From the QT 5 qapplication doc, for any gui app using QT, there is precisely one qapplication object, no matter whether the application has 0, 1, 2 or more Windows at any given time. Last time I looked, qapplication was a Singleton, iirc. On Dec 28, 2015 2:32 PM, "Stas Boukarev" <stassats@gmail.com> wrote:
Just use multiple threads.
On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 9:45 PM, Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> wrote:
I'm looking for a common lisp tool to open multiple gui windows on the fly from the repl for realtime musical applications, like synth modules or graphs for displaying waveforms with cursors moving above them.
I haven't found any documentation on this, but my tests seem to indicate that a commonqt application blocks the repl and only one qtapplication can be run at a time.
Is there an easy solution for this? I have used mcclim before and it was possible there as every application-frame has its own repl, but I fear mcclim doesn't have the same performance as qt.
-- Orm
-- With best regards, Stas.