#27: Trace bug on Darwin/x86 --------------------+------------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rtoy | Owner: rtoy Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: Core | Version: 2008-11 Keywords: | --------------------+------------------------------------------------------- This bit of code causes a bug in tracing on Darwin/x86: {{{ (defun call-fact-acc (x) (let ((r (multiple-value-list (fact-acc x)))) (values-list r))) (defun fact-acc (x) (labels ((f (x accum) (if (zerop x) accum (f (1- x) (* x accum))))) (f x 1))) (trace fact-acc) }}} Then {{{(call-fact-acc 4)}}} causes a segfault and you can't even get back to the repl. This bug is fixed in CVS, but I'm recording this simple test case here. -- Ticket URL: <> cmucl <http://common-lisp.net/project/cmucl> cmucl