lisp index 062a0d3..e41b331 100644 --- a/src/code/fd-stream.lisp +++ b/src/code/fd-stream.lisp @@ -1362,320 +1362,6 @@ ;;;; Utility functions (misc routines, etc) -(defparameter *stream-encoding-file-attribute-translations* - (flet ((emacs-coding (target &rest list) - (flet ((add-suffix (list suffix) - (let ((list* nil)) - (dolist (coding list) - (push (concatenate 'simple-string coding "-" suffix) - list*)) - (nreverse list*)))) - `((,target ,@list) - ((,target :unix) ,@(add-suffix list "unix")) - ((,target :dos) ,@(add-suffix list "dos")) - ((,target :mac) ,@(add-suffix list "mac")))))) - `(;; Emacs specific codings. - ,@(emacs-coding :utf-8 "utf-8" "utf-8-with-signature" "mule-utf-8") - ,@(emacs-coding :utf-16le "utf-16le" "utf-16-le") - ,@(emacs-coding :utf-16be "utf-16be" "utf-16-be") - ,@(emacs-coding :utf-16 "utf-16" "utf-16le-with-signature" "utf-16be-with-signature") - ,@(emacs-coding :us-ascii "us-ascii" "iso-safe") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-1 "iso-8859-1" "latin-1" "iso-latin-1") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-1 "binary" "no-conversion" "raw-text") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-2 "iso-8859-2" "latin-2" "iso-latin-2") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-3 "iso-8859-3" "latin-3" "iso-latin-3") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-4 "iso-8859-4" "latin-4" "iso-latin-4") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-5 "iso-8859-5" "cyrillic-iso-8bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-6 "iso-8859-6") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-7 "iso-8859-7" "greek-iso-8bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-8 "iso-8859-8" "hebrew-iso-8bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-9 "iso-8859-9" "latin-5" "iso-latin-5") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-10 "iso-8859-10" "latin-6" "iso-latin-6") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-11 "iso-8859-11") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-13 "iso-8859-13" "latin-7" "iso-latin-7") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-14 "iso-8859-14" "latin-8" "iso-latin-8") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-15 "iso-8859-15" "latin-9" "iso-latin-9" "latin-0") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-8859-16 "iso-8859-16" "latin-10" "iso-latin-10") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp437 "cp437" "ibm437") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp850 "cp850" "ibm850") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp852 "cp852" "ibm852") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp857 "cp857" "ibm857") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp858 "cp858") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp860 "cp860" "ibm860") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp861 "cp861" "ibm861") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp862 "cp862" "ibm862") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp863 "cp863" "ibm863") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp865 "cp865" "ibm865") - ,@(emacs-coding :roman8 "roman8" "hp-roman8") - ,@(emacs-coding :macintosh "mac-roman") - ,@(emacs-coding :utf-7 "utf-7") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1250 "cp1250" "windows-1250") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1251 "cp1251" "windows-1251") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1252 "cp1252" "windows-1252") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1253 "cp1253" "windows-1253") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1254 "cp1254" "windows-1254") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1255 "cp1255" "windows-1255") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1256 "cp1256" "windows-1256") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1257 "cp1257" "windows-1257") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1258 "cp1258" "windows-1258") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp851 "cp851" "ibm851") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp737 "cp737") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp869 "cp869" "ibm869") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp866 "cp866") - ,@(emacs-coding :koi8 "koi8" "koi8-r" "cyrillic-koi8" "cp878") - ,@(emacs-coding :koi8-u "koi8-u") - ,@(emacs-coding :koi8-t "koi8-t") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1125 "cp1125" "ruscii" "cp866u") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp855 "cp855" "ibm855") - ,@(emacs-coding :mik "mik") - ,@(emacs-coding :pt154 "pt154") - ,@(emacs-coding :ebcdic-us "ebcdic-us") - ,@(emacs-coding :ebcdic-uk "ebcdic-uk") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp1047 "cp1047" "ibm1047") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-2022-cn "iso-2022-cn" "chinese-iso-7bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-2022-cn-ext "iso-2022-cn-ext") - ,@(emacs-coding :gb2312 "gb2312" "cn-gb" "euc-cn" "euc-china" - "cn-gb-2312" "chinese-iso-8bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :big5 "big5" "cp950" "cn-big5" "chinese-big5") - ,@(emacs-coding :big5hkscs "big5-hkscs" "cn-big5-hkscs" "chinese-big5-hkscs") - ,@(emacs-coding :euc-tw "euc-tw" "euc-taiwan") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp936 "cp936" "windows-936" "gbk" "chinese-gbk") - ,@(emacs-coding :gb18030 "gb18030" "chinese-gb18003") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp874 "ibm874" "cp874") - ,@(emacs-coding :tis-620 "tis-620" "tis620" "th-tis620" "thai-tis620") - ,@(emacs-coding :viscii "viscii" "vietnamese-viscii") - ,@(emacs-coding :tcvn "tcvn-5712" "tcvn" "vietnamese-tcvn") - ,@(emacs-coding :georgian-ps "georgian-ps") - ,@(emacs-coding :georgian-academy "georgian-academy") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-2022-jp "iso-2022-jp" "junet") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-2022-jp-2 "iso-2022-jp-2") - ,@(emacs-coding :shift-jis "shift_jis" "sjis" "japanese-shift-jis") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp932 "cp932" "japanese-cp932") - ,@(emacs-coding :euc-jp "euc-jp" "euc-japan" "euc-japan-1990" "japanese-iso-8bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :euc-ms "eucjp-ms") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-2022-jp-3 "iso-2022-jp-3" "iso-2022-jp-2004") - ,@(emacs-coding :euc-jisx0213 "euc-jisx0213" "euc-jis-2004") - ,@(emacs-coding :euc-korea "euc-korea" "euc-kr" "korean-iso-8bit") - ,@(emacs-coding :iso-2022-kr "iso-2022-kr" "korean-iso-7bit-lock") - ,@(emacs-coding :cp949 "cp949" "korean-cp949") - )) - "List of coding translations used by 'stream-encoding-file-attribute to map - the read file coding into a native external-format. Each element is a list of - a native external-format followed by a list of coding strings that are to be - mapped to this native format. The first element is the target encoding, - may be a list with the first element being the encoding and the second the - line termination style: :unix (linefeed), :dos (CR-LF), or :mac (CR).") - - -;;; stream-encoding-file-attribute -- Internal -;;; -;;; Read the encoding file option from the stream 's which is expected to be a -;;; character stream with an external-format of :iso8859-1. -;;; -(defun stream-encoding-file-attribute (s) - (let* ((initial-encoding nil) - (declared-encoding nil) - (eol-mode nil) - (buffer (make-array 1024 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) - (available (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) - ((>= i 1024) i) - (declare (fixnum i)) - (let ((ch (read-char s nil nil))) - (unless ch (return i)) - (setf (aref buffer i) (char-code ch)))))) - (labels ((decode-ascii (start size offset) - (declare (type fixnum start) - (type (integer 1 4) size) - (type (integer 0 3) offset)) - (let ((ascii (make-array 64 :element-type 'character - :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) - (do () - ((< available (+ start size))) - (let* ((code (ecase size - (1 (aref buffer start)) - (2 (let ((b0 (aref buffer start)) - (b1 (aref buffer (1+ start)))) - (ecase offset - (0 (logior (ash b1 8) b0)) - (1 (logior (ash b0 8) b1))))) - (4 - (let ((b0 (aref buffer start)) - (b1 (aref buffer (+ start 1))) - (b2 (aref buffer (+ start 2))) - (b3 (aref buffer (+ start 3)))) - (ecase offset - (0 (logior (ash b3 24) (ash b2 16) (ash b1 8) b0)) - (1 (logior (ash b1 24) (ash b0 16) (ash b3 8) b2)) - (2 (logior (ash b2 24) (ash b3 16) (ash b0 8) b1)) - (3 (logior (ash b0 24) (ash b1 16) (ash b2 8) b3)))))))) - (incf start size) - (let ((ch (if (< 0 code #x80) (code-char code) #\?))) - (vector-push-extend ch ascii)))) - ascii)) - (parse-file-option (ascii) - ;; Parse the file options. - (let ((found (search "-*-" ascii)) - (options nil)) - (when found - (block do-file-options - (let* ((start (+ found 3)) - (end (search "-*-" ascii :start2 start))) - (unless end - (return-from do-file-options)) - (unless (find #\: ascii :start start :end end) - (return-from do-file-options)) - (do ((opt-start start (1+ semi)) colon semi) - (nil) - (setf colon (position #\: ascii :start opt-start :end end)) - (unless colon - (return-from do-file-options)) - (setf semi (or (position #\; ascii :start colon :end end) end)) - (let ((option (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) - (subseq ascii opt-start colon))) - (value (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) - (subseq ascii (1+ colon) semi)))) - (push (cons option value) options) - (when (= semi end) (return nil))))))) - (setf declared-encoding - (cond ((cdr (assoc "external-format" options :test 'equalp))) - ((cdr (assoc "encoding" options :test 'equalp))) - ((cdr (assoc "coding" options :test 'equalp))))))) - (detect-line-termination (ascii) - ;; Look for the first line termination and check the style. - (let ((p (position-if #'(lambda (c) (member c '(#\linefeed #\return))) - ascii))) - (when p - (let ((c1 (char ascii p))) - (cond ((char= c1 #\linefeed) - (setf eol-mode :unix)) - ((< (1+ p) (length ascii)) - (assert (char= c1 #\return)) - (let ((c2 (char ascii (1+ p)))) - (cond ((eql c2 #\linefeed) - (setf eol-mode :dos)) - (t - (setf eol-mode :mac))))))))))) - (cond ((>= available 4) - (let ((b1 (aref buffer 0)) - (b2 (aref buffer 1)) - (b3 (aref buffer 2)) - (b4 (aref buffer 3))) - (cond ((and (= b1 #x00) (= b2 #x00) (= b3 #xFE) (= b4 #xFF)) - (setf initial-encoding :ucs-4be) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 4 4 3))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 #xff) (= b2 #xfe)) - (cond ((and (= b3 #x00) (= b4 #x00)) - (setf initial-encoding :ucs-4le) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 4 4 0))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - (t - (setf initial-encoding :utf-16) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 2 2 0))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))))) - ((and (= b1 #x00) (= b2 #x00) (= b3 #xFF) (= b4 #xFE)) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 4 4 2))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 #xfe) (= b2 #xff)) - (cond ((and (= b3 #x00) (= b4 #x00)) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 4 4 1))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - (t - (setf initial-encoding :utf-16) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 2 2 1))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))))) - ;; - ((and (= b1 #xEF) (= b2 #xBB) (= b3 #xBF)) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-8) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 3 1 0))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ;; - ((and (> b1 0) (= b2 0) (= b3 0) (= b4 0)) - (setf initial-encoding :ucs-4le) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 4 0))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 0) (> b2 0) (= b3 0) (= b4 0)) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 4 1))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 0) (= b2 0) (> b3 0) (= b4 0)) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 4 2))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 0) (= b2 0) (= b3 0) (> b4 0)) - (setf initial-encoding :ucs-4be) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 4 3))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ;; - ((and (> b1 0) (= b2 0) (> b3 0) (= b4 0)) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-16le) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 2 0))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 0) (> b2 0) (= b3 0) (> b4 0)) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-16be) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 2 1))) - (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ;; - ((and (= b1 #x2B) (= b2 #x41) - (or (= b3 #x43) (= b3 #x44))) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-7) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 1 0))) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - ((and (= b1 #x2F) (= b2 #x2B) (= b3 #x41)) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-7) - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 1 0))) - (detect-line-termination ascii))) - (t - (let ((ascii (decode-ascii 0 1 0))) - (when (parse-file-option ascii) - (detect-line-termination ascii))))))) - ((= available 3) - (when (and (= (aref buffer 0) #xEF) - (= (aref buffer 1) #xBB) - (= (aref buffer 2) #xBF)) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-8))) - ((= available 2) - (let ((b1 (aref buffer 0)) - (b2 (aref buffer 1))) - (cond ((or (and (= b1 #xff) (= b2 #xfe)) - (and (= b1 #xfe) (= b2 #xff))) - (setf initial-encoding :utf-16))))))) - ;; - ;; - (cond ((and (not initial-encoding) (not declared-encoding)) - (values :default eol-mode)) - (t - (let ((encoding (or declared-encoding initial-encoding))) - (when (stringp encoding) - (setf encoding (string-upcase encoding)) - (dolist (translations *stream-encoding-file-attribute-translations*) - (when (member encoding (rest translations) :test 'equalp) - (let ((target (first translations))) - (cond ((consp target) - (setf encoding (first target)) - (setf eol-mode (second target))) - (t - (setf encoding (first translations))))) - (return)))) - (let ((external-format - (cond ((eq encoding :default) :default) - ((stringp encoding) - (intern encoding :keyword)) - (t - encoding)))) - (values external-format eol-mode))))))) - ;;; SET-ROUTINES -- internal ;;; ;;; Fill in the various routine slots for the given type. Input-p and @@ -2236,7 +1922,18 @@ (setf (fd-stream-flags stream) #b001)) (t (setf (fd-stream-flags stream) #b010))) + + ;; FIXME: setting the external format here should be better + ;; integrated into set-routines. We do it before so that + ;; set-routines can create an in-buffer if appropriate. But we + ;; need to do it after to put the correct input routines for the + ;; external format. ;; + ;;#-unicode-bootstrap ; fails in stream-reinit otherwise + (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream external-format nil) + (set-routines stream element-type input output input-buffer-p + :binary-stream-p binary-stream-p) + (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream external-format nil) (when (and auto-close (fboundp 'finalize)) (finalize stream #'(lambda () @@ -2244,45 +1941,6 @@ (format *terminal-io* (intl:gettext "** Closed ~A~%") name) (when original (revert-file file original))))) - ;; - ;; FIXME: setting the external format here should be better - ;; integrated into set-routines. We do it before so that - ;; set-routines can create an in-buffer if appropriate. But we - ;; need to do it after to put the correct input routines for the - ;; external format. - ;; - ;;#-unicode-bootstrap ; fails in stream-reinit otherwise - (cond ((and (eq external-format :file-attribute) input) - ;; Read the encoding file option with the external-format set to - ;; :iso8859-1, and then change the external-format if necessary. - (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream :iso8859-1 nil) - (set-routines stream element-type input output input-buffer-p - :binary-stream-p binary-stream-p) - (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream :iso8859-1 nil) - (multiple-value-bind (encoding eol-mode) - (stream-encoding-file-attribute stream) - (unless (file-position stream :start) - (error (intl:gettext "The ~A external-format requires a file stream.") - external-format)) - (unless (and (member encoding '(:iso8859-1 :iso-8859-1)) - (member eol-mode '(nil :unix))) - (setf (stream-external-format stream) - (cond ((member eol-mode '(nil :unix)) - (or encoding :default)) - (t - (list (or encoding :default) eol-mode))))))) - ((eq external-format :file-attribute) - ;; Non-input stream, so can not read the file attributes, so use the - ;; :default. - (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream :default nil) - (set-routines stream element-type input output input-buffer-p - :binary-stream-p binary-stream-p) - (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream :default nil)) - (t - (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream external-format nil) - (set-routines stream element-type input output input-buffer-p - :binary-stream-p binary-stream-p) - (%set-fd-stream-external-format stream external-format nil))) stream)) diff --git a/src/code/load.lisp b/src/code/load.lisp index 89f7705..b5f591d 100644 --- a/src/code/load.lisp +++ b/src/code/load.lisp @@ -95,11 +95,6 @@ (invalid-fasl-version condition) (invalid-fasl-expected-version condition))))) -(defvar *default-source-external-format* :default - "The external-format that 'load and 'compile-file use when given an - external-format of :default. The default value is :default which will open - the file using the 'ext:*default-external-format*") - ;;; LOAD-FRESH-LINE -- internal. ;;; @@ -531,7 +526,7 @@ :EXTERNAL-FORMAT The external-format to use when opening the FILENAME. The default is - :default which uses the EXT:*DEFAULT-SOURCE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT*. + :default which uses the EXT:*DEFAULT-EXTERNAL-FORMAT*. The variables *LOAD-VERBOSE*, *LOAD-PRINT* and EXT:*LOAD-IF-SOURCE-NEWER* determine the defaults for the corresponding keyword arguments. These @@ -614,8 +609,6 @@ (*load-pathname* pathname)) (case contents (:source - (when (eq external-format :default) - (setf external-format *default-source-external-format*)) (with-open-file (file truename :external-format external-format :direction :input :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist) diff --git a/src/compiler/main.lisp b/src/compiler/main.lisp index 4d80735..cba62e9 100644 --- a/src/compiler/main.lisp +++ b/src/compiler/main.lisp @@ -738,8 +738,6 @@ :write-date (file-write-date x) :language :lisp)) files))) - (when (eq external-format :default) - (setf external-format *default-source-external-format*)) (make-source-info :files file-info :current-file file-info #+unicode :external-format ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of changes: src/code/debug-int.lisp | 6 +- src/code/debug.lisp | 3 +- src/code/exports.lisp | 1 - src/code/fd-stream.lisp | 364 ++--------------------------------------------- src/code/load.lisp | 9 +- src/compiler/main.lisp | 2 - 6 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-) hooks/post-receive -- CMU Common Lisp