#83: (reverse "") signals an error ---------------------+------------------------------------------------------ Reporter: rtoy | Owner: somebody Type: defect | Status: closed Priority: major | Milestone: Component: Core | Version: 2013-05 Resolution: fixed | Keywords: ---------------------+------------------------------------------------------ Changes (by toy.raymond@…): * status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed Comment: commit 78cce51df441b220c071024fb5e616f1928184dd Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond@gmail.com> Date: Sat May 18 17:44:02 2013 -0700 Fix ticket:81 and fix ticket:83. From ticket 81, the tests are now: {{{ (time (prog1 t (time-rev *s*))) ; Evaluation took: ; 0.49 seconds of real time ; 0.481813 seconds of user run time ; 0.003624 seconds of system run time ; 1,490,776,936 CPU cycles ; [Run times include 0.13 seconds GC run time] ; 0 page faults and ; 200,073,704 bytes consed. (time (prog1 t (time-rev *s2*))) ; Evaluation took: ; 0.97 seconds of real time ; 0.965893 seconds of user run time ; 0.005139 seconds of system run time ; 2,980,415,911 CPU cycles ; [Run times include 0.23 seconds GC run time] ; 0 page faults and ; 400,005,560 bytes consed. }}} So the new string-reverse* is 20 times faster for strings without surrogates and 10 times faster for strings containing only surrogates. -- Ticket URL: <http://trac.common-lisp.net/cmucl/ticket/83#comment:1> cmucl <http://common-lisp.net/project/cmucl> Cmucl is a high-performance, free Common Lisp implementation.