"John J. Foerch" <jjfoerch@earthlink.net> writes:
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 01:38:13PM +0400, Stas Boukarev wrote:
"John J. Foerch" <jjfoerch@earthlink.net> writes:
I ran into some trouble trying to instantiate a QWebView in a little test app. I'm using Qt 4.7 and SBCL on a Debian testing (wheezy) system. Here is the distilled code that produces the error:
(in-package :qt-user) (qt:enable-syntax) (ensure-smoke :qtwebkit) (setf qt-user:*application* (qt:make-qapplication "-display" ":0")) (defvar *window* (#_new QWidget)) (defvar *webview* (#_new QWebView *window*))
The error:
The value NIL is not of type (UNSIGNED-BYTE 22). [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] Try commonqt from this branch: http://gitorious.org/commonqt/commonqt/commits/qwebview-fix
Hi Stas,
The qwebview-fix branch works perfectly. Thank you! Are there other issues with this branch that prevent it from being merged into master? I don't remember why David didn't commit it into the master, but I hope he does remember.
Another question.. in the README of your cl-qt-web-browser, it says that the version of commonqt on your github is required. Is this still true, and if so, are there plans to merge whatever fixes this branch has? That branch is basically some of my changes plus the qwebview-fix, I think only qwebview-fix is really required for webkit.
-- With best regards, Stas.