Hello there .. I am running linux mint 14 (64 bit) and clozure (ccl 1.9-r15972M), and have just installed commonqt, as well as many non-lisp necessities on the qt side. I am a tad stuck in trying to use commonqt, and would appreciate a pointer to assistance. (1) In trying to run the example pointed to on the page http://common-lisp.net/project/commonqt/#main-window as the lisp version of the currency-conversion code, and thus in a package which apparently references qt, in a fresh ccl I am told that there is no with-main-window function. This string is also referred to as a macro on the above page. It would seem that I am missing it, so a pointer to its definition would be helpful. (2) Way down in a git clone, where commonqt lives, there is a test subdirectory containing 3 files, one of which is package.lisp which holds only this definition: (defpackage :qt-tests (:use :cl :rt :qt :iterate)) The package qt-tests is the one within which the tests.lisp code is to run. Issuing the above defpackage -> Error There is no package named "RT" so, again, I seem stuck for lack of knowledge. Thanks for any and all assistance. Cheers /Greg Bennett