Dear all, I've just successfully installed CommonQt on Windows XP, and is able to run both qt-conv and tutorial-14. However, I have two questions. 1. In qt-conv example, if I run (main t) instead of (main), I got "Class not found: QApplication" error. But when i type (find-qclass "QApplication" t) in REPL, i got 1796. 2. in tutorial-14 example, I had to comment out two lines: ;(with-objects ((rect (#_new QRect -35 -35 70 70))) ; (#_drawPie painter rect 0 (* 90 16))) Otherwise I'll get: #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {23DA8A69}>: No applicable method drawPie found on #<QPainter 0x021705D0> with arguments (# <QRect 0x02174AB8> 0 ( * 90 16)) I'm using Qt 4.8.5 library for vs2008 and compiled smokegen/smokeqt with vs2008 express (without SP1) I used quicklisp to install commonqt yesterday, and is running qt-conv this way (ommited the output of the first 2 commands): E:\>sbcl * (require 'qt) * (load "qt-conv.lisp") * (qt-conv:main t) debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {23DA8A69}>: Class not found: QApplication Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL. restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name): 0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level. (QT:FIND-QCLASS "QApplication" T) 0] 0 * (qt-conv:main) ;; then no error occurred. qt-conv will run perfectly Thanks in advance! - Rujia