Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl


1 changed file:


  • tests/fdlibm.lisp
    --- a/tests/fdlibm.lisp
    +++ b/tests/fdlibm.lisp
    @@ -14,6 +14,15 @@
       (kernel:make-double-float #x7ff00000 1)
       "A randon signaling MaN value")
    +(defmacro with-inexact-exception-enabled (&body body)
    +  (let ((old-modes (gensym "OLD-MODES-")))
    +    `(let ((,old-modes (ext:get-floating-point-modes)))
    +       (unwind-protect
    +	    (progn
    +	      (ext:set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:inexact))
    +	      ,@body)
    +	 (apply 'ext:set-floating-point-modes ,old-modes)))))
     (define-test %cosh.exceptions
       (:tag :fdlibm)
       (assert-error 'floating-point-overflow
    @@ -285,10 +294,20 @@
         (:tag :fdlibm)
       (assert-eql -0d0 (asinh -0d0))
       (assert-eql 0d0 (asinh 0d0))
    -  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -29)))
    +  (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -29))
    +	(x0 0d0))
         ;; asinh(x) = x for x < 2^-28
         (assert-eql x (asinh x))
    -    (assert-eql (- x) (asinh (- x))))
    +    (assert-eql (- x) (asinh (- x)))
    +    (with-inexact-exception-enabled
    +	;; This must not throw an inexact exception because the result
    +	;; is exact when the arg is 0.
    +	(assert-eql 0d0 (asinh x0)))
    +    (with-inexact-exception-enabled
    +	;; This must throw an inexact exception for non-zero x even
    +	;; though the result is exactly x.
    +	(assert-error 'floating-point-inexact
    +		      (asinh x))))
       (let ((x (scale-float 1d0 -28)))
         ;; Case 2 > |x| >= 2^-28
         (assert-eql 3.725290298461914d-9 (asinh x))