Raymond Toy pushed to branch rtoy-unix-core at cmucl / cmucl


1 changed file:


  • src/code/unix.lisp
    --- a/src/code/unix.lisp
    +++ b/src/code/unix.lisp
    @@ -1109,6 +1109,27 @@
         (d-type unsigned-char)
         (d-name (array char 512))))
    +;;; Large file support for Solaris.  Define some of the 64-bit types
    +;;; we need.  Unlike unix-glibc's large file support, Solaris's
    +;;; version is a little simpler because all of the 64-bit versions of
    +;;; the functions actually exist as functions.  So instead of calling
    +;;; the 32-bit versions of the functions, we call the 64-bit versions.
    +;;; These functions are: creat64, open64, truncate64, ftruncate64,
    +;;; stat64, lstat64, fstat64, readdir64.
    +;;; There are also some new structures for large file support:
    +;;; dirent64, stat64.
    +;;; FIXME: We should abstract this better, but I (rtoy) don't have any
    +;;; other system to test this out on, so it's a Solaris hack for now.
    +  (deftype file-offset64 () '(signed-byte 64))
    +  (def-alien-type off64-t int64-t)
    +  (def-alien-type ino64-t u-int64-t)
    +  (def-alien-type blkcnt64-t u-int64-t))
     ;;; The 64-bit version of struct dirent.
     (def-alien-type nil
    @@ -1140,6 +1161,61 @@
         (st-lspare  long)
         (st-qspare (array long 4))))
    +#+(or linux svr4)
    +(def-alien-type nil
    +  (struct stat
    +    (st-dev dev-t)
    +    (st-pad1 #-linux (array long 3) #+linux unsigned-short)
    +    (st-ino ino-t)
    +    (st-mode #-linux unsigned-long #+linux unsigned-short)
    +    (st-nlink #-linux short #+linux unsigned-short)
    +    (st-uid #-linux uid-t #+linux unsigned-short)
    +    (st-gid #-linux gid-t #+linux unsigned-short)
    +    (st-rdev dev-t)
    +    (st-pad2 #-linux (array long 2) #+linux unsigned-short)
    +    (st-size off-t)
    +    #-linux (st-pad3 long)
    +    #+linux (st-blksize unsigned-long)
    +    #+linux (st-blocks unsigned-long)
    +    #-linux (st-atime (struct timestruc-t))
    +    #+linux (st-atime unsigned-long)
    +    #+linux (unused-1 unsigned-long)
    +    #-linux (st-mtime (struct timestruc-t))
    +    #+linux (st-mtime unsigned-long)
    +    #+linux (unused-2 unsigned-long)
    +    #-linux (st-ctime (struct timestruc-t))
    +    #+linux (st-ctime unsigned-long)
    +    #+linux (unused-3 unsigned-long)
    +    #+linux (unused-4 unsigned-long)
    +    #+linux (unused-5 unsigned-long)
    +    #-linux(st-blksize long)
    +    #-linux (st-blocks long)
    +    #-linux (st-fstype (array char 16))
    +    #-linux (st-pad4 (array long 8))))
    +;;; 64-bit stat for Solaris
    +(def-alien-type nil
    +  (struct stat64
    +    (st-dev dev-t)
    +    (st-pad1 (array long 3))		; Pad so ino is 64-bit aligned
    +    (st-ino ino64-t)
    +    (st-mode unsigned-long)
    +    (st-nlink short)
    +    (st-uid uid-t)
    +    (st-gid gid-t)
    +    (st-rdev dev-t)
    +    (st-pad2 (array long 3))		; Pad so size is 64-bit aligned
    +    (st-size off64-t)
    +    (st-atime (struct timestruc-t))
    +    (st-mtime (struct timestruc-t))
    +    (st-ctime (struct timestruc-t))
    +    (st-blksize long)
    +    (st-pad3 (array long 1))		; Pad so blocks is 64-bit aligned
    +    (st-blocks blkcnt64-t)
    +    (st-fstype (array char 16))
    +    (st-pad4 (array long 8))))
     (defmacro extract-stat-results (buf)
       `(values T
     	   (slot ,buf 'st-dev)
    @@ -2289,3 +2365,73 @@
            :dir (string (cast (slot result 'pw-dir) c-call:c-string))
            :shell (string (cast (slot result 'pw-shell) c-call:c-string))))))
    +#+(and sparc svr4)
    +(def-alien-type nil
    +  (struct tms
    +    (tms-utime #-alpha long #+alpha int)	; user time used
    +    (tms-stime #-alpha long #+alpha int)	; system time used.
    +    (tms-cutime #-alpha long #+alpha int)	; user time, children
    +    (tms-cstime #-alpha long #+alpha int)))	; system time, children
    +(declaim (inline unix-times))
    +(defun unix-times ()
    +  _N"Unix-times returns information about the cpu time usage of the process
    +   and its children."
    +  (with-alien ((usage (struct tms)))
    +    (alien-funcall (extern-alien "times" (function int (* (struct tms))))
    +		   (addr usage))
    +    (values t
    +	    (slot usage 'tms-utime)
    +	    (slot usage 'tms-stime)
    +	    (slot usage 'tms-cutime)
    +	    (slot usage 'tms-cstime))))
    +) ; end progn
    +#+(or linux svr4)
    +    (def-alien-variable ("daylight" unix-daylight) int)
    +    (def-alien-variable ("timezone" unix-timezone) time-t)
    +    (def-alien-variable ("altzone" unix-altzone) time-t)
    +    #-irix (def-alien-variable ("tzname" unix-tzname) (array c-string 2))
    +    #+irix (defvar unix-tzname-addr nil)
    +    #+irix (pushnew #'(lambda () (setq unix-tzname-addr nil))
    +                    ext:*after-save-initializations*)
    +    #+irix (declaim (notinline fakeout-compiler))
    +    #+irix (defun fakeout-compiler (name dst)
    +             (unless unix-tzname-addr
    +               (setf unix-tzname-addr (system:foreign-symbol-address
    +				       name
    +				       :flavor :data)))
    +              (deref (sap-alien unix-tzname-addr (array c-string 2)) dst))
    +    (def-alien-routine get-timezone c-call:void
    +		       (when c-call:long :in)
    +		       (minutes-west c-call:int :out)
    +		       (daylight-savings-p alien:boolean :out))
    +    (defun unix-get-minutes-west (secs)
    +	   (multiple-value-bind (ignore minutes dst) (get-timezone secs)
    +				(declare (ignore ignore) (ignore dst))
    +				(values minutes))
    +	    )
    +    (defun unix-get-timezone (secs)
    +	   (multiple-value-bind (ignore minutes dst) (get-timezone secs)
    +				(declare (ignore ignore) (ignore minutes))
    +                                (values #-irix (deref unix-tzname (if dst 1 0))
    +                                        #+irix (fakeout-compiler "tzname" (if dst 1 0)))
    +	    ) )
    +(defun unix-uname ()
    +  (with-alien ((names (struct utsname)))
    +    (syscall* (#-(or freebsd (and x86 solaris)) "uname"
    +	       #+(and x86 solaris) "nuname"	; See /usr/include/sys/utsname.h
    +	       #+freebsd "__xuname" #+freebsd int
    +	       (* (struct utsname)))
    +	      (values (cast (slot names 'sysname) c-string)
    +		      (cast (slot names 'nodename) c-string)
    +		      (cast (slot names 'release) c-string)
    +		      (cast (slot names 'version) c-string)
    +		      (cast (slot names 'machine) c-string))
    +	      #+freebsd 256
    +	      (addr names))))