Raymond Toy pushed to branch sparc64-dev at cmucl / cmucl Commits: 6eca756b by Raymond Toy at 2016-10-06T19:24:46-07:00 Initial version. - - - - - 45a6d985 by Raymond Toy at 2016-10-06T20:05:12-07:00 Download cmucl binaries. - - - - - 7383a39c by Raymond Toy at 2016-10-06T20:07:13-07:00 Use correct syntax - - - - - 8296f92f by Raymond Toy at 2016-10-06T20:08:24-07:00 Add test job - - - - - 2830e140 by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-26T21:53:36-07:00 Print more info for dynamic space lossage If we get dynamic space lossage, print out the actual address and the expected addresses for the dynamic space so we can see what happened. This is really useful if you change the dynamic space address but didn't update everything correctly. - - - - - c40b7a6b by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-29T10:38:13-07:00 Fix #40: Move start of heap space higher This is a workaround for issue #40. By moving the start of the heap to a higher address, we can still run on older systems (albeit with reduced max heap size), and run on newer systesm where the C code is now mapped at or overlapping the (old) heap start. Arbitrarily choose 0x60000000 as a compromise. This also requires moving the foreign linkage start to a different address because the old address overlaps the new C area. Ideally, we could fix this if we could map the heap wherever the OS wants to put it, but we're not there yet. Use boot-2017-04.lisp to bootstrap this change from the 2017-04 snapshot. - - - - - 48f8ebb9 by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-29T10:54:21-07:00 Add handler-bind to auto restart Changing defconstant's signal an error. Add a handler-bind to restart and continue with the changed values. - - - - - aba0bc5c by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-29T10:56:15-07:00 Rename to boot-2017-04-1.lisp - - - - - dbf7c0af by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-29T18:31:19+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-fix-40-map-heap-higher' into 'master' Fix #40: Move start of heap space higher Closes #40 See merge request !21 - - - - - 3b4f3977 by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-30T21:21:56-07:00 Fix compiler warning about else Add braces around the else clause that's indented as if it were part of the else clause. Inspection of the algorithm indicates that this is probably the intended code and in this case doesn't change what gets executed because the following statements would have been anyway. Also verified a few random values that `(asin x)` and `(asin (float x 1w0))` produce the same values. Only need to test 2^-27 <= x < 0.5. - - - - - 9c2dccfb by Raymond Toy at 2017-08-31T19:52:00-07:00 Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-gitlab-ci - - - - - cd429e9f by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:15:29-07:00 Use wget instead of curl - - - - - 0a87366f by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:25:43-07:00 Install wget - - - - - 5c92a00f by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:28:51-07:00 Install bzip2 so we can untar the cmucl tarballs - - - - - 92f8697e by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:33:56-07:00 More setup for building cmucl - untar the snapshot into the snapshot directory - git clone the cmucl repo - - - - - bcd2a53b by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:35:52-07:00 Use the correct paths when untarring. - - - - - 760d9c6d by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:38:01-07:00 Need to install git. While we're at it install make, gcc, and gcc 32-bit. - - - - - 373aaa60 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:43:43-07:00 Build cmucl and run tests Update snapshot to 2017-04 snapshot too. - - - - - 3f6fd3df by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:47:20-07:00 Oops. Use correct tarball names - - - - - 119a7980 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T13:53:35-07:00 Add some debugging stuff. - Print out the SHELL - Set prompt to include PWD - Where is `time` and why can't the shell find it? - - - - - 38a3f48e by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T14:01:45-07:00 More debugging to see what we have - - - - - 745ad37b by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T14:06:26-07:00 Don't need to do a git clone; install /usr/bin/time too. The runner already has the git repo checked out at $PWD, so we're ready to go. Try to install time so build.sh will run. - - - - - 7bdf20d1 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T14:09:34-07:00 Use correct path to the snapshot build - - - - - 15a4c0f5 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T14:59:47-07:00 Need to install bc Needed to update lisp/version. - - - - - 4312fc44 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-03T04:55:21+00:00 Add pipeline status to readme - - - - - b53bfd60 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-02T21:56:52-07:00 Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-gitlab-ci - - - - - 7bc8b28c by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-03T05:10:25+00:00 Use correct pipeline marker for gitlab-ci branch - - - - - 24ed6116 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-03T09:16:07-07:00 More testing of CI - Don't need to install git anymore - exit early from build script to see if that makes the test fail. - - - - - 9b8d5fc4 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-03T09:24:18-07:00 Remove debugging stuff and early exit - Early exit (with non-zero exit code) does cause the pipeline to fail, as expected. - - - - - 3d227b6b by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-03T09:50:28-07:00 Install git (again) While not strictly necessary, make-dist.sh uses git to determine a default lisp-implmenetation-version. We could just use -V to do that, but I think it's best to have git so that the pipeline looks as much like normal development as possible. - - - - - c3d967c1 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-05T20:40:19-07:00 Make test fail to see how pipeline works. - - - - - ea868e0f by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-05T20:54:33-07:00 Revert change. The failed test causes the pipeline to fail, as expected. - - - - - 37d69509 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-06T04:05:12+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-gitlab-ci' into 'master' Enable gitlab continuous integration See merge request !22 - - - - - 4acd1d80 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-05T21:30:11-07:00 Point pipeline status to the master branch. Was pointing to the rtoy-gitlab-ci branch, but we want this to be the status of the master branch. - - - - - f05cb10a by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-08T20:38:41-07:00 Fix #41: Report proper process status The main problem is that we weren't calling wait3 with WCONTINUED so that we would be signaled when the process continues. And we also need to check that result of wait call was WCONTINUED> Replace the wait3 routine with a C routine (prog_status) so we don't have to deal with the OS-specific flags. This function basically returns what the lisp function wait3 did. Use this function in GET-PROCESSES-STATUS-CHANGES. - runprog.c: - Add prog_status - run-program.lisp: - Use prog_status instead of wait3 - issues.lisp: - Add basic test - - - - - 65ce358d by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-15T22:50:47-07:00 Fix up minor issues in implementation - process-alive-p should return T for continued processes - Simplify prog-status slightly by making the status code array start :signaled instead of nil. - Update prog_status with enum to specify the codes to make it clearer what they mean and to make it clearer that it matches the expectations in prog-status. - - - - - 99ebe80c by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-16T21:02:40+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-fix-issue-41' into 'master' Fix #41: Report proper process status Closes #41 See merge request !23 - - - - - 81e08ecb by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-16T14:49:33-07:00 Clean up prog_status - If `waidpid` returns 0 or -1, we should return. - Make the fprintf message a bit clearer on what's happening when we have some kind of status that we didn't handle. - - - - - e1f12db9 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-16T14:54:10-07:00 Remove wait3 stuff `wait3` is removed along with alien routine and the constants. - - - - - ec29ec51 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-16T15:23:32-07:00 Fix #44: Add docstrings for process accessors Adds docstrings for the exported process accessors: `process-pid`, `process-exit-code`, `process-core-dumped`, `process-pty`, `process-input`, `process-output`, `process-error`, `process-status-hook`, `process-plist`. - - - - - f99b8125 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-16T23:29:58+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-fix-44-add-docstrings-process' into 'master' Fix #44: Add docstrings for process accessors Closes #44 See merge request !24 - - - - - 7f3040a7 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-16T16:36:54-07:00 Regenerate do to new docstrings - - - - - 39dff2ee by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-23T10:27:44-07:00 Update from logs - - - - - 12018284 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-30T13:51:23-07:00 Fix #45: Handle relative paths in `run-program` This is basically the solution proposed by Elias Pipping with a few minor tweaks. - In `run-program`, don't merge `program` with the "path:" search-list. `spawn` will handle this. - In `spawn`, if the first call to execve fails, instead of trying "/bin/sh", use "/usr/bin/env" which will use the user's PATH if necessary to find the program. - - - - - 3665075a by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-30T14:18:55-07:00 Add test for issue #45 Add the tests given in issue #45. - - - - - 00689a63 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-30T14:20:44-07:00 Ignore test directory needed for issue.45 test - - - - - d2efe772 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-30T14:21:03-07:00 Regenerated - - - - - ba357de8 by Raymond Toy at 2017-09-30T21:31:16+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-fix-45-run-program-paths' into 'master' Fix #45 :Handle relative paths in `run-program` Closes #45 See merge request cmucl/cmucl!25 - - - - - aba5f454 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-07T09:00:19-07:00 Update to ASDF version 3.3.0 - - - - - 706a62ce by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-07T13:59:30-07:00 Regenerate piglatin translations [ci skip] - - - - - fffafb5a by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-07T14:02:06-07:00 Note that the included asdf version is 3.3.0 [ci skip] - - - - - a5662d50 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-07T14:54:00-07:00 Rename stdin/stdout/stderr to proc_* Because we include stdio.h now, Solaris defines stdin, stdout, and stderr in a way that they can't be used to name the args to the spawn function. Hence rename these args. - - - - - a368558e by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-08T15:17:59-07:00 Move defsystem for pcl-tests to its own file. The upgrade to ASDF 3.3.0 broke the pcl-tests; this version doesn't like having the defsystem in the same file. Thus, move the defsystem to its own file and load it up in pcl.lisp (via require). - - - - - 70bdb7b9 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-10T21:39:19-07:00 Update paths for snapshot-2017-10 Download the 2017-10 binaries and update build.sh options to build with this snapshot. - - - - - e32c4479 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T10:04:15-07:00 Release 21c Use `-B boot-21c` to bootstrap the release from 21b to 21c. - 21b/boot-21c.lisp: - Add boot-21c.lisp to update the version number - compiler/byte-comp.lisp - Update the actual version number - - - - - 6217c780 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T10:05:41-07:00 Add -B flag to bootstrap the release number change - - - - - 1fd413e3 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T10:05:55-07:00 Remove WIP. - - - - - e1aa8483 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T10:08:19-07:00 Add release-21d.md release notes. - - - - - d3856cfb by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T20:24:48-07:00 Rename release-21c.txt to .md. - - - - - c8de8f63 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T20:26:19-07:00 Add some additional markup. * Strike out the closed tickets * Color (maybe?) the WIP in red. - - - - - e8764af3 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T20:29:35-07:00 More markup. - - - - - dca5c95f by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-15T20:35:40-07:00 More markdown changes - - - - - 4c0780dc by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-16T03:49:14+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-convert-release-notes-to-md' into 'master' Convert release-21c.txt to md file See merge request cmucl/cmucl!26 - - - - - 48afbb09 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-27T21:00:48-07:00 Merge branch 'master' into 21c-branch - - - - - 9f2679a6 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-27T21:03:02-07:00 Remove WIP and fix typo. - - - - - 9697034f by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-27T21:03:30-07:00 Fix up markdown markup - - - - - e87e8196 by Raymond Toy at 2017-10-28T15:32:21+00:00 Merge branch '21c-branch' into 'master' 21c branch See merge request cmucl/cmucl!27 - - - - - 66bc460b by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-03T10:04:36-07:00 Download the 21c release for CI - - - - - 4bb76458 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T09:21:05-07:00 Set tag for linux These commands currently only work on linux. Set a tag to see if this works to enable the linux runner. - - - - - 087c0b7c by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T09:26:51-07:00 Fix syntax errors. Validated via ci lint. - - - - - c7a93905 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T09:33:20-07:00 Set up stages Let's see how that goes. - - - - - 0de37607 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T09:41:02-07:00 Put everything in one job with a linux tag. - - - - - b660ef49 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T14:19:22-07:00 Add osx support. - - - - - f6d1282d by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T14:42:56-07:00 OSX: Download binaries and build. - - - - - 951e9c14 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T15:18:57-07:00 Run tests on osx for real - - - - - fa6eae8e by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T16:24:23-07:00 Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-rework-ci # Conflicts: # .gitlab-ci.yml - - - - - de68cb52 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-05T00:05:04+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-rework-ci' into 'master' Update CI to support linux and osx runners See merge request cmucl/cmucl!28 - - - - - 8ac7e849 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T21:31:06-07:00 Increase buffer size to prevent writing past the end The char buffer size is potentially too small and it's possible to write past the end of the buffer with a large integer. Fixes a compiler warning. - - - - - 4abbe215 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-04T21:33:00-07:00 Fix indentation to make scoping clearer. Compiler warns that indentation makes the scope of the for loop unclear. Indent the code to make it clear. - - - - - 42192ed3 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-15T21:06:19-08:00 Update to asdf 3.3.1 - - - - - 3ed48010 by Raymond Toy at 2017-11-15T21:18:47-08:00 Add asdf 3.3.1 docs [skip-ci] - - - - - cf370246 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-02T09:43:57-08:00 Update release notes - - - - - 9bba906a by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-14T19:31:56-08:00 Initial support for xoroshiro128+ RNG Not yet integrated but the basic vop and other methods do work and produce the same output as the reference C code (not included). - - - - - b119b34f by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-15T09:00:38-08:00 Initial implementation of xoroshiro rng Not yet tested or integrated. - - - - - 8707116f by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-15T15:40:08-08:00 Random cleanups and updates Make some things work on x86: * Can create a random state and initialize it to the desired state * xoroshiro-chunk produces the correct values for the first few calls - - - - - eea11e07 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-15T15:41:13-08:00 Compile and load xoroshiro rng Make xoroshiro rng available in the core. Basic things work on x86 but not yet integrated in anyway. - - - - - 192fe3b6 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-16T08:16:46-08:00 Simplify state Don't need an array for the cached value; (unsigned-byte 32) is a specialized structure slot, so no consing. Some random cleanups and comments. - - - - - c62e3467 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-16T08:17:24-08:00 Add tests for xoroshiro generator - - - - - edcbb7d3 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-16T20:53:21-08:00 Test portable version of xoroshiro-next - - - - - 95a01145 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-16T21:05:41-08:00 Put back the original version, optimized for x86. - - - - - d539b6a0 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-17T13:04:59-08:00 Define xoroshiro-next before xoroshiro-chunk. - - - - - dbc0518d by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-18T21:02:39-08:00 Fix typos add jump function * Fix typos in names so we can call the functions. * Add jump function to allow generating new distinct sequences. * Add simple function to print the state using integers instead of doubles. (Untested.) - - - - - 0b94ee3d by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T09:02:25-08:00 Add custom xoro-random-state printer Custom printer to print the state as array of integers instead of doubles. Makes it easier to see and match what the C code does. - - - - - f9203f85 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T10:04:50-08:00 Print and set state as 64-bit integers The xoroshiro128+ algorithm is defined using uint64_t types, but we hack it to store the state as double-float's. This is a bit confusing, so add a printer to print the state as an array of two uint64_t's. Adjust init-xoro-state to allow initializing the state using an array of 2 64-bit ints. - - - - - 09bbc248 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:32:05-08:00 Add cross-compile scripts for building xoroshiro128+. - - - - - 38db18cb by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:33:27-08:00 Set version 21c now. Bootstrap files are from 21c directory instead of 21b. - - - - - cba9bad7 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:34:28-08:00 Update xoroshiro methods to standard names - - - - - 8d363473 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:35:19-08:00 Make random-mt19937 function only when :random-mt19937 is set - - - - - 7362e561 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:35:41-08:00 Disable some deftransforms for now - - - - - 68596489 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:36:27-08:00 Add rand-xoroshiro to the build files Compile/load rand-xoroshiro if :random-xoroshiro is a feature. - - - - - b8d326cc by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T17:46:39-08:00 Update CI to do the required cross-compile - - - - - f5df8745 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T18:18:23-08:00 Update tests to match xoroshiro implementation. - - - - - be17d9f4 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T19:01:35-08:00 Conditionalize on random-xoroshiro. These tests test the actual implementation details of the xoroshiro128+ generator, so conditionalize it for this generator. - - - - - 0c2284a7 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T19:03:21-08:00 Add cross script for sparc This changes the RNG to xoroshiro128+ for sparc. - - - - - 4720c794 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-19T19:03:27-08:00 Add comment - - - - - 5ca98fb1 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-20T13:59:20-08:00 Add documentation and inline xoroshiro-gen Not sure about inlining that; it makes random-chunk bigger and all callers of random-chunk bigger too. Nice speed win, however. A test of generating 50000000 single-float values shows xoroshiro128+ takes 0.58 sec vs 0.98 using MT19937 on my machine. - - - - - 96c90caf by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-20T14:00:25-08:00 Remove old stuff; conditionalize on :random-xoroshiro - - - - - 9cd66071 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-20T16:30:41-08:00 Document the jump function and add test. * rand-xoroshiro.lisp: * Rename xoroshiro-jump to random-state-jump * Add documentation/comments. * tests/rng.lisp * Add tests for the RNG jump function. - - - - - 96c58393 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-27T09:46:59-08:00 Modify random-state-jump to use 32-bit ints Break the constants in the jump function into 32-bit chunks so we operate on 32-bit integers instead of 64-bit integers. This is a minor optimization. - - - - - ab6d2c6a by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-27T10:29:26-08:00 Fix compiler warning in VEC-INIT-XORO-STATE Set default value for state in VEC-INIT-XORO-STATE. If not given, initialize it to the correct array. - - - - - 164cf685 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-27T12:17:25-08:00 Implement vop for xoroshiro-next Not yet working. Cross-compile works and generates appropriate code, but can't rebuild lisp using the cross-compiled lisp. - - - - - 757fb170 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-27T15:25:08-08:00 Remove extra trailing unmatched parenthesis - - - - - 6fbd959e by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-28T09:04:13-08:00 Fix logic mistakes in sparc xoroshiro impl Also compute the array offsets just once so we're consistent between loading and storing. - - - - - 11a14537 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-28T09:04:27-08:00 Export random-state-jump - - - - - 448e9970 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-28T09:53:39-08:00 Use the xoroshiro vop on sparc The vop greatly speeds up the generator on sparc. The time to generate 10,000,000 single-floats (on a 1 GHz Ultrasparc 3i) is: mt19937: 1.32 sec xoroshiro: 1.03 sec So xoroshiro is 22% faster than mt19937. - - - - - 58f107b1 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-28T12:26:31-08:00 Print random state in hex Add comment for %random-double-float to use xoroshiro-gen directly instead of random-chunk twice. A minor micro optimization. - - - - - 86599903 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-28T19:53:42-08:00 Add comments. - - - - - 562752c0 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-28T19:54:11-08:00 Regenerated from sources - - - - - e5bd7ef7 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-29T08:57:34-08:00 Fix typo in reader conditional. Don't use the portable xoroshiro-gen on x86 and sparc! - - - - - d8ef7876 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-29T10:20:13-08:00 Update release notes - - - - - fb3f58ea by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-29T18:32:07+00:00 Merge branch 'rtoy-xoro-default' into 'master' Change random number generator from MT19937 to xoroshiro128+ Closes #48 See merge request cmucl/cmucl!29 - - - - - 395af224 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-29T15:57:59-08:00 RANDOM should do the same as the deftransform would do. Make RANDOM compute the value the same way as the deftransform would do when the arg is a 32-bit integer. The deftransform is still currently disabled for random-xoroshiro, though. - - - - - 65bcf797 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-29T22:20:37-08:00 Merge branch 'master' into sparc64-dev - - - - - 30 changed files: - .gitignore - + .gitlab-ci.yml - README.md - bin/build.sh - bin/run-tests.sh - + src/bootfiles/21b/boot-2017-04-1.lisp - + src/bootfiles/21b/boot-21c.lisp - + src/bootfiles/21c/boot-21c-cross-sparc.lisp - + src/bootfiles/21c/boot-21c-cross-x86.lisp - + src/bootfiles/21c/boot-21c-cross.lisp - src/code/commandline.lisp - src/code/exports.lisp - + src/code/rand-xoroshiro.lisp - src/code/run-program.lisp - src/code/x86-vm.lisp - src/compiler/byte-comp.lisp - src/compiler/float-tran.lisp - src/compiler/sparc/arith.lisp - src/compiler/x86/arith.lisp - src/compiler/x86/insts.lisp - src/compiler/x86/parms.lisp - src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp - src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.html - src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.info - src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.pdf - src/general-info/release-21c.txt → src/general-info/release-21c.md - + src/general-info/release-21d.md - src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot - src/i18n/locale/en@piglatin/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po - src/i18n/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/cmucl.po The diff was not included because it is too large. View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/3e1e87d391fab3f26f2e38aea... --- View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/3e1e87d391fab3f26f2e38aea... You're receiving this email because of your account on gitlab.common-lisp.net.