Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl


20 changed files:


  • bin/run-tests.sh
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/bin/run-tests.sh
    @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
    +#! /bin/bash
    +# Run the testsuite.
    +# By default, all the tests are run, but if additional args are given,
    +# then just those tests are run.
    +usage() {
    +    echo "run-tests.sh [?] [-l lisp] [tests]"
    +    echo "    -l lisp      Lisp to use for the tests; defaults to lisp"
    +    echo "    -?           This help message"
    +    echo ""
    +    echo "Run the test suite"
    +    echo ""
    +    echo "Any remaining args are the names of the tests to run."
    +    echo "These are basically the file names (without extension)"
    +    echo "in the tests/ directory."
    +    echo ""
    +    echo "This script expects to be run from the top level of the"
    +    echo "cmucl source tree.  That is, is should be invoked as"
    +    echo "bin/run-tests.sh"
    +    exit 0;
    +while getopts "h?l:" arg
    +    case $arg in
    +      l) LISP=$OPTARG ;;
    +      \?) usage ;;
    +    esac
    +# Shift out the options
    +shift $[$OPTIND - 1]
    +if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    +    # No args so run all the tests
    +    $LISP -noinit -load tests/run-tests.lisp -eval '(cmucl-test-runner:run-all-tests)'
    +    # Run selected files.  Convert each file name to uppercase and append "-TESTS"
    +    result=""
    +    for f in $*
    +    do
    +	new=`echo $f | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
    +        result="$result "\"$new-TESTS\"
    +    done
    +    $LISP -noinit -load tests/run-tests.lisp -eval "(progn (cmucl-test-runner:load-test-files) (cmucl-test-runner:run-test $result))"

  • src/code/exports.lisp
    --- a/src/code/exports.lisp
    +++ b/src/code/exports.lisp
    @@ -1583,7 +1583,8 @@
       ;; More float extensions

  • src/code/float-trap.lisp
    --- a/src/code/float-trap.lisp
    +++ b/src/code/float-trap.lisp
    @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
     (in-package "EXTENSIONS")
     (export '(set-floating-point-modes get-floating-point-modes
    -	  with-float-traps-masked))
    +	  with-float-traps-masked
    +	  with-float-traps-enabled))
     (in-package "VM")
     (eval-when (compile load eval)
    @@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
       (defun (setf floating-point-modes) (new-mode)
    -    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 24) new-mode))
    +    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) new-mode))
         ;; Set the floating point modes for both X87 and SSE2.  This
         ;; include the rounding control bits.
         (let* ((rc (ldb float-rounding-mode new-mode))
    @@ -116,8 +117,8 @@
     		    ;; is ok and would be the correct setting if we
     		    ;; ever support long-floats.
     		    (ash 3 8))))
    -      (setf (vm::sse2-floating-point-modes) new-mode)
    -      (setf (vm::x87-floating-point-modes) x87-modes))
    +      (setf (vm::sse2-floating-point-modes) (ldb (byte 24 0) new-mode))
    +      (setf (vm::x87-floating-point-modes) (ldb (byte 24 0) x87-modes)))
    @@ -364,45 +365,66 @@
     		 (error _"SIGFPE with no exceptions currently enabled? (si-code = ~D)"
    -;;; WITH-FLOAT-TRAPS-MASKED  --  Public
    -(defmacro with-float-traps-masked (traps &body body)
    -  "Execute BODY with the floating point exceptions listed in TRAPS
    +    ((with-float-traps (name logical-op docstring)
    +       ;; Define macros to enable or disable floating-point
    +       ;; exceptions.  Masked exceptions and enabled exceptions only
    +       ;; differ whether we AND in the bits or OR them, respectively.
    +       ;; Logical-op is the operation to use.
    +       (let ((macro-name (symbolicate "WITH-FLOAT-TRAPS-" name)))
    +	 `(progn
    +	    (defmacro ,macro-name (traps &body body)
    +	      ,docstring
    +	      (let ((traps (dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-traps-byte 0))
    +		    (exceptions (dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-sticky-bits 0))
    +		    (trap-mask (dpb (lognot (float-trap-mask traps))
    +				    float-traps-byte #xffffffff))
    +		    (exception-mask (dpb (lognot (vm::float-trap-mask traps))
    +					 float-sticky-bits #xffffffff))
    +		    ;; On ppc if we are masking the invalid trap, we need to make
    +		    ;; sure we wipe out the various individual sticky bits
    +		    ;; representing the invalid operation.  Otherwise, if we
    +		    ;; enable the invalid trap later, these sticky bits will cause
    +		    ;; an exception.
    +		    #+ppc
    +		    (invalid-mask (if (member :invalid traps)
    +				      (dpb 0
    +					   (byte 1 31)
    +					   (dpb 0 vm::float-invalid-op-2-byte
    +						(dpb 0 vm:float-invalid-op-1-byte #xffffffff)))
    +				      #xffffffff))
    +		    (orig-modes (gensym)))
    +		`(let ((,orig-modes (floating-point-modes)))
    +		   (unwind-protect
    +			(progn
    +			  (setf (floating-point-modes)
    +				(ldb (byte 32 0)
    +				     (,',logical-op ,orig-modes ,(logand trap-mask exception-mask))))
    +			  ,@body)
    +		     ;; Restore the original traps and exceptions.
    +		     (setf (floating-point-modes)
    +			   (logior (logand ,orig-modes ,(logior traps exceptions))
    +				   (logand (floating-point-modes)
    +					   ,(logand trap-mask exception-mask)
    +					   #+ppc
    +					   ,invalid-mask
    +					   #+mips ,(dpb 0 float-exceptions-byte #xffffffff))))))))))))
    +  ;; WITH-FLOAT-TRAPS-MASKED  --  Public
    +  (with-float-traps masked logand
    +    _N"Execute BODY with the floating point exceptions listed in TRAPS
       masked (disabled).  TRAPS should be a list of possible exceptions
       which includes :UNDERFLOW, :OVERFLOW, :INEXACT, :INVALID and
       :DIVIDE-BY-ZERO and on the X86 :DENORMALIZED-OPERAND. The respective
       accrued exceptions are cleared at the start of the body to support
    -  their testing within, and restored on exit."
    -  (let ((traps (dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-traps-byte 0))
    -	(exceptions (dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-sticky-bits 0))
    -	(trap-mask (dpb (lognot (float-trap-mask traps))
    -			float-traps-byte #xffffffff))
    -	(exception-mask (dpb (lognot (vm::float-trap-mask traps))
    -			     float-sticky-bits #xffffffff))
    -	;; On ppc if we are masking the invalid trap, we need to make
    -	;; sure we wipe out the various individual sticky bits
    -	;; representing the invalid operation.  Otherwise, if we
    -	;; enable the invalid trap later, these sticky bits will cause
    -	;; an exception.
    -	#+ppc
    -	(invalid-mask (if (member :invalid traps)
    -			  (dpb 0
    -			       (byte 1 31)
    -			       (dpb 0 vm::float-invalid-op-2-byte
    -				    (dpb 0 vm:float-invalid-op-1-byte #xffffffff)))
    -			  #xffffffff))
    -	(orig-modes (gensym)))
    -    `(let ((,orig-modes (floating-point-modes)))
    -      (unwind-protect
    -	   (progn
    -	     (setf (floating-point-modes)
    -		   (logand ,orig-modes ,(logand trap-mask exception-mask)))
    -	     ,@body)
    -	;; Restore the original traps and exceptions.
    -	(setf (floating-point-modes)
    -	      (logior (logand ,orig-modes ,(logior traps exceptions))
    -		      (logand (floating-point-modes)
    -			      ,(logand trap-mask exception-mask)
    -			      #+ppc
    -			      ,invalid-mask
    -			      #+mips ,(dpb 0 float-exceptions-byte #xffffffff))))))))
    +  their testing within, and restored on exit.")
    +  ;; WITH-FLOAT-TRAPS-ENABLED --  Public
    +  (with-float-traps enabled logorc2
    +    _N"Execute BODY with the floating point exceptions listed in TRAPS
    +  enabled.  TRAPS should be a list of possible exceptions which
    +  :DIVIDE-BY-ZERO and on the X86 :DENORMALIZED-OPERAND. The respective
    +  accrued exceptions are cleared at the start of the body to support
    +  their testing within, and restored on exit."))

  • src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
    --- a/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
    +++ b/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
    @@ -4797,6 +4797,16 @@ msgid ""
     "  their testing within, and restored on exit."
     msgstr ""
    +#: src/code/float-trap.lisp
    +msgid ""
    +"Execute BODY with the floating point exceptions listed in TRAPS\n"
    +"  enabled.  TRAPS should be a list of possible exceptions which\n"
    +"  includes :UNDERFLOW, :OVERFLOW, :INEXACT, :INVALID and\n"
    +"  :DIVIDE-BY-ZERO and on the X86 :DENORMALIZED-OPERAND. The respective\n"
    +"  accrued exceptions are cleared at the start of the body to support\n"
    +"  their testing within, and restored on exit."
    +msgstr ""
     #: src/code/float.lisp
     msgid "Return true if the float X is denormalized."
     msgstr ""

  • src/lisp/e_asin.c
    --- a/src/lisp/e_asin.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/e_asin.c
    @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ static const double
     static double 
     one =  1.00000000000000000000e+00, /* 0x3FF00000, 0x00000000 */
    -huge =  1.000e+300,
     pio2_hi =  1.57079632679489655800e+00, /* 0x3FF921FB, 0x54442D18 */
     pio2_lo =  6.12323399573676603587e-17, /* 0x3C91A626, 0x33145C07 */
     pio4_hi =  7.85398163397448278999e-01, /* 0x3FE921FB, 0x54442D18 */
    @@ -89,7 +88,12 @@ qS4 =  7.70381505559019352791e-02; /* 0x3FB3B8C5, 0xB12E9282 */
     	    return fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INVALID);
     	} else if (ix<0x3fe00000) {	/* |x|<0.5 */
     	    if(ix<0x3e400000) {		/* if |x| < 2**-27 */
    -		if(huge+x>one) return x;/* return x with inexact if x!=0*/
    +                /* return x inexact except 0 */
    +                if (x != 0) {
    +                    fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +                }
    +                return x;
     	    } else 
     		t = x*x;
     		p = t*(pS0+t*(pS1+t*(pS2+t*(pS3+t*(pS4+t*pS5)))));

  • src/lisp/e_cosh.c
    --- a/src/lisp/e_cosh.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/e_cosh.c
    @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     #include "fdlibm.h"
     #ifdef __STDC__
    -static const double one = 1.0, half=0.5, huge = 1.0e307;
    +static const double one = 1.0, half=0.5;
     static double one = 1.0, half=0.5, huge = 1.0e307;

  • src/lisp/e_exp.c
    --- a/src/lisp/e_exp.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/e_exp.c
    @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ static double
     one	= 1.0,
     halF[2]	= {0.5,-0.5,},
    -huge	= 1.0e+300,
     twom1000= 9.33263618503218878990e-302,     /* 2**-1000=0x01700000,0*/
     o_threshold=  7.09782712893383973096e+02,  /* 0x40862E42, 0xFEFA39EF */
     u_threshold= -7.45133219101941108420e+02,  /* 0xc0874910, 0xD52D3051 */
    @@ -161,7 +160,12 @@ P5   =  4.13813679705723846039e-08; /* 0x3E663769, 0x72BEA4D0 */
     	    x  = hi - lo;
     	else if(hx < 0x3e300000)  {	/* when |x|<2**-28 */
    -	    if(huge+x>one) return one+x;/* trigger inexact */
    +            /* return x inexact except 0 */
    +            if (x != 0) {
    +                fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +            }
    +            return one + x;
     	else k = 0;

  • src/lisp/e_sinh.c
    --- a/src/lisp/e_sinh.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/e_sinh.c
    @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     #include "fdlibm.h"
     #ifdef __STDC__
    -static const double one = 1.0, shuge = 1.0e307;
    +static const double one = 1.0;
     static double one = 1.0, shuge = 1.0e307;
    @@ -67,8 +67,14 @@ static double one = 1.0, shuge = 1.0e307;
     	if (jx<0) h = -h;
         /* |x| in [0,22], return sign(x)*0.5*(E+E/(E+1))) */
     	if (ix < 0x40360000) {		/* |x|<22 */
    -	    if (ix<0x3e300000) 		/* |x|<2**-28 */
    -		if(shuge+x>one) return x;/* sinh(tiny) = tiny with inexact */
    +	    if (ix<0x3e300000) {		/* |x|<2**-28 */
    +		/* sinh(tiny) = tiny with inexact */
    +		if (x != 0) {
    +		    fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +		}
    +		return x;		
    +	    }
     	    t = fdlibm_expm1(fabs(x));
     	    if(ix<0x3ff00000) return h*(2.0*t-t*t/(t+one));
     	    return h*(t+t/(t+one));

  • src/lisp/fdlibm.h
    --- a/src/lisp/fdlibm.h
    +++ b/src/lisp/fdlibm.h
    @@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ enum FDLIBM_EXCEPTION {
     extern double fdlibm_setexception(double x, enum FDLIBM_EXCEPTION);

  • src/lisp/k_cos.c
    --- a/src/lisp/k_cos.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/k_cos.c
    @@ -75,7 +75,12 @@ C6  = -1.13596475577881948265e-11; /* 0xBDA8FAE9, 0xBE8838D4 */
             ux.d = x;
     	ix = ux.i[HIWORD]&0x7fffffff;	/* ix = |x|'s high word*/
     	if(ix<0x3e400000) {			/* if x < 2**27 */
    -	    if(((int)x)==0) return one;		/* generate inexact */
    +            /* return 1 with inexact unless x == 0 */
    +            if (x != 0) {
    +                fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +            }
    +            return one;
     	z  = x*x;
     	r  = z*(C1+z*(C2+z*(C3+z*(C4+z*(C5+z*C6)))));

  • src/lisp/k_sin.c
    --- a/src/lisp/k_sin.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/k_sin.c
    @@ -67,8 +67,14 @@ S6  =  1.58969099521155010221e-10; /* 0x3DE5D93A, 0x5ACFD57C */
             ux.d = x;
     	ix = ux.i[HIWORD]&0x7fffffff;	/* high word of x */
    -	if(ix<0x3e400000)			/* |x| < 2**-27 */
    -	   {if((int)x==0) return x;}		/* generate inexact */
    +	if(ix<0x3e400000) {			/* |x| < 2**-27 */
    +            /* return x inexact except 0 */
    +            if (x != 0) {
    +                fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +            }
    +            return x;
    +        }
     	z	=  x*x;
     	v	=  z*x;
     	r	=  S2+z*(S3+z*(S4+z*(S5+z*S6)));

  • src/lisp/k_tan.c
    --- a/src/lisp/k_tan.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/k_tan.c
    @@ -78,31 +78,34 @@ __kernel_tan(double x, double y, int iy) {
     	hx = ux.i[HIWORD];		/* high word of x */
     	ix = hx & 0x7fffffff;			/* high word of |x| */
     	if (ix < 0x3e300000) {			/* x < 2**-28 */
    -		if ((int) x == 0) {		/* generate inexact */
    -			if (((ix | ux.i[LOWORD]) | (iy + 1)) == 0)
    -				return one / fabs(x);
    -			else {
    -				if (iy == 1)
    -					return x;
    -				else {	/* compute -1 / (x+y) carefully */
    -					double a, t;
    +            /* return x inexact except 0 */
    +            if (x != 0) {
    +                fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +            }
    -					z = w = x + y;
    -                                        uz.d = z;
    -					uz.i[LOWORD] = 0;
    -                                        z = ux.d;
    +	    if (((ix | ux.i[LOWORD]) | (iy + 1)) == 0)
    +		return one / fabs(x);
    +	    else {
    +		if (iy == 1)
    +		    return x;
    +		else {	/* compute -1 / (x+y) carefully */
    +		    double a, t;
    +		    z = w = x + y;
    +		    uz.d = z;
    +		    uz.i[LOWORD] = 0;
    +		    z = ux.d;
    -					v = y - (z - x);
    -					t = a = -one / w;
    -                                        uz.d = t;
    -                                        uz.i[LOWORD] = 0;
    -                                        t = uz.d;
    +		    v = y - (z - x);
    +		    t = a = -one / w;
    +		    uz.d = t;
    +		    uz.i[LOWORD] = 0;
    +		    t = uz.d;
    -					s = one + t * z;
    -					return t + a * (s + t * v);
    -				}
    -			}
    +		    s = one + t * z;
    +		    return t + a * (s + t * v);
    +	    }
     	if (ix >= 0x3FE59428) {	/* |x| >= 0.6744 */
     		if (hx < 0) {

  • src/lisp/s_asinh.c
    --- a/src/lisp/s_asinh.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/s_asinh.c
    @@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ static const double
     static double 
     one =  1.00000000000000000000e+00, /* 0x3FF00000, 0x00000000 */
    -ln2 =  6.93147180559945286227e-01, /* 0x3FE62E42, 0xFEFA39EF */
    -huge=  1.00000000000000000000e+300; 
    +ln2 =  6.93147180559945286227e-01; /* 0x3FE62E42, 0xFEFA39EF */
     #ifdef __STDC__
     	double fdlibm_asinh(double x)
    @@ -59,7 +58,12 @@ huge=  1.00000000000000000000e+300;
     	if(ix< 0x3e300000) {	/* |x|<2**-28 */
    -	    if(huge+x>one) return x;	/* return x inexact except 0 */
    +            /* return x inexact except 0 */
    +            if (x != 0) {
    +                fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +            }
    +            return x;
     	if(ix>0x41b00000) {	/* |x| > 2**28 */
     	    w = __ieee754_log(fabs(x))+ln2;

  • src/lisp/s_atan.c
    --- a/src/lisp/s_atan.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/s_atan.c
    @@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ static double aT[] = {
     	static double 
    -one   = 1.0,
    -huge   = 1.0e300;
    +one   = 1.0;
     #ifdef __STDC__
     	double fdlibm_atan(double x)
    @@ -104,7 +103,12 @@ huge   = 1.0e300;
     	    else     return -atanhi[3]-atanlo[3];
     	} if (ix < 0x3fdc0000) {	/* |x| < 0.4375 */
     	    if (ix < 0x3e200000) {	/* |x| < 2^-29 */
    -		if(huge+x>one) return x;	/* raise inexact */
    +		/* return x inexact except 0 */
    +		if (x != 0) {
    +		    fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +		}
    +		return x;
     	    id = -1;
     	} else {

  • src/lisp/s_expm1.c
    --- a/src/lisp/s_expm1.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/s_expm1.c
    @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ Q5  =  -2.01099218183624371326e-07; /* BE8AFDB7 6E09C32D */
     	    if(xsb!=0) { /* x < -56*ln2, return -1.0 with inexact */
    -		if(x+tiny<0.0)		/* raise inexact */
    -		return tiny-one;	/* return -1 */
    +                fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +		return tiny - one;

  • src/lisp/s_log1p.c
    --- a/src/lisp/s_log1p.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/s_log1p.c
    @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ static double
     ln2_hi  =  6.93147180369123816490e-01,	/* 3fe62e42 fee00000 */
     ln2_lo  =  1.90821492927058770002e-10,	/* 3dea39ef 35793c76 */
    -two54   =  1.80143985094819840000e+16,  /* 43500000 00000000 */
     Lp1 = 6.666666666666735130e-01,  /* 3FE55555 55555593 */
     Lp2 = 3.999999999940941908e-01,  /* 3FD99999 9997FA04 */
     Lp3 = 2.857142874366239149e-01,  /* 3FD24924 94229359 */
    @@ -123,9 +122,14 @@ static double zero = 0.0;
     	    if(ax<0x3e200000) {			/* |x| < 2**-29 */
    -		if(two54+x>zero			/* raise inexact */
    -	            &&ax<0x3c900000) 		/* |x| < 2**-54 */
    +		if (ax < 0x3c900000) {  /* |x| < 2**-54 */
    +		    /* return x inexact except 0 */
    +		    if (x != 0) {
    +			fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +		    }
     		    return x;
    +		}
     		    return x - x*x*0.5;

  • src/lisp/s_scalbn.c
    --- a/src/lisp/s_scalbn.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/s_scalbn.c
    @@ -26,9 +26,7 @@ static const double
     static double
     two54   =  1.80143985094819840000e+16, /* 0x43500000, 0x00000000 */
    -twom54  =  5.55111512312578270212e-17, /* 0x3C900000, 0x00000000 */
    -huge   = 1.0e+300,
    -tiny   = 1.0e-300;
    +twom54  =  5.55111512312578270212e-17; /* 0x3C900000, 0x00000000 */
     #ifdef __STDC__
     	double fdlibm_scalbn (double x, int n)

  • src/lisp/s_tanh.c
    --- a/src/lisp/s_tanh.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/s_tanh.c
    @@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ static double one=1.0, two=2.0, tiny = 1.0e-300;
         /* |x| > 22, return +-1 */
     	} else {
    -	    z = one - tiny;		/* raised inexact flag */
    +	    /* Always raise inexact flag */
    +	    fdlibm_setexception(x, FDLIBM_INEXACT);
    +	    z = one - tiny;
     	return (jx>=0)? z: -z;

  • src/lisp/setexception.c
    --- a/src/lisp/setexception.c
    +++ b/src/lisp/setexception.c
    @@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ fdlibm_setexception(double x, enum FDLIBM_EXCEPTION type)
    +    case FDLIBM_INEXACT:
    +        feraiseexcept(FE_INEXACT);
    +        ret = x;
    +        break;
           /* Shouldn't happen! */
           ret = 0.0;

  • tests/fdlibm.lisp
    --- a/tests/fdlibm.lisp
    +++ b/tests/fdlibm.lisp
    @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     (in-package "FDLIBM-TESTS")
     (defparameter *qnan*
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (* 0 ext:double-float-positive-infinity))
       "Some randon quiet MaN value")
    @@ -14,15 +14,6 @@
       (kernel:make-double-float #x7ff00000 1)
       "A randon signaling MaN value")
    -(defmacro with-inexact-exception-enabled (&body body)
    -  (let ((old-modes (gensym "OLD-MODES-")))
    -    `(let ((,old-modes (ext:get-floating-point-modes)))
    -       (unwind-protect
    -	    (progn
    -	      (ext:set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:inexact))
    -	      ,@body)
    -	 (apply 'ext:set-floating-point-modes ,old-modes)))))
     (define-test %cosh.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
       (assert-error 'floating-point-overflow
    @@ -34,7 +25,7 @@
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%cosh *qnan*)))
       ;; Same, but with overflow's masked
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%cosh 1000d0))
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
    @@ -44,7 +35,7 @@
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%cosh ext:double-float-negative-infinity)))
       ;; Test NaN
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%cosh *snan*)))))
     (define-test %sinh.exceptions
    @@ -57,7 +48,7 @@
     		(kernel:%sinh *snan*))
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%sinh *qnan*)))
       ;; Same, but with overflow's masked
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%sinh 1000d0))
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
    @@ -67,17 +58,35 @@
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%sinh ext:double-float-negative-infinity)))
       ;; Test NaN
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    -    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%sinh *qnan*)))))
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%sinh *qnan*))))
    +  ;; sinh(x) = x for |x| < 2^-28.  Should signal inexact unless x = 0.
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -29))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (kernel:%sinh x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%sinh x)))))
     (define-test %tanh.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%tanh *qnan*)))
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%tanh *snan*))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    -    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%tanh *snan*)))))
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%tanh *snan*))))
    +  ;; tanh(x) = +/- 1 for |x| > 22, raising inexact, always.
    +  (let ((x 22.1d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%tanh x)))))
     (define-test %acosh.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
    @@ -85,10 +94,10 @@
     		(kernel:%acosh ext:double-float-positive-infinity))
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%acosh 0d0))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%acosh ext:double-float-positive-infinity)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%acosh 0d0)))))
     (define-test %asinh.exceptions
    @@ -100,13 +109,24 @@
       (assert-error 'floating-point-overflow
     		(kernel:%asinh ext:double-float-negative-infinity))
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%asinh *qnan*)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%asinh ext:double-float-positive-infinity))
         (assert-error ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%asinh ext:double-float-negative-infinity)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    -    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%asinh *snan*)))))
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%asinh *snan*))))
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -29))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (asinh x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (asinh x)))))
     (define-test %atanh.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
    @@ -118,10 +138,10 @@
     		(kernel:%atanh 1d0))
       (assert-error 'division-by-zero
     		(kernel:%atanh -1d0))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%atanh 2d0)))
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%atanh -2d0))))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%atanh 1d0))
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
    @@ -136,12 +156,17 @@
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%expm1 *snan*))
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%expm1 *qnan*)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		 (kernel:%expm1 709.8d0))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    -    (assert-true (ext::float-nan-p (kernel:%expm1 *snan*)))))
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +    (assert-true (ext::float-nan-p (kernel:%expm1 *snan*))))
    +  ;; expm1(x) = -1 for x < -56*log(2), signaling inexact
    +  (let ((x (* -57 (log 2d0))))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%expm1 x)))))
     (define-test %log1p.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
    @@ -150,11 +175,23 @@
       (assert-error 'floating-point-overflow
     		(kernel:%log1p -1d0))
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log1p *qnan*)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%log1p -1d0)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    -    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log1p *snan*)))))
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log1p *snan*))))
    +  ;; log1p(x) = x for |x| < 2^-54, signaling inexact except for x = 0.
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -55))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (kernel:%log1p x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%log1p x)))))
     (define-test %exp.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
    @@ -167,7 +204,7 @@
     		(kernel:%exp ext:double-float-positive-infinity))
       (assert-equal 0d0
     		(kernel:%exp -1000d0))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%exp 710d0)))
       (let ((modes (ext:get-floating-point-modes)))
    @@ -176,7 +213,19 @@
     	   (ext:set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:underflow))
     	   (assert-error 'floating-point-underflow
     			 (kernel:%exp -1000d0)))
    -      (apply #'ext:set-floating-point-modes modes))))
    +      (apply #'ext:set-floating-point-modes modes)))
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -29))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    ;; exp(x) = x, |x| < 2^-28, with inexact exception unlees x = 0
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 1d0 (kernel:%exp x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%exp x)))))
     (define-test %log.exception
       (:tag :fdlibm)
    @@ -189,12 +238,12 @@
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%log *snan*))
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log *qnan*)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%log 0d0))
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%log -0d0)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log -1d0)))
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log *snan*)))))
    @@ -204,7 +253,7 @@
     		(kernel:%acos 2d0))
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%acos -2d0))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%acos 2d0)))
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%acos -2d0)))))
    @@ -214,7 +263,7 @@
     		(kernel:%asin 2d0))
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%asin -2d0))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%asin 2d0)))
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%asin -2d0)))))
    @@ -223,8 +272,20 @@
       (assert-error 'floating-point-invalid-operation
     		(kernel:%atan *snan*))
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%atan *qnan*)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    -    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%atan *snan*)))))
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +    (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%atan *snan*))))
    +  ;; atan(x) = x for |x| < 2^-29, signaling inexact.
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -30))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (kernel:%atan x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%atan x)))))
     (define-test %log10.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
    @@ -239,12 +300,12 @@
       (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log10 *qnan*)))
       (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		(kernel:%log10 ext:double-float-positive-infinity))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:divide-by-zero)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%log10 0d0))
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-negative-infinity
     		  (kernel:%log10 -0d0)))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
         (assert-true (ext:float-nan-p (kernel:%log10 -1d0)))))
     (define-test %scalbn.exceptions
    @@ -268,7 +329,7 @@
     		(kernel:%scalbn most-positive-double-float 2))
       (assert-error 'floating-point-overflow
     		(kernel:%scalbn most-negative-double-float 2))
    -  (kernel::with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
    +  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:overflow)
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
     		  (kernel:%scalbn ext:double-float-positive-infinity 1))
         (assert-equal ext:double-float-positive-infinity
    @@ -298,16 +359,7 @@
     	(x0 0d0))
         ;; asinh(x) = x for x < 2^-28
         (assert-eql x (asinh x))
    -    (assert-eql (- x) (asinh (- x)))
    -    (with-inexact-exception-enabled
    -	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    -	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    -	(assert-eql 0d0 (asinh x0)))
    -    (with-inexact-exception-enabled
    -	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    -	;; though the result is exactly x.
    -	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    -		      (asinh x))))
    +    (assert-eql (- x) (asinh (- x))))
       (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -28)))
         ;; Case 2 > |x| >= 2^-28
         (assert-eql 3.725290298461914d-9 (asinh x))
    @@ -556,4 +608,74 @@
       (assert-eql -1d0 (tanh -100d0))
       ;; tanh(1d300), no overflow
       (assert-eql 1d0 (tanh most-positive-double-float))
    -  (assert-eql -1d0 (tanh (- most-positive-double-float))))
    \ No newline at end of file
    +  (assert-eql -1d0 (tanh (- most-positive-double-float))))
    +(define-test %asin-basic-tests
    +    (:tag :fdlibm)
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -28))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    ;; asin(x) = x for |x| < 2^-27, with inexact exception if x is not 0.
    +    (assert-eql x (kernel:%asin x))
    +    (assert-eql (- x) (kernel:%asin (- x)))))
    +(define-test %asin-exception
    +    (:tag :fdlibm)
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -28))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    ;; asin(x) = x for |x| < 2^-27, with inexact exception if x is not 0.
    +    (assert-eql x (kernel:%asin x))
    +    (assert-eql (- x) (kernel:%asin (- x)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (kernel:%asin x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%asin x)))))
    +(define-test %cos.exceptions
    +    (:tag :fdlibm)
    +  ;; cos(x) = 1 for |x| < 2^-27.  Signal inexact unless x = 0
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -28))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 1d0 (kernel:%cos x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%cos x)))))
    +(define-test %sin.exceptions
    +    (:tag :fdlibm)
    +  ;; sin(x) = x for |x| < 2^-27.  Signal inexact unless x = 0
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -28))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (kernel:%sin x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%sin x)))))
    +(define-test %tan.exceptions
    +    (:tag :fdlibm)
    +  ;; tan(x) = x for |x| < 2^-28.  Signal inexact unless x = 0
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -29))
    +	(x0 0d0))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (kernel:%tan x0)))
    +    (ext:with-float-traps-enabled (:inexact)
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (kernel:%tan x)))))