Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-316-support-roundtrip-char-casing at cmucl / cmucl Commits: 834b3092 by Raymond Toy at 2024-05-16T16:48:00-07:00 Update string-upcase/downcase to match char-upcase/downcase Because char-upcase/downcase changed, we need to update string-upcase/downcase to match what the functions do. - - - - - 1 changed file: - src/code/string.lisp Changes: ===================================== src/code/string.lisp ===================================== @@ -642,9 +642,13 @@ (when wide (incf index)) ;; Handle ASCII specially because this is called early in ;; initialization, before unidata is available. + #+nil (cond ((< 96 code 123) (decf code 32)) #+unicode ((> code 127) (setq code (unicode-upper code)))) + (if wide + (setq code (unicode-upper code)) + (setf code (char-code (char-upcase (code-char code))))) ;;@@ WARNING: this may, in theory, need to extend newstring ;; but that never actually occurs as of Unicode 5.1.0, ;; so I'm just going to ignore it for now... @@ -684,8 +688,12 @@ (when wide (incf index)) ;; Handle ASCII specially because this is called early in ;; initialization, before unidata is available. + #+nil (cond ((< 64 code 91) (incf code 32)) ((> code 127) (setq code (unicode-lower code)))) + (if wide + (setq code (unicode-lower code)) + (setq code (char-code (char-downcase (code-char code))))) ;;@@ WARNING: this may, in theory, need to extend newstring ;; but that never actually occurs as of Unicode 5.1.0, ;; so I'm just going to ignore it for now... View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/834b3092d9e2f122f1b858c6... -- This project does not include diff previews in email notifications. View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/834b3092d9e2f122f1b858c6... You're receiving this email because of your account on gitlab.common-lisp.net.
participants (1)
Raymond Toy (@rtoy)