Raymond Toy pushed to branch rtoy-unix-core at cmucl / cmucl
1 changed file:
--- a/src/code/unix.lisp
+++ b/src/code/unix.lisp
@@ -1241,6 +1241,8 @@
(slot ,buf 'st-blksize)
(slot ,buf 'st-blocks)))
(defun unix-stat (name)
_N"Unix-stat retrieves information about the specified
file returning them in the form of multiple values.
@@ -1272,6 +1274,43 @@
(syscall (#-netbsd "fstat" #+netbsd "__fstat50" int (* (struct stat)))
(extract-stat-results buf)
fd (addr buf))))
+;;; 64-bit versions of stat and friends
+(defun unix-stat (name)
+ _N"Unix-stat retrieves information about the specified
+ file returning them in the form of multiple values.
+ See the UNIX Programmer's Manual for a description
+ of the values returned. If the call fails, then NIL
+ and an error number is returned instead."
+ (declare (type unix-pathname name))
+ (when (string= name "")
+ (setf name "."))
+ (with-alien ((buf (struct stat64)))
+ (syscall ("stat64" c-string (* (struct stat64)))
+ (extract-stat-results buf)
+ (%name->file name) (addr buf))))
+(defun unix-lstat (name)
+ _N"Unix-lstat is similar to unix-stat except the specified
+ file must be a symbolic link."
+ (declare (type unix-pathname name))
+ (with-alien ((buf (struct stat64)))
+ (syscall ("lstat64" c-string (* (struct stat64)))
+ (extract-stat-results buf)
+ (%name->file name) (addr buf))))
+(defun unix-fstat (fd)
+ _N"Unix-fstat is similar to unix-stat except the file is specified
+ by the file descriptor fd."
+ (declare (type unix-fd fd))
+ (with-alien ((buf (struct stat64)))
+ (syscall ("fstat64" int (* (struct stat64)))
+ (extract-stat-results buf)
+ fd (addr buf))))
(def-alien-type nil
(struct rusage