Rujia Liu <rujia.liu@gmail.com> writes:
I've create a QMessageBox and tried to use clickedButton() to determine which button is clicked, like illustrated in QMessageBox::clickedButton ()'s document.
My function:
(defun yes-no-cancel-dialog (text informative-text yes-text no-text cancel-text) (with-objects ((message-box (#_new QMessageBox))) (#_setText message-box text) (#_setInformativeText message-box informative-text) (let ((yes-button (#_addButton message-box yes-text (#_QMessageBox::YesRole))) (no-button (#_addButton message-box no-text (#_QMessageBox::NoRole))) (cancel-button (#_addButton message-box cancel-text (#_QMessageBox::RejectRole))) (clicked-button)) (#_exec message-box) (setf clicked-button (#_clickedButton message-box)) (format t "clicked:~A~%" (#_clickedButton message-box)) (format t "clicked:~A~%" yes-button) (format t "clicked:~A~%" no-button) (format t "clicked:~A~%" cancel-button) (cond ((eq clicked-button yes-button) :yes) ((eq clicked-button no-button) :no) ((eq clicked-button cancel-button) :cancel) (t nil)))))
When I click "yes" button, I can see something like:
clicked:#<QPushButton 0x02003E18> clicked:#<QPushButton 0x02003E18> clicked:#<QPushButton 0x02004098> clicked:#<QPushButton 0x02004428>
I tried eq, eql, equal and equalp, none of them return t when comparing clicked-button with yes-button. What can I do to compare two pointers? Ok, should be fixed in git.
-- With best regards, Stas.