Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-363-add-version-number at cmucl / cmucl Commits: 1232e93a by Raymond Toy at 2025-01-05T08:57:59-08:00 Specify lib path when doing build using the cross-compiler Because we don't install the result of the cross-compilation (should we?), we need to use the `-lib` option to tell lisp where the core file is. Or maybe use `-core` instead?. We'll use `-lib` since that's what we use everywhere else. - - - - - 1 changed file: - .gitlab-ci.yml Changes: ===================================== .gitlab-ci.yml ===================================== @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ linux:cross-build: - bin/create-target.sh xtarget - bin/create-target.sh xcross - bin/cross-build-world.sh -crl xtarget xcross src/tools/cross-scripts/cross-x86-x86.lisp dist/bin/lisp - - bin/build.sh -b xlinux $bootstrap -R -C "" -o xtarget/lisp/lisp + - bin/build.sh -b xlinux $bootstrap -R -C "" -o "xtarget/lisp/lisp -lib xtarget/lisp" - bin/make-dist.sh -I xdist xlinux-4 linux:test: View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/1232e93a9f7d33a32c2a9227... -- View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/1232e93a9f7d33a32c2a9227... You're receiving this email because of your account on gitlab.common-lisp.net.