Am Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015 11:06 CET, Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> schrieb:
Am Dienstag, den 29. Dezember 2015 um 01:53:57 Uhr (+0300) schrieb Ivan Shvedunov:
When it worked it was enough to do (ql:quickload 'qt-repl) (qt-repl:start-gui-thread)
On sbcl/Linux I get:
CL-USER> (qt-repl:start-gui-thread) WARNING: Cannot initialize *SLIME-REPL-EVAL-HOOKS*, use (eval-in-gui-thread ...) form. ; No value CL-USER>
In the #'start-gui-thread function the call to
(find-symbol "*SLIME-REPL-EVAL-HOOKS*" "SWANK") returns NIL,NIL
Am I doing something wrong?
Hi Orm, you are almost there :-) The qt-repl code unfotunately depends on 'wank-listener-hooks.lisp' which can be found in slime's contrib irectory (but, alas, can't be loaded with slime-setup ...). Load this file and qt-repl:start-gui-thread will work. Nota Bene: while this will give you a working repl whike Qt's event loop runs (i.e. after a call to #_exec) you still need to be careful about wht Qt call you make. Hope that helps RalfD