Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl


5 changed files:


  • src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp
    --- a/src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp
    +++ b/src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp
    @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    -;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; buffer-read-only: t; -*-
    -;;; This is ASDF 3.1.6: Another System Definition Facility.
    +;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; buffer-read-only: t; -*-
    +;;; This is ASDF Another System Definition Facility.
     ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
     ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
    @@ -46,43 +46,6 @@
     ;;; we can't use defsystem to compile it.  Hence, all in one file.
     #+xcvb (module ())
    -(in-package :cl-user)
    -(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    -  (setf ext:*gc-verbose* nil))
    -;;; pre 1.3.0 ABCL versions do not support the bundle-op on Mac OS X
    -(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    -  (unless (and (member :darwin *features*)
    -               (second (third (sys::arglist 'directory))))
    -    (push :abcl-bundle-op-supported *features*)))
    -;; Punt on hard package upgrade: from ASDF1 always, and even from ASDF2 on most implementations.
    -(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    -  (unless (member :asdf3 *features*)
    -    (let* ((existing-version
    -             (when (find-package :asdf)
    -               (or (symbol-value (find-symbol (string :*asdf-version*) :asdf))
    -                   (let ((ver (symbol-value (find-symbol (string :*asdf-revision*) :asdf))))
    -                     (etypecase ver
    -                       (string ver)
    -                       (cons (format nil "~{~D~^.~}" ver))
    -                       (null "1.0"))))))
    -           (first-dot (when existing-version (position #\. existing-version)))
    -           (second-dot (when first-dot (position #\. existing-version :start (1+ first-dot))))
    -           (existing-major-minor (subseq existing-version 0 second-dot))
    -           (existing-version-number (and existing-version (read-from-string existing-major-minor)))
    -           (away (format nil "~A-~A" :asdf existing-version)))
    -      (when (and existing-version
    -                 (< existing-version-number
    -                    #+(or allegro clisp lispworks sbcl) 2.0
    -                    #-(or allegro clisp lispworks sbcl) 2.27))
    -        (rename-package :asdf away)
    -        (when *load-verbose*
    -          (format t "~&; Renamed old ~A package away to ~A~%" :asdf away))))))
     ;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ;;;; Handle ASDF package upgrade, including implementation-dependent magic.
    @@ -822,19 +785,6 @@ UNINTERN -- Remove symbols here from PACKAGE."
            #+(or clasp ecl gcl mkcl) (defpackage ,package (:use))
            (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    -;;;; Final tricks to keep various implementations happy.
    -;; We want most such tricks in common-lisp.lisp,
    -;; but these need to be done before the define-package form there,
    -;; that we nevertheless want to be the very first form.
    -(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    -  #+allegro ;; We need to disable autoloading BEFORE any mention of package ASDF.
    -  (setf excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
    -        (remove "asdf" excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
    -                :test 'equalp :key 'car)))
    -;; Compatibility with whoever calls asdf/package
    -(define-package :asdf/package (:use :cl :uiop/package) (:reexport :uiop/package))
     ;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ;;;; Handle compatibility with multiple implementations.
     ;;; This file is for papering over the deficiencies and peculiarities
    @@ -844,10 +794,9 @@ UNINTERN -- Remove symbols here from PACKAGE."
     ;;; from this package only common-lisp symbols are exported.
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/common-lisp
    -  (:nicknames :uoip/cl :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/cl)
    +  (:nicknames :uoip/cl)
       (:use :uiop/package)
       (:use-reexport #-genera :common-lisp #+genera :future-common-lisp)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/common-lisp :uoip/cl :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/cl :asdf)
       #+allegro (:intern #:*acl-warn-save*)
       #+cormanlisp (:shadow #:user-homedir-pathname)
    @@ -856,10 +805,10 @@ UNINTERN -- Remove symbols here from PACKAGE."
        #:make-broadcast-stream #:file-namestring)
       #+genera (:shadowing-import-from :scl #:boolean)
       #+genera (:export #:boolean #:ensure-directories-exist #:read-sequence #:write-sequence)
    -  #+mcl (:shadow #:user-homedir-pathname))
    +  #+(or mcl cmucl) (:shadow #:user-homedir-pathname))
     (in-package :uiop/common-lisp)
    -#-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +#-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
     (error "ASDF is not supported on your implementation. Please help us port it.")
     ;; (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (debug 3) (safety 3))) ; DON'T: trust implementation defaults.
    @@ -867,17 +816,23 @@ UNINTERN -- Remove symbols here from PACKAGE."
     ;;;; Early meta-level tweaks
    -#+(or abcl allegro clasp clisp cmu ecl mkcl clozure lispworks mkcl sbcl scl)
    +#+(or allegro clasp clisp cmucl ecl mkcl mkcl sbcl)
     (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    -  ;; Check for unicode at runtime, so that a hypothetical FASL compiled with unicode
    -  ;; but loaded in a non-unicode setting (e.g. on Allegro) won't tell a lie.
       (when (and #+allegro (member :ics *features*)
    -             #+(or clasp clisp cmu ecl mkcl) (member :unicode *features*)
    +             #+(or clasp clisp cmucl ecl mkcl) (member :unicode *features*)
                  #+sbcl (member :sb-unicode *features*))
    +    ;; Check for unicode at runtime, so that a hypothetical FASL compiled with unicode
    +    ;; but loaded in a non-unicode setting (e.g. on Allegro) won't tell a lie.
         (pushnew :asdf-unicode *features*)))
     (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    +  ;; We need to disable autoloading BEFORE any mention of package ASDF.
    +  ;; In particular, there must NOT be a mention of package ASDF in the defpackage of this file
    +  ;; or any previous file.
    +  (setf excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
    +        (remove "asdf" excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
    +                :test 'equalp :key 'car))
       (defparameter *acl-warn-save*
         (when (boundp 'excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals*)
    @@ -901,7 +856,13 @@ UNINTERN -- Remove symbols here from PACKAGE."
                  (wait-on-semaphore (external-process-completed proc))))
            (values (external-process-%exit-code proc)
                    (external-process-%status proc))))))
    -#+clozure (in-package :uiop/common-lisp)
    +#+clozure (in-package :uiop/common-lisp) ;; back in this package.
    +(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    +  (setf ext:*gc-verbose* nil)
    +  (defun user-homedir-pathname ()
    +    (first (ext:search-list (cl:user-homedir-pathname)))))
     (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    @@ -1035,8 +996,6 @@ Return a string made of the parts not omitted or emitted by FROB."
     ;;;; General Purpose Utilities for ASDF
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/utility
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/utility)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/utility :asdf/utility :asdf)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package)
       ;; import and reexport a few things defined in :uiop/common-lisp
       (:import-from :uiop/common-lisp #:compatfmt #:loop* #:frob-substrings
    @@ -1618,11 +1577,11 @@ with later being determined by a lexicographical comparison of minor numbers."
         #+allegro 'excl::format-control
         #+clisp 'system::$format-control
         #+clozure 'ccl::format-control
    -    #+(or cmu scl) 'conditions::format-control
    +    #+(or cmucl scl) 'conditions::format-control
         #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) 'si::format-control
         #+(or gcl lispworks) 'conditions::format-string
         #+sbcl 'sb-kernel:format-control
    -    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl gcl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl) nil
    +    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl gcl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl) nil
         "Name of the slot for FORMAT-CONTROL in simple-condition")
       (defun match-condition-p (x condition)
    @@ -1637,7 +1596,7 @@ or a string describing the format-control of a simple-condition."
           (function (funcall x condition))
           (string (and (typep condition 'simple-condition)
                        ;; On SBCL, it's always set and the check triggers a warning
    -                   #+(or allegro clozure cmu lispworks scl)
    +                   #+(or allegro clozure cmucl lispworks scl)
                        (slot-boundp condition +simple-condition-format-control-slot+)
                        (ignore-errors (equal (simple-condition-format-control condition) x))))))
    @@ -1659,8 +1618,6 @@ or a string describing the format-control of a simple-condition."
     ;;;; Access to the Operating System
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/os
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/os)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/os :asdf/os :asdf)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility)
        #:featurep #:os-unix-p #:os-macosx-p #:os-windows-p #:os-genera-p #:detect-os ;; features
    @@ -1744,7 +1701,7 @@ use getenvp to return NIL in such a case."
         #+(or abcl clasp clisp ecl xcl) (ext:getenv x)
         #+allegro (sys:getenv x)
         #+clozure (ccl:getenv x)
    -    #+cmu (unix:unix-getenv x)
    +    #+cmucl (unix:unix-getenv x)
         #+scl (cdr (assoc x ext:*environment-list* :test #'string=))
         (let* ((buffer (ct:malloc 1))
    @@ -1765,7 +1722,7 @@ use getenvp to return NIL in such a case."
                     (ccl:%get-cstring value))))
         #+mkcl (#.(or (find-symbol* 'getenv :si nil) (find-symbol* 'getenv :mk-ext nil)) x)
         #+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv x)
    -    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
         (error "~S is not supported on your implementation" 'getenv))
       (defsetf getenv (x) (val)
    @@ -1774,12 +1731,12 @@ use getenvp to return NIL in such a case."
         #+allegro `(setf (sys:getenv ,x) ,val)
         #+clisp `(system::setenv ,x ,val)
         #+clozure `(ccl:setenv ,x ,val)
    -    #+cmu `(unix:unix-setenv ,x ,val 1)
    +    #+cmucl `(unix:unix-setenv ,x ,val 1)
         #+ecl `(ext:setenv ,x ,val)
         #+lispworks `(hcl:setenv ,x ,val)
         #+mkcl `(mkcl:setenv ,x ,val)
         #+sbcl `(progn (require :sb-posix) (symbol-call :sb-posix :setenv ,x ,val 1))
    -    #-(or allegro clisp clozure cmu ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl)
    +    #-(or allegro clisp clozure cmucl ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl)
         '(error "~S ~S is not supported on your implementation" 'setf 'getenv))
       (defun getenvp (x)
    @@ -1871,7 +1828,7 @@ then returning the non-empty string value of the variable"
                     (logand (ccl-fasl-version) #xFF))
    -        #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/ s)
    +        #+cmucl (substitute #\- #\/ s)
             #+scl (format nil "~A~A" s
                           ;; ANSI upper case vs lower case.
                           (ecase ext:*case-mode* (:upper "") (:lower "l")))
    @@ -1905,7 +1862,7 @@ suitable for use as a directory name to segregate Lisp FASLs, C dynamic librarie
       (defun hostname ()
         "return the hostname of the current host"
         ;; Note: untested on RMCL
    -    #+(or abcl clasp clozure cmu ecl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl) (machine-instance)
    +    #+(or abcl clasp clozure cmucl ecl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl) (machine-instance)
         #+cormanlisp "localhost" ;; is there a better way? Does it matter?
         #+allegro (symbol-call :excl.osi :gethostname)
         #+clisp (first (split-string (machine-instance) :separator " "))
    @@ -1915,7 +1872,7 @@ suitable for use as a directory name to segregate Lisp FASLs, C dynamic librarie
     ;;; Current directory
     (with-upgradability ()
    -  #+cmu
    +  #+cmucl
       (defun parse-unix-namestring* (unix-namestring)
         "variant of LISP::PARSE-UNIX-NAMESTRING that returns a pathname object"
         (multiple-value-bind (host device directory name type version)
    @@ -1929,7 +1886,7 @@ suitable for use as a directory name to segregate Lisp FASLs, C dynamic librarie
             #+allegro (excl::current-directory)
             #+clisp (ext:default-directory)
             #+clozure (ccl:current-directory)
    -        #+(or cmu scl) (#+cmu parse-unix-namestring* #+scl lisp::parse-unix-namestring
    +        #+(or cmucl scl) (#+cmucl parse-unix-namestring* #+scl lisp::parse-unix-namestring
                             (strcat (nth-value 1 (unix:unix-current-directory)) "/"))
             #+cormanlisp (pathname (pl::get-current-directory)) ;; Q: what type does it return?
             #+(or clasp ecl) (ext:getcwd)
    @@ -1947,7 +1904,7 @@ suitable for use as a directory name to segregate Lisp FASLs, C dynamic librarie
           #+allegro (excl:chdir x)
           #+clisp (ext:cd x)
           #+clozure (setf (ccl:current-directory) x)
    -      #+(or cmu scl) (unix:unix-chdir (ext:unix-namestring x))
    +      #+(or cmucl scl) (unix:unix-chdir (ext:unix-namestring x))
           #+cormanlisp (unless (zerop (win32::_chdir (namestring x)))
                          (error "Could not set current directory to ~A" x))
           #+(or clasp ecl) (ext:chdir x)
    @@ -1955,7 +1912,7 @@ suitable for use as a directory name to segregate Lisp FASLs, C dynamic librarie
           #+lispworks (hcl:change-directory x)
           #+mkcl (mk-ext:chdir x)
           #+sbcl (progn (require :sb-posix) (symbol-call :sb-posix :chdir (sb-ext:native-namestring x)))
    -      #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +      #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
           (error "chdir not supported on your implementation"))))
    @@ -2048,8 +2005,7 @@ the number having BYTES octets (defaulting to 4)."
     ;; which all is necessary prior to any access the filesystem or environment.
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/pathname
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/pathname)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/pathname :asdf/pathname :asdf)
    +  (:nicknames :asdf/pathname) ;; deprecated. Used by ceramic
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility :uiop/os)
        ;; Making and merging pathnames, portably
    @@ -2092,7 +2048,7 @@ the number having BYTES octets (defaulting to 4)."
     implementation's MAKE-PATHNAME and other primitives to a CLHS-standard format
     that is a list and not a string."
    -      #-(or cmu sbcl scl) ;; these implementations already normalize directory components.
    +      #-(or cmucl sbcl scl) ;; these implementations already normalize directory components.
           ((stringp directory) `(:absolute ,directory))
           ((or (null directory)
                (and (consp directory) (member (first directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
    @@ -2135,22 +2091,17 @@ by the underlying implementation's MAKE-PATHNAME and other primitives"
       ;; See CLHS make-pathname and
       ;; This will be :unspecific if supported, or NIL if not.
       (defparameter *unspecific-pathname-type*
    -    #+(or abcl allegro clozure cmu genera lispworks sbcl scl) :unspecific
    +    #+(or abcl allegro clozure cmucl genera lispworks sbcl scl) :unspecific
         #+(or clasp clisp ecl mkcl gcl xcl #|These haven't been tested:|# cormanlisp mcl) nil
         "Unspecific type component to use with the underlying implementation's MAKE-PATHNAME")
    -  (defun make-pathname* (&rest keys &key (directory nil)
    -                                      host (device () #+allegro devicep) name type version defaults
    +  (defun make-pathname* (&rest keys &key directory host device name type version defaults
                                           #+scl &allow-other-keys)
         "Takes arguments like CL:MAKE-PATHNAME in the CLHS, and
        tries hard to make a pathname that will actually behave as documented,
    -   despite the peculiarities of each implementation"
    -    ;; TODO: reimplement defaulting for MCL, whereby an explicit NIL should override the defaults.
    -    (declare (ignorable host device directory name type version defaults))
    -    (apply 'make-pathname
    -           (append
    -            #+allegro (when (and devicep (null device)) `(:device :unspecific))
    -            keys)))
    +   despite the peculiarities of each implementation. DEPRECATED: just use MAKE-PATHNAME."
    +    (declare (ignore host device directory name type version defaults))
    +    (apply 'make-pathname keys))
       (defun make-pathname-component-logical (x)
         "Make a pathname component suitable for use in a logical-pathname"
    @@ -2163,7 +2114,7 @@ by the underlying implementation's MAKE-PATHNAME and other primitives"
       (defun make-pathname-logical (pathname host)
         "Take a PATHNAME's directory, name, type and version components,
     and make a new pathname with corresponding components and specified logical HOST"
    -    (make-pathname*
    +    (make-pathname
          :host host
          :directory (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-directory pathname))
          :name (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-name pathname))
    @@ -2206,10 +2157,10 @@ by default *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*, which cannot be NIL."
                            (pathname-device defaults)
                            (merge-pathname-directory-components directory (pathname-directory defaults))
                            (unspecific-handler defaults))))
    -          (make-pathname* :host host :device device :directory directory
    -                          :name (funcall unspecific-handler name)
    -                          :type (funcall unspecific-handler type)
    -                          :version (funcall unspecific-handler version))))))
    +          (make-pathname :host host :device device :directory directory
    +                         :name (funcall unspecific-handler name)
    +                         :type (funcall unspecific-handler type)
    +                         :version (funcall unspecific-handler version))))))
       (defun logical-pathname-p (x)
         "is X a logical-pathname?"
    @@ -2234,13 +2185,13 @@ when merging, making or parsing pathnames"
         ;; But CMUCL decides to die on NIL.
         ;; MCL has issues with make-pathname, nil and defaulting
         (declare (ignorable defaults))
    -    #.`(make-pathname* :directory nil :name nil :type nil :version nil
    -                       :device (or #+(and mkcl unix) :unspecific)
    -                       :host (or #+cmu lisp::*unix-host* #+(and mkcl unix) "localhost")
    -                       #+scl ,@'(:scheme nil :scheme-specific-part nil
    -                                 :username nil :password nil :parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil)
    -                       ;; the default shouldn't matter, but we really want something physical
    -                       #-mcl ,@'(:defaults defaults)))
    +    #.`(make-pathname :directory nil :name nil :type nil :version nil
    +                      :device (or #+(and mkcl unix) :unspecific)
    +                      :host (or #+cmucl lisp::*unix-host* #+(and mkcl unix) "localhost")
    +                      #+scl ,@'(:scheme nil :scheme-specific-part nil
    +                                :username nil :password nil :parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil)
    +                      ;; the default shouldn't matter, but we really want something physical
    +                      #-mcl ,@'(:defaults defaults)))
       (defvar *nil-pathname* (nil-pathname (physicalize-pathname (user-homedir-pathname)))
         "A pathname that is as neutral as possible for use as defaults
    @@ -2318,9 +2269,9 @@ actually-existing file.
     Returns the (parsed) PATHNAME when true"
         (when pathname
    -      (let* ((pathname (pathname pathname))
    -             (name (pathname-name pathname)))
    -        (when (not (member name '(nil :unspecific "") :test 'equal))
    +      (let ((pathname (pathname pathname)))
    +        (unless (and (member (pathname-name pathname) '(nil :unspecific "") :test 'equal)
    +                     (member (pathname-type pathname) '(nil :unspecific "") :test 'equal))
    @@ -2337,10 +2288,10 @@ and NIL NAME, TYPE and VERSION components"
     i.e. removing one level of depth in the DIRECTORY component. e.g. if pathname is
     Unix pathname /foo/bar/baz/file.type then return /foo/bar/"
         (when pathname
    -      (make-pathname* :name nil :type nil :version nil
    -                      :directory (merge-pathname-directory-components
    -                                  '(:relative :back) (pathname-directory pathname))
    -                      :defaults pathname)))
    +      (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil
    +                     :directory (merge-pathname-directory-components
    +                                 '(:relative :back) (pathname-directory pathname))
    +                     :defaults pathname)))
       (defun directory-pathname-p (pathname)
         "Does PATHNAME represent a directory?
    @@ -2375,11 +2326,11 @@ actually-existing directory."
           ((directory-pathname-p pathspec)
    -       (make-pathname* :directory (append (or (normalize-pathname-directory-component
    -                                               (pathname-directory pathspec))
    -                                              (list :relative))
    -                                          (list (file-namestring pathspec)))
    -                       :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults pathspec)))))
    +       (make-pathname :directory (append (or (normalize-pathname-directory-component
    +                                              (pathname-directory pathspec))
    +                                             (list :relative))
    +                                         (list (file-namestring pathspec)))
    +                      :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults pathspec)))))
     ;;; Parsing filenames
    @@ -2512,7 +2463,7 @@ to throw an error if the pathname is absolute"
                    (split-name-type filename)))
               (apply 'ensure-pathname
    -                 (make-pathname*
    +                 (make-pathname
                       :directory (unless file-only (cons relative path))
                       :name name :type type
                       :defaults (or #-mcl defaults *nil-pathname*))
    @@ -2581,19 +2532,19 @@ then it is merged with the PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME of PATHNAME."
       (defun pathname-root (pathname)
         "return the root directory for the host and device of given PATHNAME"
    -    (make-pathname* :directory '(:absolute)
    -                    :name nil :type nil :version nil
    -                    :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
    -                    ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
    -                    . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
    +    (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute)
    +                   :name nil :type nil :version nil
    +                   :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
    +                   ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
    +                   . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
       (defun pathname-host-pathname (pathname)
         "return a pathname with the same host as given PATHNAME, and all other fields NIL"
    -    (make-pathname* :directory nil
    -                    :name nil :type nil :version nil :device nil
    -                    :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
    -                    ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
    -                    . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
    +    (make-pathname :directory nil
    +                   :name nil :type nil :version nil :device nil
    +                   :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
    +                   ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
    +                   . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
       (defun ensure-absolute-pathname (path &optional defaults (on-error 'error))
         "Given a pathname designator PATH, return an absolute pathname as specified by PATH
    @@ -2660,12 +2611,12 @@ given DEFAULTS-PATHNAME as a base pathname."
                        :version (or #-(or allegro abcl xcl) *wild*))
         "A pathname object with wildcards for matching any file in a given directory")
       (defparameter *wild-directory*
    -    (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-directory-component*)
    -                    :name nil :type nil :version nil)
    +    (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,*wild-directory-component*)
    +                   :name nil :type nil :version nil)
         "A pathname object with wildcards for matching any subdirectory")
       (defparameter *wild-inferiors*
    -    (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-inferiors-component*)
    -                    :name nil :type nil :version nil)
    +    (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,*wild-inferiors-component*)
    +                   :name nil :type nil :version nil)
         "A pathname object with wildcards for matching any recursive subdirectory")
       (defparameter *wild-path*
         (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* *wild-inferiors*)
    @@ -2692,13 +2643,13 @@ given DEFAULTS-PATHNAME as a base pathname."
       (defun relativize-pathname-directory (pathspec)
         "Given a PATHNAME, return a relative pathname with otherwise the same components"
         (let ((p (pathname pathspec)))
    -      (make-pathname*
    +      (make-pathname
            :directory (relativize-directory-component (pathname-directory p))
            :defaults p)))
       (defun directory-separator-for-host (&optional (pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))
         "Given a PATHNAME, return the character used to delimit directory names on this host and device."
    -    (let ((foo (make-pathname* :directory '(:absolute "FOO") :defaults pathname)))
    +    (let ((foo (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "FOO") :defaults pathname)))
           (last-char (namestring foo))))
    @@ -2722,8 +2673,7 @@ added to its DIRECTORY component. This is useful for output translations."
           (multiple-value-bind (relative path filename)
               (split-unix-namestring-directory-components root-string :ensure-directory t)
             (declare (ignore relative filename))
    -        (let ((new-base
    -                (make-pathname* :defaults root :directory `(:absolute ,@path))))
    +        (let ((new-base (make-pathname :defaults root :directory `(:absolute ,@path))))
               (translate-pathname absolute-pathname wild-root (wilden new-base))))))
    @@ -2745,8 +2695,8 @@ added to its DIRECTORY component. This is useful for output translations."
                   (when (specificp scheme)
                     (setf prefix (strcat scheme prefix)))
                   (assert (and directory (eq (first directory) :absolute)))
    -              (make-pathname* :directory `(:absolute ,prefix ,@(rest directory))
    -                              :defaults pathname)))
    +              (make-pathname :directory `(:absolute ,prefix ,@(rest directory))
    +                             :defaults pathname)))
       (defun* (translate-pathname*) (path absolute-source destination &optional root source)
    @@ -2785,8 +2735,6 @@ you need to still be able to use compile-op on that lisp file."))
     ;;;; Portability layer around Common Lisp filesystem access
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/filesystem
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/filesystem)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/filesystem :asdf/pathname :asdf)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility :uiop/os :uiop/pathname)
        ;; Native namestrings
    @@ -2817,9 +2765,9 @@ you need to still be able to use compile-op on that lisp file."))
         (when x
           (let ((p (pathname x)))
             #+clozure (with-pathname-defaults () (ccl:native-translated-namestring p)) ; see ccl bug 978
    -        #+(or cmu scl) (ext:unix-namestring p nil)
    +        #+(or cmucl scl) (ext:unix-namestring p nil)
             #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring p)
    -        #-(or clozure cmu sbcl scl)
    +        #-(or clozure cmucl sbcl scl)
              ((os-unix-p) (unix-namestring p))
              (t (namestring p))))))
    @@ -2832,8 +2780,10 @@ a CL pathname satisfying all the specified constraints as per ENSURE-PATHNAME"
                  (when string
                    (with-pathname-defaults ()
                      #+clozure (ccl:native-to-pathname string)
    +                 #+cmucl (uiop/os::parse-unix-namestring* string)
                      #+sbcl (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring string)
    -                 #-(or clozure sbcl)
    +                 #+scl (lisp::parse-unix-namestring string)
    +                 #-(or clozure cmucl sbcl scl)
                       ((os-unix-p) (parse-unix-namestring string :ensure-directory ensure-directory))
                       (t (parse-namestring string))))))
    @@ -2918,10 +2868,10 @@ or the original (parsed) pathname if it is false (the default)."
             (if truename
                 (probe-file p)
    -             #+(or cmu scl) (unix:unix-stat (ext:unix-namestring p))
    +             #+(or cmucl scl) (unix:unix-stat (ext:unix-namestring p))
                  #+(and lispworks unix) (system:get-file-stat p)
                  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-stat (sb-ext:native-namestring p))
    -             #-(or cmu (and lispworks unix) sbcl scl) (file-write-date p)
    +             #-(or cmucl (and lispworks unix) sbcl scl) (file-write-date p)
       (defun directory-exists-p (x)
    @@ -2948,7 +2898,7 @@ Try to override the defaults to not resolving symlinks, if implementation allows
                (append keys '#.(or #+allegro '(:directories-are-files nil :follow-symbolic-links nil)
                                    #+(or clozure digitool) '(:follow-links nil)
                                    #+clisp '(:circle t :if-does-not-exist :ignore)
    -                               #+(or cmu scl) '(:follow-links nil :truenamep nil)
    +                               #+(or cmucl scl) '(:follow-links nil :truenamep nil)
                                    #+lispworks '(:link-transparency nil)
                                    #+sbcl (when (find-symbol* :resolve-symlinks '#:sb-impl nil)
                                             '(:resolve-symlinks nil))))))
    @@ -3014,9 +2964,9 @@ The behavior in presence of symlinks is not portable. Use IOlib to handle such s
         (let* ((directory (ensure-directory-pathname directory))
                #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
                (wild (merge-pathnames*
    -                  #-(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
    +                  #-(or abcl allegro cmucl lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
    -                  #+(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl) "*.*"
    +                  #+(or abcl allegro cmucl lispworks sbcl scl xcl) "*.*"
                  #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
    @@ -3025,17 +2975,17 @@ The behavior in presence of symlinks is not portable. Use IOlib to handle such s
                                            #+mcl '(:directories t))))
                  #+(or abcl xcl) (system:list-directory directory)
                  #+cormanlisp (cl::directory-subdirs directory)
    -             #+genera (fs:directory-list directory))
    -           #+(or abcl allegro cmu genera lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
    +             #+genera (handler-case (fs:directory-list directory) (fs:directory-not-found () nil)))
    +           #+(or abcl allegro cmucl genera lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
                (dirs (loop :for x :in dirs
                            :for d = #+(or abcl xcl) (extensions:probe-directory x)
                            #+allegro (excl:probe-directory x)
    -                       #+(or cmu sbcl scl) (directory-pathname-p x)
    +                       #+(or cmucl sbcl scl) (directory-pathname-p x)
                            #+genera (getf (cdr x) :directory)
                            #+lispworks (lw:file-directory-p x)
                            :when d :collect #+(or abcl allegro xcl) d
                              #+genera (ensure-directory-pathname (first x))
    -                       #+(or cmu lispworks sbcl scl) x)))
    +                       #+(or cmucl lispworks sbcl scl) x)))
            directory dirs
            (let ((prefix (or (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory directory))
    @@ -3080,13 +3030,13 @@ The behavior in presence of symlinks is not portable. Use IOlib to handle such s
               (loop :while up-components :do
                 (if-let (parent
    -                      (probe-file* (make-pathname* :directory `(:absolute ,@(reverse up-components))
    -                                                   :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults p))))
    +                      (probe-file* (make-pathname :directory `(:absolute ,@(reverse up-components))
    +                                                  :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults p))))
                   (if-let (simplified
    -                         (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,@down-components)
    -                                         :defaults p)
    +                         (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,@down-components)
    +                                        :defaults p)
                              (ensure-directory-pathname parent))))
                     (return simplified)))
                 (push (pop up-components) down-components)
    @@ -3332,7 +3282,7 @@ NILs."
                 #+(or allegro clasp ecl mkcl) #p"SYS:"
                 ;;#+clisp custom:*lib-directory* ; causes failure in asdf-pathname-test(!)
                 #+clozure #p"ccl:"
    -            #+cmu (ignore-errors (pathname-parent-directory-pathname (truename #p"modules:")))
    +            #+cmucl (ignore-errors (pathname-parent-directory-pathname (truename #p"modules:")))
                 #+gcl system::*system-directory*
                 #+lispworks lispworks:*lispworks-directory*
                 #+sbcl (if-let (it (find-symbol* :sbcl-homedir-pathname :sb-int nil))
    @@ -3386,10 +3336,10 @@ in an atomic way if the implementation allows."
         #+allegro (excl:delete-directory directory-pathname)
         #+clisp (ext:delete-directory directory-pathname)
         #+clozure (ccl::delete-empty-directory directory-pathname)
    -    #+(or cmu scl) (multiple-value-bind (ok errno)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl) (multiple-value-bind (ok errno)
                            (unix:unix-rmdir (native-namestring directory-pathname))
                          (unless ok
    -                       #+cmu (error "Error number ~A when trying to delete directory ~A"
    +                       #+cmucl (error "Error number ~A when trying to delete directory ~A"
                                         errno directory-pathname)
                            #+scl (error "~@<Error deleting ~S: ~A~@:>"
                                         directory-pathname (unix:get-unix-error-msg errno))))
    @@ -3402,7 +3352,7 @@ in an atomic way if the implementation allows."
                    `(,dd directory-pathname) ;; requires SBCL 1.0.44 or later
                    `(progn (require :sb-posix) (symbol-call :sb-posix :rmdir directory-pathname)))
         #+xcl (symbol-call :uiop :run-program `("rmdir" ,(native-namestring directory-pathname)))
    -    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp digitool ecl gcl genera lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl cormanlisp digitool ecl gcl genera lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
         (error "~S not implemented on ~S" 'delete-empty-directory (implementation-type))) ; genera
       (defun delete-directory-tree (directory-pathname &key (validate nil validatep) (if-does-not-exist :error))
    @@ -3436,7 +3386,7 @@ If you're suicidal or extremely confident, just use :VALIDATE T."
               (error "~S was asked to delete ~S but the directory does not exist"
                   'delete-directory-tree directory-pathname))
              (:ignore nil)))
    -      #-(or allegro cmu clozure genera sbcl scl)
    +      #-(or allegro cmucl clozure genera sbcl scl)
           ((os-unix-p) ;; On Unix, don't recursively walk the directory and delete everything in Lisp,
            ;; except on implementations where we can prevent DIRECTORY from following symlinks;
            ;; instead spawn a standard external program to do the dirty work.
    @@ -3463,8 +3413,6 @@ If you're suicidal or extremely confident, just use :VALIDATE T."
     ;;;; Utilities related to streams
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/stream
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/stream)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/stream :asdf/stream :asdf)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility :uiop/os :uiop/pathname :uiop/filesystem)
    @@ -3495,7 +3443,7 @@ If you're suicidal or extremely confident, just use :VALIDATE T."
     (with-upgradability ()
       (defvar *default-stream-element-type*
    -    (or #+(or abcl cmu cormanlisp scl xcl) 'character
    +    (or #+(or abcl cmucl cormanlisp scl xcl) 'character
             #+lispworks 'lw:simple-char
         "default element-type for open (depends on the current CL implementation)")
    @@ -3506,7 +3454,7 @@ If you're suicidal or extremely confident, just use :VALIDATE T."
       (defun setup-stdin ()
         (setf *stdin*
               #.(or #+clozure 'ccl::*stdin*
    -                #+(or cmu scl) 'system:*stdin*
    +                #+(or cmucl scl) 'system:*stdin*
                     #+(or clasp ecl) 'ext::+process-standard-input+
                     #+sbcl 'sb-sys:*stdin*
    @@ -3517,7 +3465,7 @@ If you're suicidal or extremely confident, just use :VALIDATE T."
       (defun setup-stdout ()
         (setf *stdout*
               #.(or #+clozure 'ccl::*stdout*
    -                #+(or cmu scl) 'system:*stdout*
    +                #+(or cmucl scl) 'system:*stdout*
                     #+(or clasp ecl) 'ext::+process-standard-output+
                     #+sbcl 'sb-sys:*stdout*
    @@ -3529,7 +3477,7 @@ If you're suicidal or extremely confident, just use :VALIDATE T."
         (setf *stderr*
               #.(or #+allegro 'excl::*stderr*
                     #+clozure 'ccl::*stderr*
    -                #+(or cmu scl) 'system:*stderr*
    +                #+(or cmucl scl) 'system:*stderr*
                     #+(or clasp ecl) 'ext::+process-error-output+
                     #+sbcl 'sb-sys:*stderr*
    @@ -4027,7 +3975,7 @@ ELEMENT-TYPE (defaults to *DEFAULT-STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE*) and
     If WANT-STREAM-P is true (the defaults to T), then THUNK will then be CALL-FUNCTION'ed
     with the stream and the pathname (if WANT-PATHNAME-P is true, defaults to T),
    -and stream with be closed after the THUNK exits (either normally or abnormally).
    +and stream will be closed after the THUNK exits (either normally or abnormally).
     If WANT-STREAM-P is false, then WANT-PATHAME-P must be true, and then
     THUNK is only CALL-FUNCTION'ed after the stream is closed, with the pathname as argument.
     Upon exit of THUNK, the AFTER thunk if defined is CALL-FUNCTION'ed with the pathname as argument.
    @@ -4164,8 +4112,6 @@ For the latter case, we ought pick a random suffix and atomically open it."
     ;;;; Starting, Stopping, Dumping a Lisp image
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/image
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/image)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/image :asdf/image :xcvb-driver)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility :uiop/pathname :uiop/stream :uiop/os)
        #:*image-dumped-p* #:raw-command-line-arguments #:*command-line-arguments*
    @@ -4231,7 +4177,7 @@ This is designed to abstract away the implementation specific quit forms."
         #+clisp (ext:quit code)
         #+clozure (ccl:quit code)
         #+cormanlisp (win32:exitprocess code)
    -    #+(or cmu scl) (unix:unix-exit code)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl) (unix:unix-exit code)
         #+gcl (system:quit code)
         #+genera (error "~S: You probably don't want to Halt Genera. (code: ~S)" 'quit code)
         #+lispworks (lispworks:quit :status code :confirm nil :return nil :ignore-errors-p t)
    @@ -4242,7 +4188,7 @@ This is designed to abstract away the implementation specific quit forms."
                      (exit `(,exit :code code :abort (not finish-output)))
                      (quit `(,quit :unix-status code :recklessly-p (not finish-output)))))
    -    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
         (error "~S called with exit code ~S but there's no quitting on this implementation" 'quit code))
       (defun die (code format &rest arguments)
    @@ -4285,7 +4231,7 @@ This is designed to abstract away the implementation specific quit forms."
           #+clozure (ccl:print-call-history :count count :start-frame-number 1)
           #+mcl (ccl:print-call-history :detailed-p nil)
           (finish-output stream))
    -    #+(or cmu scl)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl)
         (let ((debug:*debug-print-level* *print-level*)
               (debug:*debug-print-length* *print-length*))
           (debug:backtrace (or count most-positive-fixnum) stream))
    @@ -4389,14 +4335,14 @@ depending on whether *LISP-INTERACTION* is set, enter debugger or die"
         #+(or clasp ecl) (loop :for i :from 0 :below (si:argc) :collect (si:argv i))
         #+clisp (coerce (ext:argv) 'list)
         #+clozure ccl:*command-line-argument-list*
    -    #+(or cmu scl) extensions:*command-line-strings*
    +    #+(or cmucl scl) extensions:*command-line-strings*
         #+gcl si:*command-args*
         #+(or genera mcl) nil
         #+lispworks sys:*line-arguments-list*
         #+mkcl (loop :for i :from 0 :below (mkcl:argc) :collect (mkcl:argv i))
         #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*
         #+xcl system:*argv*
    -    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
         (error "raw-command-line-arguments not implemented yet"))
       (defun command-line-arguments (&optional (arguments (raw-command-line-arguments)))
    @@ -4425,7 +4371,7 @@ Otherwise, return NIL."
           ((eq *image-dumped-p* :executable) ; yes, this ARGV0 is our argv0 !
            ;; NB: not currently available on ABCL, Corman, Genera, MCL
    -       (or #+(or allegro clisp clozure cmu gcl lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
    +       (or #+(or allegro clisp clozure cmucl gcl lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
                (first (raw-command-line-arguments))
                #+(or clasp ecl) (si:argv 0) #+mkcl (mkcl:argv 0)))
           (t ;; argv[0] is the name of the interpreter.
    @@ -4515,7 +4461,7 @@ or COMPRESSION on SBCL, and APPLICATION-TYPE on SBCL/Windows."
         (setf *image-dump-hook* dump-hook)
         (setf *image-restored-p* nil)
    -    #-(or clisp clozure cmu lispworks sbcl scl)
    +    #-(or clisp clozure cmucl lispworks sbcl scl)
         (when executable
           (error "Dumping an executable is not supported on this implementation! Aborting."))
    @@ -4543,13 +4489,13 @@ or COMPRESSION on SBCL, and APPLICATION-TYPE on SBCL/Windows."
                 (funcall (fdefinition 'ccl::write-elf-symbols-to-file) path)
                 (dump path))
               (dump t)))
    -    #+(or cmu scl)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl)
           (ext:gc :full t)
           (setf ext:*batch-mode* nil)
           (setf ext::*gc-run-time* 0)
           (apply 'ext:save-lisp filename
    -             #+cmu :executable #+cmu t
    +             #+cmucl :executable #+cmucl t
                  (when executable '(:init-function restore-image :process-command-line nil))))
    @@ -4572,7 +4518,7 @@ or COMPRESSION on SBCL, and APPLICATION-TYPE on SBCL/Windows."
                   #+(and sbcl os-windows) ;; passing :application-type :gui will disable the console window.
                   ;; the default is :console - only works with SBCL 1.1.15 or later.
                   (when application-type (list :application-type application-type)))))
    -    #-(or allegro clisp clozure cmu gcl lispworks sbcl scl)
    +    #-(or allegro clisp clozure cmucl gcl lispworks sbcl scl)
         (error "Can't ~S ~S: UIOP doesn't support image dumping with ~A.~%"
                'dump-image filename (nth-value 1 (implementation-type))))
    @@ -4636,8 +4582,7 @@ or COMPRESSION on SBCL, and APPLICATION-TYPE on SBCL/Windows."
     ;;;; run-program initially from xcvb-driver.
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/run-program
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/run-program)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/run-program :asdf/run-program :xcvb-driver)
    +  (:nicknames :asdf/run-program) ; OBSOLETE. Used by cl-sane, printv.
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility
        :uiop/pathname :uiop/os :uiop/filesystem :uiop/stream)
    @@ -5554,8 +5499,7 @@ or an indication of failure via the EXIT-CODE of the process"
     ;;;; Support to build (compile and load) Lisp files
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/lisp-build
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/lisp-build)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/lisp-build :asdf/lisp-build :asdf)
    +  (:nicknames :asdf/lisp-build) ;; OBSOLETE, used by slime/contrib/swank-asdf.lisp
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility
        :uiop/os :uiop/pathname :uiop/filesystem :uiop/stream :uiop/image)
    @@ -5618,7 +5562,7 @@ This can help you produce more deterministic output for FASLs."))
             #+clisp '() ;; system::*optimize* is a constant hash-table! (with non-constant contents)
             #+clozure '(ccl::*nx-speed* ccl::*nx-space* ccl::*nx-safety*
                         ccl::*nx-debug* ccl::*nx-cspeed*)
    -        #+(or cmu scl) '(c::*default-cookie*)
    +        #+(or cmucl scl) '(c::*default-cookie*)
             #+(and ecl (not clasp)) (unless (use-ecl-byte-compiler-p) '(c::*speed* c::*space* c::*safety* c::*debug*))
             #+clasp '()
             #+gcl '(compiler::*speed* compiler::*space* compiler::*compiler-new-safety* compiler::*debug*)
    @@ -5627,11 +5571,11 @@ This can help you produce more deterministic output for FASLs."))
             #+sbcl '(sb-c::*policy*)))
       (defun get-optimization-settings ()
         "Get current compiler optimization settings, ready to PROCLAIM again"
    -    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +    #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
         (warn "~S does not support ~S. Please help me fix that."
               'get-optimization-settings (implementation-type))
    -    #+(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    -    (let ((settings '(speed space safety debug compilation-speed #+(or cmu scl) c::brevity)))
    +    #+(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
    +    (let ((settings '(speed space safety debug compilation-speed #+(or cmucl scl) c::brevity)))
           #.`(loop #+(or allegro clozure)
                    ,@'(:with info = #+allegro (sys:declaration-information 'optimize)
                        #+clozure (ccl:declaration-information 'optimize nil))
    @@ -5640,7 +5584,7 @@ This can help you produce more deterministic output for FASLs."))
                    :for y = (or #+(or allegro clozure) (second (assoc x info)) ; normalize order
                                 #+clisp (gethash x system::*optimize* 1)
                                 #+(or abcl clasp ecl mkcl xcl) (symbol-value v)
    -                            #+(or cmu scl) (slot-value c::*default-cookie*
    +                            #+(or cmucl scl) (slot-value c::*default-cookie*
                                                            (case x (compilation-speed 'c::cspeed)
                                                                  (otherwise x)))
                                 #+lispworks (slot-value compiler::*optimization-level* x)
    @@ -5682,7 +5626,7 @@ This can help you produce more deterministic output for FASLs."))
       (defvar *usual-uninteresting-conditions*
          ;;#+clozure '(ccl:compiler-warning)
    -     #+cmu '("Deleting unreachable code.")
    +     #+cmucl '("Deleting unreachable code.")
          #+lispworks '("~S being redefined in ~A (previously in ~A)."
                        "~S defined more than once in ~A.") ;; lispworks gets confused by eval-when.
    @@ -5867,7 +5811,7 @@ Simple means made of symbols, numbers, characters, simple-strings, pathnames, co
                             :warning-type warning-type
                             :args (destructuring-bind (fun . more) args
                                     (cons (symbolify-function-name fun) more))))))
    -  #+(or cmu scl)
    +  #+(or cmucl scl)
       (defun reify-undefined-warning (warning)
         ;; Extracting undefined-warnings from the compilation-unit
         ;; To be passed through the above reify/unreify link, it must be a "simple-sexp"
    @@ -5919,7 +5863,7 @@ WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. One of three functions required for deferred-warnings sup
                 (if-let (dw ccl::*outstanding-deferred-warnings*)
                   (let ((mdw (ccl::ensure-merged-deferred-warnings dw)))
                     (ccl::deferred-warnings.warnings mdw))))
    -    #+(or cmu scl)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl)
         (when lisp::*in-compilation-unit*
           ;; Try to send nothing through the pipe if nothing needs to be accumulated
           `(,@(when c::*undefined-warnings*
    @@ -5965,7 +5909,7 @@ One of three functions required for deferred-warnings support in ASDF."
                       (setf ccl::*outstanding-deferred-warnings* (ccl::%defer-warnings t)))))
           (appendf (ccl::deferred-warnings.warnings dw)
                    (mapcar 'unreify-deferred-warning reified-deferred-warnings)))
    -    #+(or cmu scl)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl)
         (dolist (item reified-deferred-warnings)
           ;; Each item is (symbol . adjustment) where the adjustment depends on the symbol.
           ;; For *undefined-warnings*, the adjustment is a list of initargs.
    @@ -6028,7 +5972,7 @@ One of three functions required for deferred-warnings support in ASDF."
         (if-let (dw ccl::*outstanding-deferred-warnings*)
           (let ((mdw (ccl::ensure-merged-deferred-warnings dw)))
             (setf (ccl::deferred-warnings.warnings mdw) nil)))
    -    #+(or cmu scl)
    +    #+(or cmucl scl)
         (when lisp::*in-compilation-unit*
           (setf c::*undefined-warnings* nil
                 c::*compiler-error-count* 0
    @@ -6344,8 +6288,7 @@ it will filter them appropriately."
     ;;;; Generic support for configuration files
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/configuration
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/configuration)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/configuration :asdf/configuration :asdf)
    +  (:recycle :uiop/configuration :asdf/configuration) ;; necessary to upgrade from 2.27.
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/utility
        :uiop/os :uiop/pathname :uiop/filesystem :uiop/stream :uiop/image :uiop/lisp-build)
    @@ -6541,7 +6484,7 @@ directive.")
             ;; but what it means to the output-translations is
             ;; "relative to the root of the source pathname's host and device".
             (return-from resolve-absolute-location
    -          (let ((p (make-pathname* :directory '(:relative))))
    +          (let ((p (make-pathname :directory '(:relative))))
                 (if wilden (wilden p) p))))
            ((eql :home) (user-homedir-pathname))
            ((eql :here) (resolve-absolute-location
    @@ -6758,14 +6701,11 @@ objects. Side-effects for cached file location computation."
     ;;; Hacks for backward-compatibility of the driver
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/backward-driver
    -  (:nicknames :asdf/backward-driver)
    -  (:recycle :uiop/backward-driver :asdf/backward-driver :asdf)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package :uiop/utility
        :uiop/pathname :uiop/stream :uiop/os :uiop/image
        :uiop/run-program :uiop/lisp-build :uiop/configuration)
    -   #:coerce-pathname #:component-name-to-pathname-components
    -   #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) #:compile-file-keeping-object
    +   #:coerce-pathname
        #:user-configuration-directories #:system-configuration-directories
        #:in-first-directory #:in-user-configuration-directory #:in-system-configuration-directory
    @@ -6776,27 +6716,11 @@ objects. Side-effects for cached file location computation."
     (with-upgradability ()
       (defun coerce-pathname (name &key type defaults)
         ;; For backward-compatibility only, for people using internals
    -    ;; Reported users in quicklisp: hu.dwim.asdf, asdf-utils, xcvb
    -    ;; Will be removed after 2014-01-16.
    +    ;; Reported users in quicklisp 2015-11: hu.dwim.asdf (removed in next release)
    +    ;; Will be removed after 2015-12.
         (parse-unix-namestring name :type type :defaults defaults))
    -  (defun component-name-to-pathname-components (unix-style-namestring
    -                                                 &key force-directory force-relative)
    -    ;; Will be removed after 2014-01-16.
    -    (multiple-value-bind (relabs path filename file-only)
    -        (split-unix-namestring-directory-components
    -         unix-style-namestring :ensure-directory force-directory)
    -      (declare (ignore file-only))
    -      (when (and force-relative (not (eq relabs :relative)))
    -        (error (compatfmt "~@<Absolute pathname designator not allowed: ~3i~_~S~@:>")
    -               unix-style-namestring))
    -      (values relabs path filename)))
    -  #+(or clasp ecl mkcl)
    -  (defun compile-file-keeping-object (&rest args) (apply #'compile-file* args))
       ;; Backward compatibility for ASDF 2.27 to 3.1.4
       (defun user-configuration-directories ()
         "Return the current user's list of user configuration directories
    @@ -6829,7 +6753,8 @@ for common-lisp. DEPRECATED."
     ;;;; Re-export all the functionality in UIOP
     (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/driver
    -  (:nicknames :uiop :asdf/driver :asdf-driver :asdf-utils)
    +  (:nicknames :uiop :asdf/driver) ;; asdf/driver is obsolete (uiop isn't);
    +  ;; but asdf/driver is still used by swap-bytes, static-vectors.
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp)
        ;; NB: not reexporting uiop/common-lisp
        ;; which include all of CL with compatibility modifications on select platforms,
    @@ -6837,9 +6762,8 @@ for common-lisp. DEPRECATED."
        ;; or :use (closer-common-lisp uiop), etc.
        :uiop/package :uiop/utility
    -   :uiop/os :uiop/pathname :uiop/stream :uiop/filesystem :uiop/image
    -   :uiop/run-program :uiop/lisp-build
    -   :uiop/configuration :uiop/backward-driver))
    +   :uiop/os :uiop/pathname :uiop/filesystem :uiop/stream :uiop/image
    +   :uiop/run-program :uiop/lisp-build :uiop/configuration :uiop/backward-driver))
     ;; Provide both lowercase and uppercase, to satisfy more people.
     (provide "uiop") (provide "UIOP")
    @@ -6853,7 +6777,7 @@ for common-lisp. DEPRECATED."
        #:asdf-version #:*previous-asdf-versions* #:*asdf-version*
        #:asdf-message #:*verbose-out*
    -   #:upgrading-p #:when-upgrading #:upgrade-asdf #:asdf-upgrade-error #:defparameter*
    +   #:upgrading-p #:when-upgrading #:upgrade-asdf #:defparameter*
        #:*post-upgrade-cleanup-hook* #:*post-upgrade-restart-hook* #:cleanup-upgraded-asdf
        ;; There will be no symbol left behind!
    @@ -6875,7 +6799,16 @@ You can compare this string with e.g.: (ASDF:VERSION-SATISFIES (ASDF:ASDF-VERSIO
                   (cons (format nil "~{~D~^.~}" rev))
                   (null "1.0"))))))
       ;; Important: define *p-a-v* /before/ *a-v* so that it initializes correctly.
    -  (defvar *previous-asdf-versions* (if-let (previous (asdf-version)) (list previous)))
    +  (defvar *previous-asdf-versions*
    +    (let ((previous (asdf-version)))
    +      (when previous
    +        ;; Punt on hard package upgrade: from ASDF1 or ASDF2
    +        (when (version< previous "2.27") ;; 2.27 is the first to have the :asdf3 feature.
    +          (let ((away (format nil "~A-~A" :asdf previous)))
    +            (rename-package :asdf away)
    +            (when *load-verbose*
    +              (format t "~&; Renamed old ~A package away to ~A~%" :asdf away)))))
    +        (list previous)))
       (defvar *asdf-version* nil)
       ;; We need to clear systems from versions yet older than the below:
       (defparameter *oldest-forward-compatible-asdf-version* "2.33") ;; 2.32.13 renames a slot in component.
    @@ -6912,7 +6845,7 @@ previously-loaded version of ASDF."
              ;; "" would be a development version in the official branch, on top of 3.4.5.
              ;; "" would be your eighth local modification of official release 3.4.5
              ;; "" would be your eighth local modification of development version
    -         (asdf-version "3.1.6")
    +         (asdf-version "")
              (existing-version (asdf-version)))
         (setf *asdf-version* asdf-version)
         (when (and existing-version (not (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
    @@ -6926,21 +6859,7 @@ previously-loaded version of ASDF."
       (let ((redefined-functions ;; gf signature and/or semantics changed incompatibly. Oops.
               ;; NB: it's too late to do anything about functions in UIOP!
               ;; If you introduce some critically incompatibility there, you must change name.
    -          '(#:component-relative-pathname #:component-parent-pathname ;; component
    -            #:source-file-type
    -            #:find-system #:system-source-file #:system-relative-pathname ;; system
    -            #:find-component ;; find-component
    -            #:explain #:perform #:perform-with-restarts #:input-files #:output-files ;; action
    -            #:component-depends-on #:operation-done-p #:component-depends-on
    -            #:traverse ;; backward-interface
    -            #:map-direct-dependencies #:reduce-direct-dependencies #:direct-dependencies ;; plan
    -            #:operate  ;; operate
    -            #:parse-component-form ;; defsystem
    -            #:apply-output-translations ;; output-translations
    -            #:process-output-translations-directive
    -            #:inherit-source-registry #:process-source-registry ;; source-registry
    -            #:process-source-registry-directive
    -            #:trivial-system-p)) ;; bundle
    +          '()) ;; empty now that we don't unintern, but wholly punt on ASDF 2.26 or earlier.
               ;; redefining the classes causes interim circularities
               ;; with the old ASDF during upgrade, and many implementations bork
    @@ -6962,12 +6881,6 @@ previously-loaded version of ASDF."
     ;;; Self-upgrade functions
     (with-upgradability ()
    -  (defun asdf-upgrade-error ()
    -    ;; Important notice for whom it concerns. The crux of the matter is that
    -    ;; TRAVERSE can be completely refactored, and so after the find-system returns, it's too late.
    -    (error "When a system transitively depends on ASDF, it must :defsystem-depends-on (:asdf)~%~
    -          Otherwise, when you upgrade from ASDF 2, you must do it before you operate on any system.~%"))
       (defun cleanup-upgraded-asdf (&optional (old-version (first *previous-asdf-versions*)))
         (let ((new-version (asdf-version)))
           (unless (equal old-version new-version)
    @@ -7072,7 +6985,7 @@ another pathname in a degenerate way."))
         ;; condition objects, which in turn does inheritance of :report options at
         ;; run-time.  fortunately, inheritance means we only need this kludge here in
         ;; order to fix all conditions that build on it.  -- rgr, 28-Jul-02.]
    -    #+cmu (:report print-object))
    +    #+cmucl (:report print-object))
       (define-condition duplicate-names (system-definition-error)
         ((name :initarg :name :reader duplicate-names-name))
    @@ -7110,10 +7023,9 @@ another pathname in a degenerate way."))
          ;; See our ASDF 2 paper for more complete explanations.
          (in-order-to :initform nil :initarg :in-order-to
                       :accessor component-in-order-to)
    -     ;; methods defined using the "inline" style inside a defsystem form:
    -     ;; need to store them somewhere so we can delete them when the system
    -     ;; is re-evaluated.
    -     (inline-methods :accessor component-inline-methods :initform nil) ;; OBSOLETE! DELETE THIS IF NO ONE USES.
    +     ;; Methods defined using the "inline" style inside a defsystem form:
    +     ;; we store them here so we can delete them when the system is re-evaluated.
    +     (inline-methods :accessor component-inline-methods :initform nil)
          ;; ASDF4: rename it from relative-pathname to specified-pathname. It need not be relative.
          ;; There is no initform and no direct accessor for this specified pathname,
          ;; so we only access the information through appropriate methods, after it has been processed.
    @@ -7502,7 +7414,8 @@ in which the system specification (.asd file) is located."
        #:remove-entry-from-registry #:coerce-entry-to-directory
        #:coerce-name #:primary-system-name #:coerce-filename
        #:find-system #:locate-system #:load-asd
    -   #:system-registered-p #:register-system #:registered-systems #:clear-system #:map-systems
    +   #:system-registered-p #:register-system #:registered-systems* #:registered-systems
    +   #:clear-system #:map-systems
        #:missing-component #:missing-requires #:missing-parent
        #:formatted-system-definition-error #:format-control #:format-arguments #:sysdef-error
        #:load-system-definition-error #:error-name #:error-pathname #:error-condition
    @@ -7567,9 +7480,12 @@ of which is a system object.")
       (defun system-registered-p (name)
         (gethash (coerce-name name) *defined-systems*))
    -  (defun registered-systems ()
    +  (defun registered-systems* ()
         (loop :for registered :being :the :hash-values :of *defined-systems*
    -          :collect (coerce-name (cdr registered))))
    +          :collect (cdr registered)))
    +  (defun registered-systems ()
    +    (mapcar 'coerce-name (registered-systems*)))
       (defun register-system (system)
         (check-type system system)
    @@ -7788,7 +7704,8 @@ Going forward, we recommend new users should be using the source-registry.
         (find-system (coerce-name name) error-p))
       (defun find-system-if-being-defined (name)
    -    ;; notable side effect: mark the system as being defined, to avoid infinite loops
    +    ;; NB: this depends on a corresponding side-effect in parse-defsystem;
    +    ;; this protocol may change somewhat in the future.
         (first (gethash `(find-system ,(coerce-name name)) *asdf-cache*)))
       (defun load-asd (pathname
    @@ -7809,10 +7726,10 @@ Going forward, we recommend new users should be using the source-registry.
                     ;; resolve logical-pathnames so they won't wreak havoc in parsing namestrings.
                     (pathname-directory-pathname (physicalize-pathname pathname))))
    -              ((error #'(lambda (condition)
    -                          (error 'load-system-definition-error
    -                                 :name name :pathname pathname
    -                                 :condition condition))))
    +              (((and error (not missing-component))
    +                 #'(lambda (condition)
    +                     (error 'load-system-definition-error
    +                            :name name :pathname pathname :condition condition))))
                 (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;Loading system definition~@[ for ~A~] from ~A~@:>~%")
                               name pathname)
                 (load* pathname :external-format external-format))))))
    @@ -8482,9 +8399,11 @@ in some previous image, or T if it needs to be done.")
       (defmethod component-operation-time ((o operation) (c component))
         (gethash (type-of o) (component-operation-times c)))
    +  (defmethod (setf component-operation-time) (stamp (o operation) (c component))
    +    (setf (gethash (type-of o) (component-operation-times c)) stamp))
       (defmethod mark-operation-done ((o operation) (c component))
    -    (setf (gethash (type-of o) (component-operation-times c))
    -          (compute-action-stamp nil o c :just-done t))))
    +    (setf (component-operation-time o c) (compute-action-stamp nil o c :just-done t))))
     ;;;; Perform
    @@ -9123,6 +9042,8 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
                                      :index (if status ; index of action amongst all nodes in traversal
                                                 (action-index status) ;; if already visited, keep index
                                                 (incf (plan-total-action-count plan))))) ; else new index
    +                          (when (and done-p (not add-to-plan-p))
    +                            (setf (component-operation-time operation component) stamp))
                               (when add-to-plan-p ; if it needs to be added to the plan,
                                 (incf (plan-planned-action-count plan)) ; count it
                                 (unless aniip ; if it's output-producing,
    @@ -9413,7 +9334,7 @@ to load it in current image."
       (defun already-loaded-systems ()
         "return a list of the names of the systems that have been successfully loaded so far"
    -    (remove-if-not 'component-loaded-p (registered-systems)))
    +    (mapcar 'coerce-name (remove-if-not 'component-loaded-p (registered-systems*))))
       (defun require-system (system &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
         "Ensure the specified SYSTEM is loaded, passing the KEYS to OPERATE, but skip any update to the
    @@ -9853,7 +9774,7 @@ system names to pathnames of .asd files")
       (register-clear-configuration-hook 'clear-source-registry)
       (defparameter *wild-asd*
    -    (make-pathname* :directory nil :name *wild* :type "asd" :version :newest))
    +    (make-pathname :directory nil :name *wild* :type "asd" :version :newest))
       (defun directory-asd-files (directory)
         (directory-files directory *wild-asd*))
    @@ -9978,7 +9899,7 @@ after having found a .asd file? True by default.")
           #+(or clasp ecl sbcl) (:tree ,(resolve-symlinks* (lisp-implementation-directory)))
           #+mkcl (:tree ,(translate-logical-pathname "CONTRIB:"))
    -      #+cmu (:tree #p"modules:")
    +      #+cmucl (:tree #p"modules:")
           #+scl (:tree #p"file://modules/")))
       (defun default-user-source-registry ()
    @@ -10295,7 +10216,7 @@ after having found a .asd file? True by default.")
     ;;; Main parsing function
     (with-upgradability ()
    -  (defun* parse-dependency-def (dd)
    +  (defun parse-dependency-def (dd)
         (if (listp dd)
             (case (first dd)
    @@ -10316,12 +10237,12 @@ after having found a .asd file? True by default.")
               (otherwise (sysdef-error "Ill-formed dependency: ~s" dd)))
           (coerce-name dd)))
    -  (defun* parse-dependency-defs (dd-list)
    +  (defun parse-dependency-defs (dd-list)
         "Parse the dependency defs in DD-LIST into canonical form by translating all
     system names contained using COERCE-NAME. Return the result."
         (mapcar 'parse-dependency-def dd-list))
    -  (defun* (parse-component-form) (parent options &key previous-serial-component)
    +  (defun (parse-component-form) (parent options &key previous-serial-component)
             (type name &rest rest &key
                                     (builtin-system-p () bspp)
    @@ -10411,6 +10332,15 @@ system names contained using COERCE-NAME. Return the result."
         (with-asdf-cache ()
           (let* ((name (coerce-name name))
                  (source-file (if sfp source-file (resolve-symlinks* (load-pathname))))
    +             ;; NB: handle defsystem-depends-on BEFORE to create the system object,
    +             ;; so that in case it fails, there is no incomplete object polluting the build.
    +             (checked-defsystem-depends-on
    +               (let* ((dep-forms (parse-dependency-defs defsystem-depends-on))
    +                      (deps (loop :for spec :in dep-forms
    +                                  :when (resolve-dependency-spec nil spec)
    +                                    :collect :it)))
    +                 (load-systems* deps)
    +                 dep-forms))
                  (registered (system-registered-p name))
                  (registered! (if registered
                                   (rplaca registered (get-file-stamp source-file))
    @@ -10419,17 +10349,12 @@ system names contained using COERCE-NAME. Return the result."
                  (system (reset-system (cdr registered!)
                                        :name name :source-file source-file))
    -              (remove-plist-keys '(:defsystem-depends-on :class) options))
    -             (defsystem-dependencies (loop :for spec :in defsystem-depends-on
    -                                           :when (resolve-dependency-spec nil spec)
    -                                           :collect :it)))
    -        ;; cache defsystem-depends-on in canonical form
    -        (when defsystem-depends-on
    -          (setf component-options
    -                (append `(:defsystem-depends-on ,(parse-dependency-defs defsystem-depends-on))
    -                        component-options)))
    +              (append
    +               (remove-plist-keys '(:defsystem-depends-on :class) options)
    +               ;; cache defsystem-depends-on in canonical form
    +               (when checked-defsystem-depends-on
    +                 `(:defsystem-depends-on ,checked-defsystem-depends-on)))))
             (set-asdf-cache-entry `(find-system ,name) (list system))
    -        (load-systems* defsystem-dependencies)
             ;; We change-class AFTER we loaded the defsystem-depends-on
             ;; since the class might be defined as part of those.
             (let ((class (class-for-type nil class)))
    @@ -11023,16 +10948,6 @@ for all the linkable object files associated with the system or its dependencies
                    :extra-object-files (or (extra-object-files o) (when programp (extra-object-files c)))
                    :no-uiop (no-uiop c)
                    (when programp `(:entry-point ,(component-entry-point c))))))))
    -#+(and (not asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op)
    -       (or (and clasp ecl darwin)
    -           (and abcl darwin (not abcl-bundle-op-supported))))
    -(defmethod perform :before ((o basic-compile-bundle-op) (c component))
    -  (unless (featurep :asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op)
    -    (cerror "Continue after modifying *FEATURES*."
    -            "BASIC-COMPILE-BUNDLE-OP operations are not supported on Mac OS X for this lisp.~%~T~
    -To continue, push :asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op onto *FEATURES*.~%~T~
    -Please report to ASDF-DEVEL if this works for you.")))
     ;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ;;;; Concatenate-source
    @@ -11219,11 +11134,12 @@ otherwise return a default system name computed from PACKAGE-NAME."
           (remove t (mapcar 'package-name-system (package-dependencies defpackage-form)))
           (error 'package-inferred-system-missing-package-error :system system :pathname file)))
    -  (defun same-package-inferred-system-p (system name directory subpath dependencies)
    +  (defun same-package-inferred-system-p (system name directory subpath around-compile dependencies)
         (and (eq (type-of system) 'package-inferred-system)
              (equal (component-name system) name)
              (pathname-equal directory (component-pathname system))
              (equal dependencies (component-sideway-dependencies system))
    +         (equal around-compile (around-compile-hook system))
              (let ((children (component-children system)))
                (and (length=n-p children 1)
                     (let ((child (first children)))
    @@ -11243,14 +11159,16 @@ otherwise return a default system name computed from PACKAGE-NAME."
                                          :truename *resolve-symlinks*)))
                     (when (file-pathname-p f)
                       (let ((dependencies (package-inferred-system-file-dependencies f system))
    -                        (previous (cdr (system-registered-p system))))
    -                    (if (same-package-inferred-system-p previous system dir sub dependencies)
    +                        (previous (cdr (system-registered-p system)))
    +                        (around-compile (around-compile-hook top)))
    +                    (if (same-package-inferred-system-p previous system dir sub around-compile dependencies)
                             (eval `(defsystem ,system
                                      :class package-inferred-system
                                      :source-file nil
                                      :pathname ,dir
                                      :depends-on ,dependencies
    +                                 :around-compile ,around-compile
                                      :components ((cl-source-file "lisp" :pathname ,sub)))))))))))))))
     (with-upgradability ()
    @@ -11264,27 +11182,14 @@ otherwise return a default system name computed from PACKAGE-NAME."
     (uiop/package:define-package :asdf/backward-internals
       (:recycle :asdf/backward-internals :asdf)
       (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade :asdf/find-system)
    -  (:export ;; for internal use
    -   #:make-sub-operation
    -   #:load-sysdef #:make-temporary-package))
    +  (:export #:load-sysdef))
     (in-package :asdf/backward-internals)
    -(when-upgrading (:when (fboundp 'make-sub-operation))
    -  (defun make-sub-operation (c o dep-c dep-o)
    -    (declare (ignore c o dep-c dep-o)) (asdf-upgrade-error)))
    -;;;; load-sysdef
     (with-upgradability ()
       (defun load-sysdef (name pathname)
    -    (load-asd pathname :name name))
    -  (defun make-temporary-package ()
    -    ;; For loading a .asd file, we don't make a temporary package anymore,
    -    ;; but use ASDF-USER. I'd like to have this function do this,
    -    ;; but since whoever uses it is likely to delete-package the result afterwards,
    -    ;; this would be a bad idea, so preserve the old behavior.
    -    (make-package (fresh-package-name :prefix :asdf :index 0) :use '(:cl :asdf))))
    +    (declare (ignore name pathname))
    +    ;; Needed for backward compatibility with swank-asdf from SLIME 2015-12-01 or older.
    +    (error "Use asdf:load-asd instead of asdf::load-sysdef")))
     ;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ;;; Backward-compatible interfaces
    @@ -11654,12 +11559,12 @@ Please use UIOP:RUN-PROGRAM instead."
     (in-package :asdf/footer)
     ;;;; Hook ASDF into the implementation's REQUIRE and other entry points.
    -#+(or abcl clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl mkcl sbcl)
    +#+(or abcl clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl mkcl sbcl)
     (with-upgradability ()
       (if-let (x (and #+clisp (find-symbol* '#:*module-provider-functions* :custom nil)))
         (eval `(pushnew 'module-provide-asdf
                         #+abcl sys::*module-provider-functions*
    -                    #+(or clasp cmu ecl) ext:*module-provider-functions*
    +                    #+(or clasp cmucl ecl) ext:*module-provider-functions*
                         #+clisp ,x
                         #+clozure ccl:*module-provider-functions*
                         #+mkcl mk-ext:*module-provider-functions*
    @@ -11683,7 +11588,7 @@ Please use UIOP:RUN-PROGRAM instead."
                               (and (first l) (register-preloaded-system (coerce-name name)))
                               (values-list l))))))))
    -#+cmu ;; Hook into the CMUCL herald.
    +#+cmucl ;; Hook into the CMUCL herald.
     (with-upgradability ()
       (defun herald-asdf (stream)
         (format stream "    ASDF ~A" (asdf-version)))
    @@ -11694,7 +11599,7 @@ Please use UIOP:RUN-PROGRAM instead."
     (with-upgradability ()
       (when (boundp 'excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals*)
    -    (setf excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals* asdf/common-lisp::*acl-warn-save*))
    +    (setf excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals* uiop/common-lisp::*acl-warn-save*))
       (dolist (f '(:asdf :asdf2 :asdf3 :asdf3.1 :asdf-package-system)) (pushnew f *features*))

  • src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.html
    --- a/src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.html
    +++ b/src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.html
    @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ ul.no-bullet {list-style: none}
     <a name="SEC_Contents"></a>
     <h2 class="contents-heading">Table of Contents</h2>
    @@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ ul.no-bullet {list-style: none}
     <a name="Top"></a>
     <a name="ASDF_003a-Another-System-Definition-Facility"></a>
     <h1 class="top">ASDF: Another System Definition Facility</h1>
    -<p>Manual for Version 3.1.6
    +<p>Manual for Version
     <p>This manual describes ASDF, a system definition facility
    @@ -1263,7 +1262,7 @@ simple-component-name := string
     pathname-specifier := pathname | string | symbol
     method-form := (operation-name qual lambda-list &amp;rest body)
    -qual := method qualifier
    +qual := method qualifier?
     component-dep-fail-option := :fail | :try-next | :ignore
    @@ -1787,6 +1786,7 @@ whereas earlier versions ignore this option and use the <code>system-source-dire
     where the <samp>.asd</samp> file resides.
     <a name="The-object-model-of-ASDF"></a>
     <a name="The-Object-model-of-ASDF"></a>
    @@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ Both a system&rsquo;s structure and the operations that can be performed on syst
     follow a extensible protocol, allowing programmers to add new behaviours to ASDF.
     For example, <code>cffi</code> adds support for special FFI description files
     that interface with C libraries and for wrapper files that embed C code in Lisp.
    -<code>abcl-jar</code> supports creating Java JAR archives in ABCL.
    +<code>asdf-jar</code> supports creating Java JAR archives in ABCL.
     <code>poiu</code> supports compiling code in parallel using background processes.
     <p>The key classes in ASDF are <code>component</code> and <code>operation</code>.

  • src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.info
    --- a/src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.info
    +++ b/src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.info
    @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ File: asdf.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)
     ASDF: Another System Definition Facility
    -Manual for Version 3.1.6
    +Manual for Version
        This manual describes ASDF, a system definition facility for Common
     Lisp programs and libraries.
    @@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ File: asdf.info,  Node: The defsystem grammar,  Next: Other code in .asd files, 
          pathname-specifier := pathname | string | symbol
          method-form := (operation-name qual lambda-list &rest body)
    -     qual := method qualifier
    +     qual := method qualifier?
          component-dep-fail-option := :fail | :try-next | :ignore
    @@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ system's structure and the operations that can be performed on systems
     follow a extensible protocol, allowing programmers to add new behaviours
     to ASDF. For example, 'cffi' adds support for special FFI description
     files that interface with C libraries and for wrapper files that embed C
    -code in Lisp.  'abcl-jar' supports creating Java JAR archives in ABCL.
    +code in Lisp.  'asdf-jar' supports creating Java JAR archives in ABCL.
     'poiu' supports compiling code in parallel using background processes.
        The key classes in ASDF are 'component' and 'operation'.  A
    @@ -5647,136 +5647,136 @@ Variable Index
     Tag Table:
     Node: Top1684
    -Node: Introduction7633
    -Node: Quick start summary9936
    -Node: Loading ASDF11643
    -Node: Loading a pre-installed ASDF11945
    -Ref: Loading a pre-installed ASDF-Footnote-113758
    -Node: Checking whether ASDF is loaded13940
    -Node: Upgrading ASDF14854
    -Node: Replacing your implementation's ASDF15842
    -Node: Loading ASDF from source17265
    -Node: Configuring ASDF18366
    -Node: Configuring ASDF to find your systems19139
    -Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems-Footnote-122444
    -Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems-Footnote-222691
    -Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems-Footnote-322973
    -Node: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style23434
    -Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style-Footnote-125861
    -Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style-Footnote-226093
    -Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style-Footnote-326860
    -Node: Configuring where ASDF stores object files27016
    -Node: Resetting the ASDF configuration28419
    -Node: Using ASDF29476
    -Node: Loading a system29687
    -Node: Convenience Functions30704
    -Ref: Convenience Functions-Footnote-133849
    -Node: Moving on33927
    -Node: Defining systems with defsystem34298
    -Node: The defsystem form34726
    -Node: A more involved example38132
    -Ref: A more involved example-Footnote-145114
    -Node: The defsystem grammar45796
    -Ref: if-feature-option61935
    -Node: Other code in .asd files63767
    -Node: The package-inferred-system extension64903
    -Node: The object model of ASDF69170
    -Ref: The object model of ASDF-Footnote-171500
    -Ref: The object model of ASDF-Footnote-271852
    -Node: Operations72179
    -Ref: operate73284
    -Node: Predefined operations of ASDF75767
    -Ref: test-op77882
    -Node: Creating new operations85765
    -Node: Components90978
    -Ref: System names94462
    -Ref: Components-Footnote-199134
    -Ref: Components-Footnote-299430
    -Node: Common attributes of components99752
    -Ref: required-features101314
    -Node: Pre-defined subclasses of component107161
    -Node: Creating new component types109595
    -Node: Dependencies110885
    -Node: Functions112756
    -Node: Controlling where ASDF searches for systems114590
    -Node: Configurations115212
    -Node: Truenames and other dangers118687
    -Node: XDG base directory119973
    -Node: Backward Compatibility121387
    -Node: Configuration DSL122103
    -Node: Configuration Directories127658
    -Node: The here directive129485
    -Node: Shell-friendly syntax for configuration131378
    -Node: Search Algorithm132395
    -Node: Caching Results133896
    -Node: Configuration API137140
    -Node: Introspection139179
    -Node: *source-registry-parameter* variable139443
    -Node: Information about system dependencies140012
    -Node: Status140928
    -Node: Rejected ideas141383
    -Node: TODO143764
    -Node: Credits for the source-registry143949
    -Node: Controlling where ASDF saves compiled files144484
    -Ref: Controlling where ASDF saves compiled files-Footnote-1145896
    -Node: Output Configurations145940
    -Ref: Output Configurations-Footnote-1148801
    -Node: Output Backward Compatibility148867
    -Node: Output Configuration DSL151593
    -Node: Output Configuration Directories157048
    -Node: Output Shell-friendly syntax for configuration158605
    -Node: Semantics of Output Translations159914
    -Node: Output Caching Results161483
    -Node: Output location API161963
    -Node: Credits for output translations164385
    -Node: Error handling164905
    -Node: Miscellaneous additional functionality165746
    -Node: Controlling file compilation166218
    -Node: Controlling source file character encoding169484
    -Node: Miscellaneous Functions176299
    -Ref: system-relative-pathname176596
    -Ref: Miscellaneous Functions-Footnote-1182220
    -Node: Some Utility Functions182331
    -Node: Getting the latest version193059
    -Node: FAQ194004
    -Node: Where do I report a bug?194399
    -Node: Mailing list194764
    -Node: What has changed between ASDF 1 ASDF 2 and ASDF 3?195099
    -Node: What are ASDF 1 2 3?197273
    -Node: How do I detect the ASDF version?198314
    -Node: ASDF can portably name files in subdirectories200621
    -Node: Output translations202171
    -Node: Source Registry Configuration203198
    -Node: Usual operations are made easier to the user204825
    -Node: Many bugs have been fixed205411
    -Node: ASDF itself is versioned207243
    -Node: ASDF can be upgraded208118
    -Node: Decoupled release cycle209270
    -Node: Pitfalls of the transition to ASDF 2210199
    -Node: Pitfalls of the upgrade to ASDF 3214469
    -Ref: Pitfalls of the upgrade to ASDF 3-Footnote-1218836
    -Node: What happened to the bundle operations219006
    -Node: Issues with installing the proper version of ASDF220108
    -Node: My Common Lisp implementation comes with an outdated version of ASDF. What to do?220579
    -Node: I'm a Common Lisp implementation vendor. When and how should I upgrade ASDF?221512
    -Node: Issues with configuring ASDF225395
    -Node: How can I customize where fasl files are stored?225770
    -Node: How can I wholly disable the compiler output cache?226863
    -Node: Issues with using and extending ASDF to define systems228242
    -Node: How can I cater for unit-testing in my system?228966
    -Node: How can I cater for documentation generation in my system?229855
    -Node: How can I maintain non-Lisp (e.g. C) source files?230376
    -Ref: report-bugs230808
    -Node: I want to put my module's files at the top level. How do I do this?230808
    -Node: How do I create a system definition where all the source files have a .cl extension?233958
    -Node: How do I mark a source file to be loaded only and not compiled?235931
    -Node: How do I work with readtables?236927
    -Node: ASDF development FAQs240613
    -Node: How do I run the tests interactively in a REPL?240852
    -Node: Ongoing Work242718
    -Node: Bibliography242997
    -Node: Concept Index246433
    -Node: Function and Class Index252725
    -Node: Variable Index264553
    +Node: Introduction7635
    +Node: Quick start summary9938
    +Node: Loading ASDF11645
    +Node: Loading a pre-installed ASDF11947
    +Ref: Loading a pre-installed ASDF-Footnote-113760
    +Node: Checking whether ASDF is loaded13942
    +Node: Upgrading ASDF14856
    +Node: Replacing your implementation's ASDF15844
    +Node: Loading ASDF from source17267
    +Node: Configuring ASDF18368
    +Node: Configuring ASDF to find your systems19141
    +Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems-Footnote-122446
    +Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems-Footnote-222693
    +Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems-Footnote-322975
    +Node: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style23436
    +Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style-Footnote-125863
    +Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style-Footnote-226095
    +Ref: Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style-Footnote-326862
    +Node: Configuring where ASDF stores object files27018
    +Node: Resetting the ASDF configuration28421
    +Node: Using ASDF29478
    +Node: Loading a system29689
    +Node: Convenience Functions30706
    +Ref: Convenience Functions-Footnote-133851
    +Node: Moving on33929
    +Node: Defining systems with defsystem34300
    +Node: The defsystem form34728
    +Node: A more involved example38134
    +Ref: A more involved example-Footnote-145116
    +Node: The defsystem grammar45798
    +Ref: if-feature-option61938
    +Node: Other code in .asd files63770
    +Node: The package-inferred-system extension64906
    +Node: The object model of ASDF69173
    +Ref: The object model of ASDF-Footnote-171503
    +Ref: The object model of ASDF-Footnote-271855
    +Node: Operations72182
    +Ref: operate73287
    +Node: Predefined operations of ASDF75770
    +Ref: test-op77885
    +Node: Creating new operations85768
    +Node: Components90981
    +Ref: System names94465
    +Ref: Components-Footnote-199137
    +Ref: Components-Footnote-299433
    +Node: Common attributes of components99755
    +Ref: required-features101317
    +Node: Pre-defined subclasses of component107164
    +Node: Creating new component types109598
    +Node: Dependencies110888
    +Node: Functions112759
    +Node: Controlling where ASDF searches for systems114593
    +Node: Configurations115215
    +Node: Truenames and other dangers118690
    +Node: XDG base directory119976
    +Node: Backward Compatibility121390
    +Node: Configuration DSL122106
    +Node: Configuration Directories127661
    +Node: The here directive129488
    +Node: Shell-friendly syntax for configuration131381
    +Node: Search Algorithm132398
    +Node: Caching Results133899
    +Node: Configuration API137143
    +Node: Introspection139182
    +Node: *source-registry-parameter* variable139446
    +Node: Information about system dependencies140015
    +Node: Status140931
    +Node: Rejected ideas141386
    +Node: TODO143767
    +Node: Credits for the source-registry143952
    +Node: Controlling where ASDF saves compiled files144487
    +Ref: Controlling where ASDF saves compiled files-Footnote-1145899
    +Node: Output Configurations145943
    +Ref: Output Configurations-Footnote-1148804
    +Node: Output Backward Compatibility148870
    +Node: Output Configuration DSL151596
    +Node: Output Configuration Directories157051
    +Node: Output Shell-friendly syntax for configuration158608
    +Node: Semantics of Output Translations159917
    +Node: Output Caching Results161486
    +Node: Output location API161966
    +Node: Credits for output translations164388
    +Node: Error handling164908
    +Node: Miscellaneous additional functionality165749
    +Node: Controlling file compilation166221
    +Node: Controlling source file character encoding169487
    +Node: Miscellaneous Functions176302
    +Ref: system-relative-pathname176599
    +Ref: Miscellaneous Functions-Footnote-1182223
    +Node: Some Utility Functions182334
    +Node: Getting the latest version193062
    +Node: FAQ194007
    +Node: Where do I report a bug?194402
    +Node: Mailing list194767
    +Node: What has changed between ASDF 1 ASDF 2 and ASDF 3?195102
    +Node: What are ASDF 1 2 3?197276
    +Node: How do I detect the ASDF version?198317
    +Node: ASDF can portably name files in subdirectories200624
    +Node: Output translations202174
    +Node: Source Registry Configuration203201
    +Node: Usual operations are made easier to the user204828
    +Node: Many bugs have been fixed205414
    +Node: ASDF itself is versioned207246
    +Node: ASDF can be upgraded208121
    +Node: Decoupled release cycle209273
    +Node: Pitfalls of the transition to ASDF 2210202
    +Node: Pitfalls of the upgrade to ASDF 3214472
    +Ref: Pitfalls of the upgrade to ASDF 3-Footnote-1218839
    +Node: What happened to the bundle operations219009
    +Node: Issues with installing the proper version of ASDF220111
    +Node: My Common Lisp implementation comes with an outdated version of ASDF. What to do?220582
    +Node: I'm a Common Lisp implementation vendor. When and how should I upgrade ASDF?221515
    +Node: Issues with configuring ASDF225398
    +Node: How can I customize where fasl files are stored?225773
    +Node: How can I wholly disable the compiler output cache?226866
    +Node: Issues with using and extending ASDF to define systems228245
    +Node: How can I cater for unit-testing in my system?228969
    +Node: How can I cater for documentation generation in my system?229858
    +Node: How can I maintain non-Lisp (e.g. C) source files?230379
    +Ref: report-bugs230811
    +Node: I want to put my module's files at the top level. How do I do this?230811
    +Node: How do I create a system definition where all the source files have a .cl extension?233961
    +Node: How do I mark a source file to be loaded only and not compiled?235934
    +Node: How do I work with readtables?236930
    +Node: ASDF development FAQs240616
    +Node: How do I run the tests interactively in a REPL?240855
    +Node: Ongoing Work242721
    +Node: Bibliography243000
    +Node: Concept Index246436
    +Node: Function and Class Index252728
    +Node: Variable Index264556
     End Tag Table

  • src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.pdf
    Binary files a/src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.pdf and b/src/contrib/asdf/doc/asdf.pdf differ

  • src/general-info/release-21b.txt
    --- a/src/general-info/release-21b.txt
    +++ b/src/general-info/release-21b.txt
    @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ New in this release:
       * Feature enhancements
       * Changes
    -    * Update to ASDF 3.1.6
    +    * Update to ASDF
         * Add support for asdf's static-image-op
           * This mostly entails internal changes in how executables are
             handled.  lisp.a is not complete; it must be linked with