On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 01:38:13PM +0400, Stas Boukarev wrote:
"John J. Foerch" <jjfoerch@earthlink.net> writes:
I ran into some trouble trying to instantiate a QWebView in a little test app. I'm using Qt 4.7 and SBCL on a Debian testing (wheezy) system. Here is the distilled code that produces the error:
(in-package :qt-user) (qt:enable-syntax) (ensure-smoke :qtwebkit) (setf qt-user:*application* (qt:make-qapplication "-display" ":0")) (defvar *window* (#_new QWidget)) (defvar *webview* (#_new QWebView *window*))
The error:
The value NIL is not of type (UNSIGNED-BYTE 22). [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] Try commonqt from this branch: http://gitorious.org/commonqt/commonqt/commits/qwebview-fix
Hi Stas, The qwebview-fix branch works perfectly. Thank you! Are there other issues with this branch that prevent it from being merged into master? Another question.. in the README of your cl-qt-web-browser, it says that the version of commonqt on your github is required. Is this still true, and if so, are there plans to merge whatever fixes this branch has? Thank you, -- John Foerch