Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-365-add-strerror-with-generated-unix-errno at cmucl / cmucl
by Raymond Toy at 2025-02-10T07:28:15-08:00
by Raymond Toy at 2025-02-10T07:29:56-08:00
4 changed files:
... | ... | @@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ case `uname -s` in |
159 | 159 | ;;
160 | 160 | esac
161 | 161 | |
162 | -awk -f bin/create-errno.awk ${ERRNO_FILES} > src/code/unix-errno.lisp
162 | +#awk -f bin/create-errno.awk ${ERRNO_FILES} > src/code/unix-errno.lisp
163 | +bin/create-errno.sh ${ERRNO_FILES} > src/code/unix-errno.lisp
163 | 164 | |
164 | 165 | BUILDWORLD="$TOOLDIR/build-world.sh"
165 | 166 | BUILD_POT="yes"
1 | -BEGIN {
2 | - print ";;; -*- Package: UNIX -*-\n\
3 | -;;;\n\
4 | -;;; **********************************************************************\n\
5 | -;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at\n\
6 | -;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.\n\
7 | -;;;\n\
8 | -(ext:file-comment\n\
9 | - \"$Header: src/code/unix-errno.lisp $\")\n\
10 | -;;;\n\
11 | -;;; **********************************************************************\n\
12 | -;;;\n\
13 | -;;; This file contains the UNIX low-level support, just enough to run\n\
14 | -;;; CMUCL.\n\
15 | -;;;\n\
16 | -(in-package \"UNIX\")\n\
17 | -(intl:textdomain \"cmucl-unix\")\n\
18 | -\n\
19 | -;;;; Errno stuff.\n\
20 | -(eval-when (compile eval)\n\
21 | -\n\
22 | -(defparameter *compiler-unix-errors* nil)\n\
23 | -\n\
24 | -(defmacro def-unix-error (name number &optional description)\n\
25 | - \"Define a constant named Name corresponding to the Unix errno value\n\
26 | - Number. A description of the errno is optional in Description.\"\n\
27 | - `(progn\n\
28 | - (eval-when (compile eval)\n\
29 | - (push (cons ,number ,description) *compiler-unix-errors*))\n\
30 | - (defconstant ,name ,number ,description)\n\
31 | - (export ',name)))\n\
32 | -\n\
33 | -(defmacro emit-unix-errors ()\n\
34 | - (let* ((max (apply #'max (mapcar #'car *compiler-unix-errors*)))\n\
35 | - (array (make-array (1+ max) :initial-element nil)))\n\
36 | - (dolist (error *compiler-unix-errors*)\n\
37 | - (setf (svref array (car error)) (cdr error)))\n\
38 | - `(progn\n\
39 | - (defvar *unix-errors* ',array)\n\
40 | - (declaim (simple-vector *unix-errors*)))))\n\
41 | -\n\
42 | -) ;eval-when\n\
43 | -\n\
44 | -;;; \n\
45 | -;;; From <errno.h>\n\
46 | -;;; \n\
47 | -(def-unix-error ESUCCESS 0 _N\"Successful\")\n\
48 | -#-linux\n\
49 | -(progn\n\
50 | -(def-unix-error EPERM 1 _N\"Operation not permitted\")\n\
51 | -(def-unix-error ENOENT 2 _N\"No such file or directory\")\n\
52 | -(def-unix-error ESRCH 3 _N\"No such process\")\n\
53 | -(def-unix-error EINTR 4 _N\"Interrupted system call\")\n\
54 | -(def-unix-error EIO 5 _N\"I/O error\")\n\
55 | -(def-unix-error ENXIO 6 _N\"Device not configured\")\n\
56 | -(def-unix-error E2BIG 7 _N\"Arg list too long\")\n\
57 | -(def-unix-error ENOEXEC 8 _N\"Exec format error\")\n\
58 | -(def-unix-error EBADF 9 _N\"Bad file descriptor\")\n\
59 | -(def-unix-error ECHILD 10 _N\"No child process\")\n\
60 | -)\n\
61 | -#+bsd(def-unix-error EDEADLK 11 _N\"Resource deadlock avoided\")\n\
62 | -#-bsd(def-unix-error EAGAIN 11 #-linux _N\"No more processes\" #+linux _N\"Try again\")\n\
63 | -#-linux\n\
64 | -(progn\n\
65 | -(def-unix-error ENOMEM 12 _N\"Out of memory\")\n\
66 | -(def-unix-error EACCES 13 _N\"Permission denied\")\n\
67 | -(def-unix-error EFAULT 14 _N\"Bad address\")\n\
68 | -(def-unix-error ENOTBLK 15 _N\"Block device required\")\n\
69 | -(def-unix-error EBUSY 16 _N\"Device or resource busy\")\n\
70 | -(def-unix-error EEXIST 17 _N\"File exists\")\n\
71 | -(def-unix-error EXDEV 18 _N\"Cross-device link\")\n\
72 | -(def-unix-error ENODEV 19 _N\"No such device\")\n\
73 | -(def-unix-error ENOTDIR 20 _N\"Not a director\")\n\
74 | -(def-unix-error EISDIR 21 _N\"Is a directory\")\n\
75 | -(def-unix-error EINVAL 22 _N\"Invalid argument\")\n\
76 | -(def-unix-error ENFILE 23 _N\"File table overflow\")\n\
77 | -(def-unix-error EMFILE 24 _N\"Too many open files\")\n\
78 | -(def-unix-error ENOTTY 25 _N\"Inappropriate ioctl for device\")\n\
79 | -(def-unix-error ETXTBSY 26 _N\"Text file busy\")\n\
80 | -(def-unix-error EFBIG 27 _N\"File too large\")\n\
81 | -(def-unix-error ENOSPC 28 _N\"No space left on device\")\n\
82 | -(def-unix-error ESPIPE 29 _N\"Illegal seek\")\n\
83 | -(def-unix-error EROFS 30 _N\"Read-only file system\")\n\
84 | -(def-unix-error EMLINK 31 _N\"Too many links\")\n\
85 | -(def-unix-error EPIPE 32 _N\"Broken pipe\")\n\
86 | -;;; \n\
87 | -;;; Math\n\
88 | -(def-unix-error EDOM 33 _N\"Numerical argument out of domain\")\n\
89 | -(def-unix-error ERANGE 34 #-linux _N\"Result too large\" #+linux _N\"Math result not representable\")\n\
90 | -)\n\
91 | -;;; \n\
92 | -#-(or linux svr4)\n\
93 | -(progn\n\
94 | -;;; non-blocking and interrupt i/o\n\
95 | -(def-unix-error EWOULDBLOCK 35 _N\"Operation would block\")\n\
96 | -#-bsd(def-unix-error EDEADLK 35 _N\"Operation would block\") ; Ditto\n\
97 | -#+bsd(def-unix-error EAGAIN 35 _N\"Resource temporarily unavailable\")\n\
98 | -(def-unix-error EINPROGRESS 36 _N\"Operation now in progress\")\n\
99 | -(def-unix-error EALREADY 37 _N\"Operation already in progress\")\n\
100 | -;;;\n\
101 | -;;; ipc/network software\n\
102 | -(def-unix-error ENOTSOCK 38 _N\"Socket operation on non-socket\")\n\
103 | -(def-unix-error EDESTADDRREQ 39 _N\"Destination address required\")\n\
104 | -(def-unix-error EMSGSIZE 40 _N\"Message too long\")\n\
105 | -(def-unix-error EPROTOTYPE 41 _N\"Protocol wrong type for socket\")\n\
106 | -(def-unix-error ENOPROTOOPT 42 _N\"Protocol not available\")\n\
107 | -(def-unix-error EPROTONOSUPPORT 43 _N\"Protocol not supported\")\n\
108 | -(def-unix-error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 44 _N\"Socket type not supported\")\n\
109 | -(def-unix-error EOPNOTSUPP 45 _N\"Operation not supported on socket\")\n\
110 | -(def-unix-error EPFNOSUPPORT 46 _N\"Protocol family not supported\")\n\
111 | -(def-unix-error EAFNOSUPPORT 47 _N\"Address family not supported by protocol family\")\n\
112 | -(def-unix-error EADDRINUSE 48 _N\"Address already in use\")\n\
113 | -(def-unix-error EADDRNOTAVAIL 49 _N\"Can't assign requested address\")\n\
114 | -;;;\n\
115 | -;;; operational errors\n\
116 | -(def-unix-error ENETDOWN 50 _N\"Network is down\")\n\
117 | -(def-unix-error ENETUNREACH 51 _N\"Network is unreachable\")\n\
118 | -(def-unix-error ENETRESET 52 _N\"Network dropped connection on reset\")\n\
119 | -(def-unix-error ECONNABORTED 53 _N\"Software caused connection abort\")\n\
120 | -(def-unix-error ECONNRESET 54 _N\"Connection reset by peer\")\n\
121 | -(def-unix-error ENOBUFS 55 _N\"No buffer space available\")\n\
122 | -(def-unix-error EISCONN 56 _N\"Socket is already connected\")\n\
123 | -(def-unix-error ENOTCONN 57 _N\"Socket is not connected\")\n\
124 | -(def-unix-error ESHUTDOWN 58 _N\"Can't send after socket shutdown\")\n\
125 | -(def-unix-error ETOOMANYREFS 59 _N\"Too many references: can't splice\")\n\
126 | -(def-unix-error ETIMEDOUT 60 _N\"Connection timed out\")\n\
127 | -(def-unix-error ECONNREFUSED 61 _N\"Connection refused\")\n\
128 | -;;; \n\
129 | -(def-unix-error ELOOP 62 _N\"Too many levels of symbolic links\")\n\
130 | -(def-unix-error ENAMETOOLONG 63 _N\"File name too long\")\n\
131 | -;;; \n\
132 | -(def-unix-error EHOSTDOWN 64 _N\"Host is down\")\n\
133 | -(def-unix-error EHOSTUNREACH 65 _N\"No route to host\")\n\
134 | -(def-unix-error ENOTEMPTY 66 _N\"Directory not empty\")\n\
135 | -;;; \n\
136 | -;;; quotas & resource \n\
137 | -(def-unix-error EPROCLIM 67 _N\"Too many processes\")\n\
138 | -(def-unix-error EUSERS 68 _N\"Too many users\")\n\
139 | -(def-unix-error EDQUOT 69 _N\"Disc quota exceeded\")\n\
140 | -;;;\n\
141 | -;;; CMU RFS\n\
142 | -(def-unix-error ELOCAL 126 _N\"namei should continue locally\")\n\
143 | -(def-unix-error EREMOTE 127 _N\"namei was handled remotely\")\n\
144 | -;;;\n\
145 | -;;; VICE\n\
146 | -(def-unix-error EVICEERR 70 _N\"Remote file system error _N\")\n\
147 | -(def-unix-error EVICEOP 71 _N\"syscall was handled by Vice\")\n\
148 | -)\n\
149 | -#+svr4\n\
150 | -(progn\n\
151 | -(def-unix-error ENOMSG 35 _N\"No message of desired type\")\n\
152 | -(def-unix-error EIDRM 36 _N\"Identifier removed\")\n\
153 | -(def-unix-error ECHRNG 37 _N\"Channel number out of range\")\n\
154 | -(def-unix-error EL2NSYNC 38 _N\"Level 2 not synchronized\")\n\
155 | -(def-unix-error EL3HLT 39 _N\"Level 3 halted\")\n\
156 | -(def-unix-error EL3RST 40 _N\"Level 3 reset\")\n\
157 | -(def-unix-error ELNRNG 41 _N\"Link number out of range\")\n\
158 | -(def-unix-error EUNATCH 42 _N\"Protocol driver not attached\")\n\
159 | -(def-unix-error ENOCSI 43 _N\"No CSI structure available\")\n\
160 | -(def-unix-error EL2HLT 44 _N\"Level 2 halted\")\n\
161 | -(def-unix-error EDEADLK 45 _N\"Deadlock situation detected/avoided\")\n\
162 | -(def-unix-error ENOLCK 46 _N\"No record locks available\")\n\
163 | -(def-unix-error ECANCELED 47 _N\"Error 47\")\n\
164 | -(def-unix-error ENOTSUP 48 _N\"Error 48\")\n\
165 | -(def-unix-error EBADE 50 _N\"Bad exchange descriptor\")\n\
166 | -(def-unix-error EBADR 51 _N\"Bad request descriptor\")\n\
167 | -(def-unix-error EXFULL 52 _N\"Message tables full\")\n\
168 | -(def-unix-error ENOANO 53 _N\"Anode table overflow\")\n\
169 | -(def-unix-error EBADRQC 54 _N\"Bad request code\")\n\
170 | -(def-unix-error EBADSLT 55 _N\"Invalid slot\")\n\
171 | -(def-unix-error EDEADLOCK 56 _N\"File locking deadlock\")\n\
172 | -(def-unix-error EBFONT 57 _N\"Bad font file format\")\n\
173 | -(def-unix-error ENOSTR 60 _N\"Not a stream device\")\n\
174 | -(def-unix-error ENODATA 61 _N\"No data available\")\n\
175 | -(def-unix-error ETIME 62 _N\"Timer expired\")\n\
176 | -(def-unix-error ENOSR 63 _N\"Out of stream resources\")\n\
177 | -(def-unix-error ENONET 64 _N\"Machine is not on the network\")\n\
178 | -(def-unix-error ENOPKG 65 _N\"Package not installed\")\n\
179 | -(def-unix-error EREMOTE 66 _N\"Object is remote\")\n\
180 | -(def-unix-error ENOLINK 67 _N\"Link has been severed\")\n\
181 | -(def-unix-error EADV 68 _N\"Advertise error\")\n\
182 | -(def-unix-error ESRMNT 69 _N\"Srmount error\")\n\
183 | -(def-unix-error ECOMM 70 _N\"Communication error on send\")\n\
184 | -(def-unix-error EPROTO 71 _N\"Protocol error\")\n\
185 | -(def-unix-error EMULTIHOP 74 _N\"Multihop attempted\")\n\
186 | -(def-unix-error EBADMSG 77 _N\"Not a data message\")\n\
187 | -(def-unix-error ENAMETOOLONG 78 _N\"File name too long\")\n\
188 | -(def-unix-error EOVERFLOW 79 _N\"Value too large for defined data type\")\n\
189 | -(def-unix-error ENOTUNIQ 80 _N\"Name not unique on network\")\n\
190 | -(def-unix-error EBADFD 81 _N\"File descriptor in bad state\")\n\
191 | -(def-unix-error EREMCHG 82 _N\"Remote address changed\")\n\
192 | -(def-unix-error ELIBACC 83 _N\"Can not access a needed shared library\")\n\
193 | -(def-unix-error ELIBBAD 84 _N\"Accessing a corrupted shared library\")\n\
194 | -(def-unix-error ELIBSCN 85 _N\".lib section in a.out corrupted\")\n\
195 | -(def-unix-error ELIBMAX 86 _N\"Attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit\")\n\
196 | -(def-unix-error ELIBEXEC 87 _N\"Can not exec a shared library directly\")\n\
197 | -(def-unix-error EILSEQ 88 _N\"Error 88\")\n\
198 | -(def-unix-error ENOSYS 89 _N\"Operation not applicable\")\n\
199 | -(def-unix-error ELOOP 90 _N\"Number of symbolic links encountered during path name traversal exceeds MAXSYMLINKS\")\n\
200 | -(def-unix-error ERESTART 91 _N\"Error 91\")\n\
201 | -(def-unix-error ESTRPIPE 92 _N\"Error 92\")\n\
202 | -(def-unix-error ENOTEMPTY 93 _N\"Directory not empty\")\n\
203 | -(def-unix-error EUSERS 94 _N\"Too many users\")\n\
204 | -(def-unix-error ENOTSOCK 95 _N\"Socket operation on non-socket\")\n\
205 | -(def-unix-error EDESTADDRREQ 96 _N\"Destination address required\")\n\
206 | -(def-unix-error EMSGSIZE 97 _N\"Message too long\")\n\
207 | -(def-unix-error EPROTOTYPE 98 _N\"Protocol wrong type for socket\")\n\
208 | -(def-unix-error ENOPROTOOPT 99 _N\"Option not supported by protocol\")\n\
209 | -(def-unix-error EPROTONOSUPPORT 120 _N\"Protocol not supported\")\n\
210 | -(def-unix-error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 121 _N\"Socket type not supported\")\n\
211 | -(def-unix-error EOPNOTSUPP 122 _N\"Operation not supported on transport endpoint\")\n\
212 | -(def-unix-error EPFNOSUPPORT 123 _N\"Protocol family not supported\")\n\
213 | -(def-unix-error EAFNOSUPPORT 124 _N\"Address family not supported by protocol family\")\n\
214 | -(def-unix-error EADDRINUSE 125 _N\"Address already in use\")\n\
215 | -(def-unix-error EADDRNOTAVAIL 126 _N\"Cannot assign requested address\")\n\
216 | -(def-unix-error ENETDOWN 127 _N\"Network is down\")\n\
217 | -(def-unix-error ENETUNREACH 128 _N\"Network is unreachable\")\n\
218 | -(def-unix-error ENETRESET 129 _N\"Network dropped connection because of reset\")\n\
219 | -(def-unix-error ECONNABORTED 130 _N\"Software caused connection abort\")\n\
220 | -(def-unix-error ECONNRESET 131 _N\"Connection reset by peer\")\n\
221 | -(def-unix-error ENOBUFS 132 _N\"No buffer space available\")\n\
222 | -(def-unix-error EISCONN 133 _N\"Transport endpoint is already connected\")\n\
223 | -(def-unix-error ENOTCONN 134 _N\"Transport endpoint is not connected\")\n\
224 | -(def-unix-error ESHUTDOWN 143 _N\"Cannot send after socket shutdown\")\n\
225 | -(def-unix-error ETOOMANYREFS 144 _N\"Too many references: cannot splice\")\n\
226 | -(def-unix-error ETIMEDOUT 145 _N\"Connection timed out\")\n\
227 | -(def-unix-error ECONNREFUSED 146 _N\"Connection refused\")\n\
228 | -(def-unix-error EHOSTDOWN 147 _N\"Host is down\")\n\
229 | -(def-unix-error EHOSTUNREACH 148 _N\"No route to host\")\n\
230 | -(def-unix-error EWOULDBLOCK 11 _N\"Resource temporarily unavailable\")\n\
231 | -(def-unix-error EALREADY 149 _N\"Operation already in progress\")\n\
232 | -(def-unix-error EINPROGRESS 150 _N\"Operation now in progress\")\n\
233 | -(def-unix-error ESTALE 151 _N\"Stale NFS file handle\")\n\
234 | -)\n\
235 | -";
236 | -}
237 | - |
238 | -/^#define[ \t]+(E[A-Z0-9]+)[ \t]+([A-Z0-9]+).*$/ {
239 | - printf "(def-unix-error %s %s)\n", $2, $3;
240 | -}
241 | - |
242 | -END {
243 | - print "\n\n;;;\n\
244 | -;;; And now for something completely different ...\n\
245 | -(emit-unix-errors)\n\
246 | -"
247 | -}
248 | - |
1 | +#! /bin/sh
2 | + |
3 | +# Generates the contents of the file code/unix-errno.lisp. The args
4 | +# to this script, if supplied, must be a list of files containing the
5 | +# definitions of all the Unix errno values.
6 | +#
7 | + |
8 | +# The header was copied from code/unix.lisp. This includes all the
9 | +# support code for DEF-UNIX-ERROR and for all OSes that don't use the
10 | +# awk script to create the DEF-UNIX-ERROR forms.
11 | +#
12 | +cat <<EOF
13 | +;;; -*- Package: UNIX -*-
14 | +;;;
15 | +;;; **********************************************************************
16 | +;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
17 | +;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
18 | +;;;
19 | +(ext:file-comment
20 | + "$Header: src/code/unix-errno.lisp $")
21 | +;;;
22 | +;;; **********************************************************************
23 | +;;;
24 | +;;; This file contains the UNIX low-level support, just enough to run
25 | +;;; CMUCL.
26 | +;;;
27 | +(in-package "UNIX")
28 | +(intl:textdomain "cmucl-unix")
29 | + |
30 | +;;;; Errno stuff.
31 | +(eval-when (compile eval)
32 | + |
33 | +(defparameter *compiler-unix-errors* nil)
34 | + |
35 | +(defmacro def-unix-error (name number &optional description)
36 | + "Define a constant named Name corresponding to the Unix errno value
37 | + Number. A description of the errno is optional in Description."
38 | + \`(progn
39 | + (eval-when (compile eval)
40 | + (push (cons ,number ,description) *compiler-unix-errors*))
41 | + (defconstant ,name ,number ,description)
42 | + (export ',name)))
43 | + |
44 | +(defmacro emit-unix-errors ()
45 | + (let* ((max (apply #'max (mapcar #'car *compiler-unix-errors*)))
46 | + (array (make-array (1+ max) :initial-element nil)))
47 | + (dolist (error *compiler-unix-errors*)
48 | + (setf (svref array (car error)) (cdr error)))
49 | + \`(progn
50 | + (defvar *unix-errors* ',array)
51 | + (declaim (simple-vector *unix-errors*)))))
52 | + |
53 | +) ;eval-when
54 | + |
55 | +;;;
56 | +;;; From <errno.h>
57 | +;;;
58 | +(def-unix-error ESUCCESS 0 _N"Successful")
59 | +#-linux
60 | +(progn
61 | +(def-unix-error EPERM 1 _N"Operation not permitted")
62 | +(def-unix-error ENOENT 2 _N"No such file or directory")
63 | +(def-unix-error ESRCH 3 _N"No such process")
64 | +(def-unix-error EINTR 4 _N"Interrupted system call")
65 | +(def-unix-error EIO 5 _N"I/O error")
66 | +(def-unix-error ENXIO 6 _N"Device not configured")
67 | +(def-unix-error E2BIG 7 _N"Arg list too long")
68 | +(def-unix-error ENOEXEC 8 _N"Exec format error")
69 | +(def-unix-error EBADF 9 _N"Bad file descriptor")
70 | +(def-unix-error ECHILD 10 _N"No child process")
71 | +)
72 | +#+bsd(def-unix-error EDEADLK 11 _N"Resource deadlock avoided")
73 | +#-(or bsd linux) (def-unix-error EAGAIN 11 #-linux _N"No more processes" #+linux _N"Try again")
74 | +#-linux
75 | +(progn
76 | +(def-unix-error ENOMEM 12 _N"Out of memory")
77 | +(def-unix-error EACCES 13 _N"Permission denied")
78 | +(def-unix-error EFAULT 14 _N"Bad address")
79 | +(def-unix-error ENOTBLK 15 _N"Block device required")
80 | +(def-unix-error EBUSY 16 _N"Device or resource busy")
81 | +(def-unix-error EEXIST 17 _N"File exists")
82 | +(def-unix-error EXDEV 18 _N"Cross-device link")
83 | +(def-unix-error ENODEV 19 _N"No such device")
84 | +(def-unix-error ENOTDIR 20 _N"Not a director")
85 | +(def-unix-error EISDIR 21 _N"Is a directory")
86 | +(def-unix-error EINVAL 22 _N"Invalid argument")
87 | +(def-unix-error ENFILE 23 _N"File table overflow")
88 | +(def-unix-error EMFILE 24 _N"Too many open files")
89 | +(def-unix-error ENOTTY 25 _N"Inappropriate ioctl for device")
90 | +(def-unix-error ETXTBSY 26 _N"Text file busy")
91 | +(def-unix-error EFBIG 27 _N"File too large")
92 | +(def-unix-error ENOSPC 28 _N"No space left on device")
93 | +(def-unix-error ESPIPE 29 _N"Illegal seek")
94 | +(def-unix-error EROFS 30 _N"Read-only file system")
95 | +(def-unix-error EMLINK 31 _N"Too many links")
96 | +(def-unix-error EPIPE 32 _N"Broken pipe")
97 | +;;;
98 | +;;; Math
99 | +(def-unix-error EDOM 33 _N"Numerical argument out of domain")
100 | +(def-unix-error ERANGE 34 #-linux _N"Result too large" #+linux _N"Math result not representable")
101 | +)
102 | +;;;
103 | +#-(or linux svr4)
104 | +(progn
105 | +;;; non-blocking and interrupt i/o
106 | +(def-unix-error EWOULDBLOCK 35 _N"Operation would block")
107 | +#-bsd(def-unix-error EDEADLK 35 _N"Operation would block") ; Ditto
108 | +#+bsd(def-unix-error EAGAIN 35 _N"Resource temporarily unavailable")
109 | +(def-unix-error EINPROGRESS 36 _N"Operation now in progress")
110 | +(def-unix-error EALREADY 37 _N"Operation already in progress")
111 | +;;;
112 | +;;; ipc/network software
113 | +(def-unix-error ENOTSOCK 38 _N"Socket operation on non-socket")
114 | +(def-unix-error EDESTADDRREQ 39 _N"Destination address required")
115 | +(def-unix-error EMSGSIZE 40 _N"Message too long")
116 | +(def-unix-error EPROTOTYPE 41 _N"Protocol wrong type for socket")
117 | +(def-unix-error ENOPROTOOPT 42 _N"Protocol not available")
118 | +(def-unix-error EPROTONOSUPPORT 43 _N"Protocol not supported")
119 | +(def-unix-error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 44 _N"Socket type not supported")
120 | +(def-unix-error EOPNOTSUPP 45 _N"Operation not supported on socket")
121 | +(def-unix-error EPFNOSUPPORT 46 _N"Protocol family not supported")
122 | +(def-unix-error EAFNOSUPPORT 47 _N"Address family not supported by protocol family")
123 | +(def-unix-error EADDRINUSE 48 _N"Address already in use")
124 | +(def-unix-error EADDRNOTAVAIL 49 _N"Can't assign requested address")
125 | +;;;
126 | +;;; operational errors
127 | +(def-unix-error ENETDOWN 50 _N"Network is down")
128 | +(def-unix-error ENETUNREACH 51 _N"Network is unreachable")
129 | +(def-unix-error ENETRESET 52 _N"Network dropped connection on reset")
130 | +(def-unix-error ECONNABORTED 53 _N"Software caused connection abort")
131 | +(def-unix-error ECONNRESET 54 _N"Connection reset by peer")
132 | +(def-unix-error ENOBUFS 55 _N"No buffer space available")
133 | +(def-unix-error EISCONN 56 _N"Socket is already connected")
134 | +(def-unix-error ENOTCONN 57 _N"Socket is not connected")
135 | +(def-unix-error ESHUTDOWN 58 _N"Can't send after socket shutdown")
136 | +(def-unix-error ETOOMANYREFS 59 _N"Too many references: can't splice")
137 | +(def-unix-error ETIMEDOUT 60 _N"Connection timed out")
138 | +(def-unix-error ECONNREFUSED 61 _N"Connection refused")
139 | +;;;
140 | +(def-unix-error ELOOP 62 _N"Too many levels of symbolic links")
141 | +(def-unix-error ENAMETOOLONG 63 _N"File name too long")
142 | +;;;
143 | +(def-unix-error EHOSTDOWN 64 _N"Host is down")
144 | +(def-unix-error EHOSTUNREACH 65 _N"No route to host")
145 | +(def-unix-error ENOTEMPTY 66 _N"Directory not empty")
146 | +;;;
147 | +;;; quotas & resource
148 | +(def-unix-error EPROCLIM 67 _N"Too many processes")
149 | +(def-unix-error EUSERS 68 _N"Too many users")
150 | +(def-unix-error EDQUOT 69 _N"Disc quota exceeded")
151 | +;;;
152 | +;;; CMU RFS
153 | +(def-unix-error ELOCAL 126 _N"namei should continue locally")
154 | +(def-unix-error EREMOTE 127 _N"namei was handled remotely")
155 | +;;;
156 | +;;; VICE
157 | +(def-unix-error EVICEERR 70 _N"Remote file system error _N")
158 | +(def-unix-error EVICEOP 71 _N"syscall was handled by Vice")
159 | +)
160 | +#+svr4
161 | +(progn
162 | +(def-unix-error ENOMSG 35 _N"No message of desired type")
163 | +(def-unix-error EIDRM 36 _N"Identifier removed")
164 | +(def-unix-error ECHRNG 37 _N"Channel number out of range")
165 | +(def-unix-error EL2NSYNC 38 _N"Level 2 not synchronized")
166 | +(def-unix-error EL3HLT 39 _N"Level 3 halted")
167 | +(def-unix-error EL3RST 40 _N"Level 3 reset")
168 | +(def-unix-error ELNRNG 41 _N"Link number out of range")
169 | +(def-unix-error EUNATCH 42 _N"Protocol driver not attached")
170 | +(def-unix-error ENOCSI 43 _N"No CSI structure available")
171 | +(def-unix-error EL2HLT 44 _N"Level 2 halted")
172 | +(def-unix-error EDEADLK 45 _N"Deadlock situation detected/avoided")
173 | +(def-unix-error ENOLCK 46 _N"No record locks available")
174 | +(def-unix-error ECANCELED 47 _N"Error 47")
175 | +(def-unix-error ENOTSUP 48 _N"Error 48")
176 | +(def-unix-error EBADE 50 _N"Bad exchange descriptor")
177 | +(def-unix-error EBADR 51 _N"Bad request descriptor")
178 | +(def-unix-error EXFULL 52 _N"Message tables full")
179 | +(def-unix-error ENOANO 53 _N"Anode table overflow")
180 | +(def-unix-error EBADRQC 54 _N"Bad request code")
181 | +(def-unix-error EBADSLT 55 _N"Invalid slot")
182 | +(def-unix-error EDEADLOCK 56 _N"File locking deadlock")
183 | +(def-unix-error EBFONT 57 _N"Bad font file format")
184 | +(def-unix-error ENOSTR 60 _N"Not a stream device")
185 | +(def-unix-error ENODATA 61 _N"No data available")
186 | +(def-unix-error ETIME 62 _N"Timer expired")
187 | +(def-unix-error ENOSR 63 _N"Out of stream resources")
188 | +(def-unix-error ENONET 64 _N"Machine is not on the network")
189 | +(def-unix-error ENOPKG 65 _N"Package not installed")
190 | +(def-unix-error EREMOTE 66 _N"Object is remote")
191 | +(def-unix-error ENOLINK 67 _N"Link has been severed")
192 | +(def-unix-error EADV 68 _N"Advertise error")
193 | +(def-unix-error ESRMNT 69 _N"Srmount error")
194 | +(def-unix-error ECOMM 70 _N"Communication error on send")
195 | +(def-unix-error EPROTO 71 _N"Protocol error")
196 | +(def-unix-error EMULTIHOP 74 _N"Multihop attempted")
197 | +(def-unix-error EBADMSG 77 _N"Not a data message")
198 | +(def-unix-error ENAMETOOLONG 78 _N"File name too long")
199 | +(def-unix-error EOVERFLOW 79 _N"Value too large for defined data type")
200 | +(def-unix-error ENOTUNIQ 80 _N"Name not unique on network")
201 | +(def-unix-error EBADFD 81 _N"File descriptor in bad state")
202 | +(def-unix-error EREMCHG 82 _N"Remote address changed")
203 | +(def-unix-error ELIBACC 83 _N"Can not access a needed shared library")
204 | +(def-unix-error ELIBBAD 84 _N"Accessing a corrupted shared library")
205 | +(def-unix-error ELIBSCN 85 _N".lib section in a.out corrupted")
206 | +(def-unix-error ELIBMAX 86 _N"Attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit")
207 | +(def-unix-error ELIBEXEC 87 _N"Can not exec a shared library directly")
208 | +(def-unix-error EILSEQ 88 _N"Error 88")
209 | +(def-unix-error ENOSYS 89 _N"Operation not applicable")
210 | +(def-unix-error ELOOP 90 _N"Number of symbolic links encountered during path name traversal exceeds MAXSYMLINKS")
211 | +(def-unix-error ERESTART 91 _N"Error 91")
212 | +(def-unix-error ESTRPIPE 92 _N"Error 92")
213 | +(def-unix-error ENOTEMPTY 93 _N"Directory not empty")
214 | +(def-unix-error EUSERS 94 _N"Too many users")
215 | +(def-unix-error ENOTSOCK 95 _N"Socket operation on non-socket")
216 | +(def-unix-error EDESTADDRREQ 96 _N"Destination address required")
217 | +(def-unix-error EMSGSIZE 97 _N"Message too long")
218 | +(def-unix-error EPROTOTYPE 98 _N"Protocol wrong type for socket")
219 | +(def-unix-error ENOPROTOOPT 99 _N"Option not supported by protocol")
220 | +(def-unix-error EPROTONOSUPPORT 120 _N"Protocol not supported")
221 | +(def-unix-error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 121 _N"Socket type not supported")
222 | +(def-unix-error EOPNOTSUPP 122 _N"Operation not supported on transport endpoint")
223 | +(def-unix-error EPFNOSUPPORT 123 _N"Protocol family not supported")
224 | +(def-unix-error EAFNOSUPPORT 124 _N"Address family not supported by protocol family")
225 | +(def-unix-error EADDRINUSE 125 _N"Address already in use")
226 | +(def-unix-error EADDRNOTAVAIL 126 _N"Cannot assign requested address")
227 | +(def-unix-error ENETDOWN 127 _N"Network is down")
228 | +(def-unix-error ENETUNREACH 128 _N"Network is unreachable")
229 | +(def-unix-error ENETRESET 129 _N"Network dropped connection because of reset")
230 | +(def-unix-error ECONNABORTED 130 _N"Software caused connection abort")
231 | +(def-unix-error ECONNRESET 131 _N"Connection reset by peer")
232 | +(def-unix-error ENOBUFS 132 _N"No buffer space available")
233 | +(def-unix-error EISCONN 133 _N"Transport endpoint is already connected")
234 | +(def-unix-error ENOTCONN 134 _N"Transport endpoint is not connected")
235 | +(def-unix-error ESHUTDOWN 143 _N"Cannot send after socket shutdown")
236 | +(def-unix-error ETOOMANYREFS 144 _N"Too many references: cannot splice")
237 | +(def-unix-error ETIMEDOUT 145 _N"Connection timed out")
238 | +(def-unix-error ECONNREFUSED 146 _N"Connection refused")
239 | +(def-unix-error EHOSTDOWN 147 _N"Host is down")
240 | +(def-unix-error EHOSTUNREACH 148 _N"No route to host")
241 | +(def-unix-error EWOULDBLOCK 11 _N"Resource temporarily unavailable")
242 | +(def-unix-error EALREADY 149 _N"Operation already in progress")
243 | +(def-unix-error EINPROGRESS 150 _N"Operation now in progress")
244 | +(def-unix-error ESTALE 151 _N"Stale NFS file handle")
245 | +)
246 | + |
247 | +;;; Auto-generated forms, if any.
248 | +EOF
249 | + |
250 | +# Create appropriate DEF-UNIX-ERROR forms by reading header files
251 | +# containing the C definitions.
252 | +awk '/^#define[ \t]+(E[A-Z0-9]+)[ \t]+([A-Z0-9]+).*$/ {
253 | + printf "(def-unix-error %s %s)\n", $2, $3;
254 | +}' "$@"
255 | + |
256 | +# The tail was also copied from code/unix.lisp. It's needed to tell
257 | +# Lisp about the errno values.
258 | +cat <<EOF
259 | +;;; End auto-generated forms, if any.
260 | + |
261 | +;;;
262 | +;;; And now for something completely different ...
263 | +(emit-unix-errors)
264 | +EOF |
... | ... | @@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ case `uname -s` in |
90 | 90 | ;;
91 | 91 | esac
92 | 92 | |
93 | -awk -f bin/create-errno.awk ${ERRNO_FILES} > src/code/unix-errno.lisp
93 | +#awk -f bin/create-errno.awk ${ERRNO_FILES} > src/code/unix-errno.lisp
94 | +bin/create-errno.sh ${ERRNO_FILES} > src/code/unix-errno.lisp
94 | 95 | |
95 | 96 | echo cross boot = $CROSSBOOT
96 | 97 | $LISP "$@" -noinit -nositeinit <<EOF