Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-97-define-ud2-inst at cmucl / cmucl
Commits: 73ea938d by Raymond Toy at 2021-04-10T10:32:26-07:00 Forgot to print out the code for the unexpected trap
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1 changed file:
- src/compiler/x86/insts.lisp
===================================== src/compiler/x86/insts.lisp ===================================== @@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ (nt #.(format nil "Trap ~D: Function end breakpoint trap" vm:function-end-breakpoint-trap))) (t - (nt #.(format nil "Trap ~D: Unexpected trap type!!!!" ))))))) + (nt #.(format nil "Trap ~D: Unexpected trap type!!!!" code)))))))
;; The ud1 instruction where we smash the code (trap type) into the ;; low 6 bits of the mod r/m byte. The mod bits are set to #b11 to
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/73ea938d5b32c7bf2069c694...