I still have problems with qt-repl and qt: As expected, running the following code in qt works fine, but the repl is blocked until the window is closed: (ql:quickload "qt") (in-package :qt) (let* ((app (make-qapplication))) (with-objects ((window (#_new QWidget))) (#_setGeometry window 0 0 300 200) (#_setWindowTitle window "TestWindow") (#_show window) (#_exec app))) Trying the same code in the qt-repl doesn't show the window: (ql:quickload "qt-repl") (in-package :qt-repl) (start-gui-thread) (let* ((app (make-qapplication))) (with-objects ((window (#_new QWidget))) (#_setGeometry window 0 0 300 200) (#_setWindowTitle window "TestWindow") (#_show window) (#_exec app))) ---- On the other hand, opening a window using an external ui file works fine from the qt-repl: (ql:quickload "qt-repl") (in-package :qt-repl) (start-gui-thread) (ensure-smoke :qtuitools) (let* ((app (make-qapplication)) (pathname "/home/orm/work/programmieren/lisp/ui-design/mainwindow.ui") (ui-loader (#_new QUiLoader)) (ui-file (#_new QFile pathname)) (toplevel (#_load ui-loader (progn (#_open ui-file (#_QFile::ReadOnly)) ui-file)))) (#_close ui-file) (#_delete ui-loader) (#_show toplevel) (#_exec app)) Does anybody know what I'm missing? -- Orm