Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-269-unix-get-user-homedir at cmucl / cmucl


1 changed file:


  • src/general-info/release-21f.md
    ... ... @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public domain.
    36 36
         * ~~#249~~ Replace LEA instruction with simpler shorter instructions in arithmetic vops for x86
    37 37
         * ~~#253~~ Block-compile list-to-hashtable and callers
    38 38
         * ~~#258~~ Remove `get-page-size` from linux-os.lisp
    +    * ~~#269~~ Add function to get user's home directory
    39 40
       * Other changes:
    40 41
       * Improvements to the PCL implementation of CLOS:
    41 42
       * Changes to building procedure: