I've checked-out commonqt yesterday, and I noticed it no longer supports the QGLWidget (`(#_new QGLWidget)` returns error: "there is no class named NIL"). It worked with commit 8d671ad69 (31. Jan. 2010). Is the QGLWidget no longer supported?
Kind regards, Thomas K
Hi there,
Quoting Thomas Karolski (thomas.karolski@googlemail.com):
I've checked-out commonqt yesterday, and I noticed it no longer supports the QGLWidget (`(#_new QGLWidget)` returns error: "there is no class named NIL"). It worked with commit 8d671ad69 (31. Jan. 2010). Is the QGLWidget no longer supported?
although I haven't used QGLWidget yet, it's probably just not loaded.
Upstream kdebindings is currently undergoing the split of a monolithic qt smoke library into several little modules.
With CommonQt that means that you need to load each of the modules as needed:
(qt:ensure-smoke :qtcore) (qt:ensure-smoke :qtgui) (qt:ensure-smoke :qtopengl) etc.